One Sword to Immortality

642. Wanshou Birthday Conference (4)

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King Treading the Sea chatted with King Locust and Yu Liu for a long time. Feeling that the atmosphere between the two parties was quite harmonious, he couldn't help but ask: "I wonder some time ago, it was said that King Ying sent a disciple to break Locust Mountain. What is the truth?"

There was no look of embarrassment on King Locust's face. He coughed lightly and said, "King Ying has taken a liking to the descendants of a certain family raised in Fei Locust Mountain and wants to use them as a base station!"

How does the Sea King know what a "base station" is? He and his wife, Xiaohe Qiansui, looked at each other in confusion, waiting for the Locust King to explain.

The Locust King immediately gave the two people some knowledge about modern communication technology, and also taught them the Xiaoba Jue, but it was mixed with the method of the Great Formation, which was quite impure.

Although the Sea King is extremely talented, he is only at the level of Demon Commander. Where can he find the all-in-one method of breaking through the Heavenly Formation? On the contrary, because of the exquisiteness of Xiaoba Jue, he was full of praise. This method can refine many fighting beasts. Originally, Sea King had obtained dozens of fighting beasts, and he was already very happy. Now when he saw that the other party was so generous and did not even hide the secret of the refining technique, he immediately regarded him as a confidant.

King Treading the Sea was always bold and generous, adhering to courtesy and reciprocity, and immediately gave many gifts in return.

The Locust King explained why his family was cared about by King Ying. The Sea King saw that there was nothing unusual about the Locust King again. He immediately felt relieved. He even felt that the Wanshou Birthday Party held by King Hunhai was too large and mobilized too many troops.

However, he didn’t feel that it was a waste to come. Firstly, the anti-kings rarely gathered together, and they rarely had any fun such as banquets by themselves. Secondly, he made friends with the Locust King and Yu Liu, which was also a good thing for him. It was a great blessing. After all, there were many demon commanders in King Ying's lineage. Unless they were the anti-kings, there was only one demon commander who supported the power and was alone.

If you can form an alliance with King Ying, even if he is conquered by the Four Seas Dragon Palace in the future, you will still have somewhere to seek help. What's more, King Ying has been tricked by the high priest and lost his orthodox position. He will never join forces with the Four Seas Dragon Palace. He is the best friend for these anti-kings. .

Some demon commanders saw the Sea King and the Locust King, and Yu Liuyan was chatting happily, so they also came closer.

The Locust King and Yu Liu did not refuse people thousands of miles away. They sent gifts separately and used various fighting beasts. Xu Li is not proficient in developing combat beasts, but there are countless monsters in Ember Mountain, and some of them are monsters that cannot be cultivated, but are specialized in developing combat beasts. Therefore, there are currently many combat beasts in the Ember Mountain lineage. The application is available for download.

For example, the fighting beasts in the Ember Mountain line now have several standard applications. The most popular one is the Ember Battlefield, a void battle game built with Ember Mountain as the scene. Every monster that enters it will You can use your magic power 100%.

At Yu Liu’s suggestion,

Several demon commanders were still reserved, but they all sent their disciples, descendants, and descendants into the Ember Battlefield to compete, which seemed to everyone to be a joke.

The entertainment industry in the Four Seas Territory has dried up. There are only some female monsters singing and dancing, and they are all old tunes. Now that there is such a novel trick, there is a lot of excitement.

After all the anti-kings who had come to the banquet had expired, and before King Hun Hai announced the start of the Wanshou birthday party, all the demon commanders were already having fun in the embers battlefield, suppressing each other and sending their generals to invite battle.

Xu Liao even specially created a ranking, dividing the arena into dozens of levels. The large levels were arranged according to demon kings and demon generals, and the small levels were arranged according to the meridians opened by refinement. It looked like a boxing match divided by weight. After all, the sports events of the earth's civilization have been honed for many years and have neat rules. Therefore, once they are launched, these monsters can't stop.

Even King Hunhai, after welcoming countless guests, was introduced by his son Prince Hunhai, and sent several of his subordinates to play in the ranking match. He was very happy for a while, and it was directly on his birthday. It was announced that a competition would be held, called the Wanshou Martial Arts Competition!

King Hun Hai was not stingy either, and even took out ten spiritual weapons as prizes, which immediately made the Wanshou Martial Arts Tournament lively.

Xu Luo was practicing in the Ember Mountain, and through the Locust King, he was able to know every move at the Wanshou Birthday Conference. He did not expect that his casual layout would have such a good effect.

Xu Luo gently stroked his chin and thought to himself: "I didn't expect that fighting beasts can have such an effect. If we can take the opportunity to promote fighting beasts and let all monsters be connected to them, with a little effort, we can The method of the Heavenly Formation is being promoted. Now my Heavenly Formation only has one million people. If there were tens of millions or hundreds of millions of people, I am afraid that three thousand years would be enough to refine the map of the Four Seas Territory."

If Xu Ruo can refine the Four Seas Territory Map and then break through to the realm of Demon Commander, he will be even more powerful than himself. This is what Yang Shuhua hopes he can do. In fact, Xu Ruo understands better that if he combines all the resources of Yuan Shen, he will be even more powerful. , I’m really not afraid of anyone anymore.

Xu Lao focused his energy, paid attention for a while, and then deduced the method again. He has now deduced the two secret cultivation methods of Dajian Tianmu and Dari Fusang, and he has gained something new. After all, these two great methods of celestial demons are contained in Among the demon nerves, the original secret is not a secret to him.

It's a pity that the East Palace is no longer in Xu's hands. Otherwise, he is confident that he can unlock the inheritance talismans inherited by the two major Wood Clan Heavenly Demons. Now he can only slowly deduce it.

The Locust King and Yu Liu made a great show at the Wanshou Birthday Party. Originally, Hunhai King was worried about whether there would be any changes after two major rebel kings got into trouble. At this time, he knew that the Locust King was not in danger and was only responding to the king's needs. He put down his worries for the sake of his men.

As for the Patrol King, he had a bad reputation and was of no importance to big monsters like them. The remnants of his army did not send anyone to attend the meeting this time, so no one cared.

On the other hand, the King of Treading the Sea was very ambitious. He mentioned this matter at the meeting and encouraged the King of Hunhai to punish the King of Patrolling the Sea for the crime of disrespect. He also volunteered and wanted to go on a crusade.

Many of the anti-kings present at the meeting knew that the King of Seawalkers wanted to swallow up the remnants of the King of Patrolling the Sea, but no one refuted it. After all, everyone guarded their lair tightly and lived a good life. With the Four Seas Territory Map on top, there was no one. If you can conquer the four seas and achieve great success, then you can just go to the sea king.

The Wanshou Birthday Party lasted for dozens of days, and all the great demons enjoyed themselves to their heart's content. When it was over, they each said goodbye to King Hunhai and left, all satisfied and in a happy mood. None of the big monsters expected that they would just have a casual meal and drink, and then they would start a new era in the Four Seas Territory.

The Sea-Treading King was also enthusiastic and invited the Locust King and Yu Liu to go with him to conquer the remnants of the Sea-Treading King. The two of them did not shirk and invited the Sea-Treading King and Xiaohe Chitose and his wife to board the Ruyi Golden Boat.

A big, fat ship carried hundreds of monsters. After leaving the Ku Kong Sea, they headed towards the depths of the sea.

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