One Sword to Immortality

643. Chi Ling'er·Taixun Mountain

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King Treading the Sea held a goblet in his hand, which contained Coca-Cola brewed three years ago, and chatted with his wife with a smile on his face.

Xiaohe Chitose sat on the soft sofa, looked out the porthole, and said to her husband: "Prince Ying is worthy of being the crown prince of the South China Sea. He actually comes up with many tricks for enjoyment. If nothing else, this big ship is very cowardly. It would be much more comfortable for us to fly on the clouds. I wonder if I could ask King Ying for one?"

King Treading the Sea laughed and said: "This is not a magic weapon, it is a secret secret taught by others. Even if you and I learn it, we will not be able to enjoy it. Besides, how can others be willing to teach it?"

Xiaohe Qiansui frowned slightly and suddenly said: "What if we send Chi Ling'er to Prince Ying's family?"

King Treading the Sea thought for a moment and said: "King Ying doesn't know this magic. This magic should be passed down by Sun Wuwang, but I don't trust Chi Ling'er to become Sun Wuwang's disciple. This guy has a mysterious origin and has mastered countless strange secret arts. , although there are two great masters, King Ying and Lan Taoshan Jiang Shang, neither of them know these spells, and even his father, Sun Zonghuan, does not understand them, and the origin is too mysterious."

Xiaohe Qiansui hesitated slightly and said: "There is nothing wrong with having a mysterious origin. Seeing him teach Yu Liu and those Xiaolong Taoist methods, he is doing his best, and he may not be an exception to our children. As long as he can learn superb magic, and Why should we care about Sun Wuwang’s origins if we can have another backer?”

The Sea King and his wife are both spiritual birds, but due to mixed bloodlines and difficulty in giving birth, they only have one child, and the bloodline is impure. No matter how they learn the magic from their parents, they are inferior. Although they work hard, it is just barely. After cultivating the Demon King, there will be no further progress.

So when Xiaohe Qiansui saw Yu Liuhe and Xu Luo's group of little yellow dragons, white dragons, and black dragons, he thought about it.

King Treading the Sea thought for a moment, and he thought it was good. He had a good impression of Yu Liu, so he immediately said: "I can go and check Yu Liu's tone. He must be able to make some decisions for Sun Wuwu. After all, he is a demon commander. .”

Xiaohe Chitose kept saying: "Go quickly, go quickly!"

King Treading the Sea gave a wry smile and left his cabin to look for Yu Liu.

Yu Liu and several junior brothers and sisters were sitting in a circle playing mahjong. Xu was not good at this skill, but occasionally taught it to a few disciples out of boredom. Unexpectedly, Yu Liu liked it very much, so he often found people to play cards with.

When the King of Treading the Sea came, he touched it himself and won three houses. He was collecting the time coins with a smile. When he saw the King of Treading the Sea coming, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and shouted: "Would you like to play a few hands too?"

King Treading the Sea hesitated for a moment and said, "That's fine!"

At that moment, a small yellow dragon got out of the way.

He asked King Treading Sea to fill his seat, and King Treading Sea fired a few rounds of cannons, and then asked: "I have a child who wants to become a disciple of your respected master. I don't know why I should accept him as a disciple?"

Yu Liu said with a smile: "If he is the young master of King Treading Sea, it is easy for him to become my master's disciple. I can teach him a method and practice it at home first. If he has any questions, he can go to Ember Mountain for advice at any time. If two If you don’t mind the simplicity of my Ember Mountain, you can also send Mr. Ling here to be with us senior brothers and sisters. You can follow the King of the Sea’s wishes on both sides.”

The Sea King Wanli Changkong originally had some doubts and was reluctant to let his beloved son stay away, but after hearing Yu Liu's assurance, he felt more relieved. On the pretext of discussing with Xiao He Qiantose, he stood up and gave up his seat.

