One Sword to Immortality

648. Prime Minister of the East China Sea

After Xu arrived at Donghai Dragon Palace for nearly a month, Donghai announced the start of the son-in-law selection meeting, without waiting for those who came from afar. 【】

The East China Sea Dragon Palace son-in-law selection meeting is actually quite boring. First, the purity of the bloodline must be verified, and then a mana competition will be arranged to select ten people, and then let the dragon girl choose personally.

The blood purity test was naturally not difficult for Xu Liao, and he easily received a first-class rating.

As for the level of fighting, it is not a competition in the ring, but a competition with the Dragon Palace warriors. The one who can defeat five people in a row will pass the level. The Dragon Palace has selected more than a hundred warriors, each with their own skills and spells. If you want to defeat five people in a row, you can win. not easy. It's just that this level can be tried repeatedly, and it is not a decisive victory.

After Xu had gone through countless red tapes of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, he was almost so sad that he almost fell asleep, and then he got through the battle.

In order to demonstrate its force, the East China Sea Dragon Palace opened a large battle arena. It looked like a bubble from a distance. Whoever entered it would be randomly assigned opponents. Onlookers could clearly see the fighting skills, which was considered a very fair move.

The only thing that surprised Xu was that it was Prime Minister Dong Haigui who presided over the fighting ceremony.

The Great Prime Minister of the East China Sea, Gui Tianqi, is of the bloodline of turtles and dragons. He is known as the number one person in the world. His reputation is even higher than that of Wen Zhong, the number one person in the South China Sea. Not only is he a peak demon who has already cultivated seventy-two channels, He is handsome, proficient in countless secret techniques, extremely wise, and has an extremely long lifespan. No one knows how old this prime minister is, but they know that he has served the Dragon King of the East China Sea for several generations, even in the era when there were real dragons in the Four Seas Territory. He is the Prime Minister of the East China Sea.

No matter who it is, there is only one comment on the Prime Minister of the East China Sea, Gui Tianqi, and that is unfathomable!

The prime minister of Turtle Tianqi does not have the usual clumsy attitude of the turtle clan, and there is no turtle shell behind his back. Instead, he has a long body, with a jade tree facing the wind, and his face is full of spring breeze. Although he does not look like a young man, he does not look old, but has a youthful look. spirit.

He didn't say anything more, he just gave a simple instruction, allowing all young monsters seeking marriage to choose their own time to accept the challenge, then took the guard of honor and walked away.

As the Prime Minister of the East China Sea, there is nothing wrong with his behavior. However, although he is not deliberately arrogant, his aura of overwhelming power is fully revealed.

After the Prime Minister of the East China Sea left, Xu Luo was the first to step into the martial arts field. In front of him, a military commander in black armor appeared, holding a battle ax and shouting: "You are unlucky, I am... "

Xu Zuo waved his hand, and a black light sword energy flew across the sky, immediately beheading the black-armored general. He thought to himself: "Who is your grandma? What did you do to me?"

Killed this Dragon Palace general,

The people who were besieging were immediately horrified. You must know that this kind of competition to choose a son-in-law is usually not bloody. Even if the fighting method is dangerous and there are some casualties, they will not agree to this side and settle the account with one sword.

Xu killed a Dragon Palace general, gathered it together, and collected the body together. However, he found that under the suppression of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, he could not be sent into the great formation of Ember Mountain, so he could only temporarily seal it in a small cave. .

The second dragon palace general could also see his companions fighting with Xu Xu, and he was slightly frightened. The person Xu killed just now was a famous fierce general in the East China Sea. He might break through the Demon King level at any time and step into the Demon King's ranks. At the level of a general, he was actually allowed to kill him casually.

He knew he was no match for Xu, so he hurriedly shouted: "You can't kill me!"

After accepting this body, he only practiced the Cave Heaven Sword Sutra, and had no other magic skills. He still slashed with one sword, cutting off half of the opponent's body, so he kept his hand.

After severely injuring the second Dragon Palace general, a third one came out in a blink of an eye. Xu Luo still considered showing mercy, but in the blink of an eye he lost five people in a row and was sent out by the Grand Battle Arena.

With his behavior like this, Xu attracted the attention of countless people, but he was so ferocious in killing that other people did not dare to speak. After leaving the martial arts arena, someone naturally asked him to rest nearby. He had passed the first level of fighting, and his status Naturally different from before. Even if you are not selected by the Dragon Girl in the end, you can still join the East China Sea Dragon Palace and earn some status based on your bloodline and ability.

With such ability, even if he does not become Donghai's son-in-law, he will naturally have a bright future, so the officials in Donghai do not dare to treat him lightly.

Xu arrived at the VIP room next to it. This VIP room was a huge sea clam. Two shells moved up and down, holding up a transparent bubble-like space. Sitting in it, one could see the large martial arts field suspended in the air. In addition, there is a beauty serving inside, and some specialties from the East China Sea are prepared.

Xu waited for a moment and saw two or three more people entering the martial arts arena. On a whim, he took out a box of ember grass sticks and lit one. Naturally, the beauty from the East China Sea next to him offered wine, which was quite pleasant. Very.

He watched the two fights and curled his lips slightly. The magic power of these people was average. It wasn't until Ao Tianxiang entered the martial arts field that he was slightly perked up and wanted to see what this young junior brother's magic power was like now!

Ao Tianxiang was even more cruel than him. After all, the Qinglong Sun-Suppressing Hammer Technique was originally a top-notch killing method. He flew up with a hammer and the glory fell, immediately turning a general into powder. When he met a second one, he still flew up with the hammer. After beating him into powder, the guards at the Dragon Palace behind him did not dare to prepare an opponent for him. After deliberation for a while, they sent him to a large martial arts arena to count him through.

The rest of the monsters are not outstanding at all, whether they are the king and grandson of the West Sea or the rough and powerful man, they are just average, but Chi Ling'er's appearance gave Xu some energy. After all, he is the person of King Takai and Chitose Xiaohe, so he is the leader of both families. His ability to perform ten changes in the sky is quite impressive. However, he is limited to his bloodline and cannot break through the Demon King level. He has defeated five powerful enemies in a row, but his face is full of confusion. There is no sense of pride, but rather a sense of unhappiness.

He knows his family's affairs. Both of his parents are top demon commanders. However, his blood is not pure. Therefore, even though he has first-rate skills, works very hard, has good talent, and has good understanding, he still cannot cultivate to the level of demon commander. Will the realm. I often feel depressed when I think about this.

Despite this, Chi Ling'er still felt that he was not bad. Even if he could not compare with those who had broken through the demon generals, he was still considered the best among the demon kings.

He came to East China Sea Dragon Palace not because his parents ordered him to, but because he suddenly left his parents and always wanted to feel proud, so he came to East China Sea Dragon Palace instead of directly going to Ember Mountain to become a disciple. When he thought about it, it would be glorious to pass all the tests and bring his beloved wife and family to become a disciple.

Chi Ling'er didn't expect that even at the level of Demon King, he couldn't show any ability. Two people took action in succession, and their magic power was fierce. Unless he had the two world flags to change and dodge, he would probably be killed. He couldn't help but secretly regret it. You shouldn't come here, you should go to Ember Mountain to become a disciple earlier.

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