One Sword to Immortality

642. Wanshou Birthday Conference (3)

King Locust and Yu Liu got the eldest son of King Hunhai, the great demon named Prince Hunhai, and entered the Ku Kong Sea. From a distance, they saw dozens of layers of white clouds floating and countless banquets lined up. 【】

Yu Liu gave an order, and Xiao Yu'er turned into a fat little demon and squatted in front of the master. Yu Liu laughed and said: "Prince Hunhai, His Highness the King has brought many gifts this time, so let's settle the matter."

Prince Hun Hai was passed down by his father, and he was quite tolerant, without any domineering appearance. He immediately smiled and said: "His Royal Highness is really polite, thanks to the two uncles coming, it is very hard, I will accept the gift myself, and I will Father and son also return gifts, please first invite the two uncles and their men to the table!"

The Locust King took out hundreds of fighting beasts from Xiao Yu'er's belly and gave a detailed explanation. Prince Hunhai's eyes suddenly lit up. He originally wanted to just keep these gifts in his father's warehouse. Anyway, the Hunhai Wang family has a great business, and as the Hunhai Crown Prince, he doesn't really care about these belongings. But the fighting beast was so wonderful that he immediately didn't want to put it into the public treasury. After accepting these gifts, he kept them privately and planned to use them to win favors in the future.

Prince Hunhai also got a fighting beast and tried it for a while. He was very happy and exchanged contact information with Yu Liu, Locust King and others. There were quite a few earthlings who scanned WeChat QR codes for each other at the banquet. Familiarity.

Prince Hunhai accepted such a satisfactory gift and naturally reciprocated the favor by arranging the best banquet for Yu Liu and the Locust King. These clouds were all a treasure refining skill that King Hunhai learned when he was practicing Bi Bo. These clouds have been refined using this method, but they have no use at ordinary times. Apart from serving as ceremonial guards, they are used to transport their children, and they are used to set up banquets.

Each cloud is several acres, or even dozens of acres in size, and can accommodate dozens or hundreds of people. There are also enchanting female fairies and handsome boys who serve them. Although most of them are complete with heads and tails, there are still some traces of monsters. But it's still pretty good.

Yu Liu and King Locust sat down at their own banquets respectively. Their clouds were specially selected by Prince Hunhai. They were much larger than elsewhere. There were more monsters serving them, and dozens of tables were lined up at the banquet. Everyone who comes to peruse can sit comfortably.

Even Sun Wuquan felt happy and said in a low voice: "My father's name is so resounding that even King Hunhai is willing to give us some good treatment."

Sun Wuwei, Sun Wuzha, Sun Qixiu and others did not pay attention to him. Even Pei Li and Pei Qing were unwilling to greet the young prince. They had received many teachings and now their cultivation levels were not bad, and they had made breakthroughs on their own. The demon king has also practiced the Xuan Mizhu transformation, and he is no longer the original little demon.

Ling Dang'er was even more disdainful. She was the granddaughter of Emperor Wen Zhong and was of noble birth. Why would she care about the incompetent son of a Marquis of Zhenjiang?

As for the other monsters who came, they were all high-status characters under Xu Zuo.

For example, the five boys and girls in white clothes, three boys and two girls, were the five white dragons that Xu had subdued, and the seven handsome boys in yellow shirts were the seven little yellow dragons. The other twelve young men and women in black clothes are a nest of twelve black beasts. They are all latent cultivators of the Canghai Dragon Formation, and they were born with the level of demon general.

Under the training of Xu Liao, these little dragons have practiced their own magical powers, such as a few white dragons, some have practiced the transformation of the jade tripod, and some have practiced the magical powers of the Qinglong clan. They each practice different methods, but now that they are all born, their magic power Much deeper.

These little dragons were ranked seventh to thirty-first after Yu Liu, and they were all promised disciples.

These twenty-odd little dragons, trained by Xu Zuo, have arrogant eyes and are trained as demon generals themselves. How can they look down on a rich kid like Sun Wuquan who is not even a demon king?

Others didn't bother to talk about him. Yaomei, the youngest among the five white dragons, couldn't help snorting coldly and shouted: "That's because of my master's majesty, and my sixth brother is a great demon and handsome man, so he is treated like this. Otherwise, based on You guys are worthy of such hospitality!"

This white dragon spoke so bluntly that everyone in the Zhenjiang Marquis Mansion couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Although Sun Wuquan wanted to argue, he was not a fool after all. He glanced at Yu Liu, and then at these little dragons, who were numerous and powerful. The magic power is so fierce that if you dare to talk too much, you can only lower your head and dare not say anything.

Yu Liu chuckled and did not come to control these junior brothers and sisters. Xu was quite indulgent to him, so he followed suit and indulged his junior brothers and sisters a lot. He often looked after these little dragons. He also gave them guidance on how to practice, so he would not scold them at this time.

The Locust King was even more silent. He and Yu Liu were not together. Prince Hunhai divided the two of them. Originally, everyone wanted to get together, but when Bai Jiao Yaomei mocked Sun Wuquan, Sun Wuwei said Zhidou brought a group of his family to the Locust King and separated from the Ember Mountain lineage.

After the Locust King sat down, he flicked his sleeves, and six flying dragon locusts fell down. They were all his descendants. They were promised to take them, and they were also trained into yellow scarf warriors. They all had the level of demon generals, and they grinded their teeth. The golden light shines through the eyes, and the fierce power is unparalleled. Hundreds of demon kings were released to serve as servants.

The Locust King unleashed his descendants to make a great show of force. Although it was not as many as the demon generals of the Ember Mountain lineage, with hundreds of demon kings alone, the momentum was not lost.

The prestige of these two families immediately attracted the attention of the demon commanders attending the meeting. King Tahai and Xiaohe Qiantose sent their men to send several jars of fine wine as a sign of goodwill. King Locust and Yu Liu also ordered their descendants and junior brothers to send them. They offered Coca-Cola and Seven Ups brewed using ancient methods, and even presented a batch of dried fruit and dried meat produced by Sihaijiang Tuwu, as well as various snacks, which also greatly impressed King Tahai and Xiao He Qiantai.

The King of Treading the Sea knew that King Ying was now quite powerful. Originally, this conference was held because everyone heard that King Ying sent an apprentice to suppress the Locust King. Everyone was panic-stricken. This was the Wanshou Birthday Conference of King Hunhai, but Now the Locust King actually appeared on his own, which surprised all the great demons.

Seeing that the other party was showing goodwill, King Treading the Sea moved his clouds and came to the side of Yu Liu and King of Locusts. He raised his voice and shouted, "I wonder if you two would like to come over and sit down together and have a chat?"

Yu Liu immediately said: "Very good, very good!"

The Locust King also combined Yun Tou and Yu Liu. The three demon commanders each had their own thoughts, but on the surface they were quite friendly, and they chatted with each other in a high-spirited manner.

King Treading the Sea and Xiaohe Qiansui originally wanted to test the waters, but they didn’t expect that the Locust King would give up. However, Yu Liu was very knowledgeable and even seemed to know a lot about the world outside the Four Seas Territory. He talked about many ancient anecdotes. He knew them all very well, and even during the conversation, he specially sent a batch of combat beasts and demonstrated various ways of playing them, which even won the favor of the two great demons.

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