Yu Liu grabbed the sea-walking king and said: "I have a one-step method here. You can give it to Mr. Ling to practice first. If this method is not suitable, our master has other wonderful methods."

At that time, Yu Liu passed on a piece of transformation of the banners of the two realms. King Treading the Sea could not help but marvel at this wonderful method. The banners of the two realms could be transformed. He could move the void. After completing this method, unless the difference in mana was too big, there was nothing he could do. Even if he encountered He can easily escape from powerful enemies.

The sea-walking king's cultivation is amazing, so of course he doesn't care much about letting his son learn any powerful skills, but he hopes that his son will be safe and sound. If Yu Liu came up with a powerful spell, King Treading the Sea might not take it seriously, but this two-realm flag made him happy. He thanked him several times before going back to see his wife.

Xiaohe Chitose waited for her husband to come back and learned the good news. She also saw the subtle changes in this two-realm flag. She thought for a moment and said: "If Sun Wuwang has such a skill, if he only learns this little, wouldn't it be a loss? Or is it? Let the child go to Ember Mountain to learn skills! At any rate, he will not be inferior to us and his wife."

King Treading the Sea laughed dumbly and said: "Even the Four Seas Dragon Palace does not dare to say that our prince will definitely be able to become a demon commander. Our couple's bloodline is weak. If Chi Ling'er can become a demon commander, it will be very popular. How can we expect him to be better than him?" Are we stronger as a couple?"

Xiao He was unwilling to do so despite being a thousand years old, and said: "My son may not be worse than you if he meets a famous teacher. You have not yet perfected the seventy-two channels. How do you know that my son cannot become a peak demon commander?"

King Treading the Sea did not dare to argue with his wife, so he summoned one of his subordinates to seal the changes in the flags of the two realms, and told him to tell Chi Ling'er that he had found a teacher for him, and to go back to the mountain to report the news. Then he said to Xiaohe Chitose: "In this time of conquering the old tribe of the Sea Patrol King, we can transfer some profits to Ember Mountain, which can be regarded as a restoration."

Xiaohe Qiansui nodded in agreement, and the couple finished their discussion and stopped talking.

In just one day, the little fish turned into a golden boat and landed on the Taixun Mountain where the Sea Patrol King was stationed. This mountain range rose from the bottom of the sea and turned into a large island on the sea surface. Some of the old members of the Patrol King live on the island, and some live under the island. After all, there are many aquatic monsters.

King Treading the Sea deliberately showed off his spirit, jumped out of the Ruyi Golden Boat, and shouted loudly: "The King Patrolling the Sea did not respect the orders of King Hunhai, and did not attend the banquet for Wanshou's birthday. I have been specially ordered to come and conquer."

In Taixun Mountain, Tai Yuansheng, a peak demon general who was once a subordinate of Xunhai King, is now in charge. Although he does not know what happened to Xunhai King, Xunhai King has not returned for a long time, and he has now completely controlled Taixun Mountain.

Although he saw the Sea-Treading King in the distance and knew that this demon commander had great magic power, which was far beyond his ability to match, he was not willing to surrender. He opened the Taixun Mountain formation and shouted in the formation: "Sea-Treading King! Our Taixunshan and King Hunhai are not affiliated with each other, so why are we going to be conquered if we don’t participate in his Wanshou birthday party? Don’t pretend to be too powerful!"

Why did the Sea King talk nonsense to him? He activated the ten changes in the sky and slashed the sword light down. Suddenly, a white mark was cut on the formation outside Taixun Mountain.

Tai Yuansheng couldn't help but be surprised. He didn't expect that the Sea King's magic power was more powerful than the rumors.

King Treading the Sea had already opened sixty-four channels. With Xu's help, he re-deduced the Ten Transformations of the Sky and opened seven more channels. Now he has completed seventy-one channels, with only one channel missing. He is the peak demon commander of the Great Perfection of the Seventy-two Dao Meridians.

Even if Taixun Mountain is protected by a formation, he is confident that he can break it.

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