One Sword to Immortality

647. Four masters

Xu Liao introduced these young men to a connection to the Zhenjiang Marquis Mansion, and they immediately made Xu Liao their confidant. 【】

Of course, there are winners and losers when choosing a son-in-law in the Dragon Palace. Many young monsters know that it is difficult for them to be chosen, so accepting and suppressing other competitors is one way. Making a few friends along the way is also another way. .

Several young monsters thought it was a good idea to marry him, so they took the initiative to introduce the various circumstances of the selection of a son-in-law and invited him to join their group.

With his business acumen, Xu Liao easily won over these people, and he couldn't help but feel slightly proud.

Although this straw stick is similar to a cigar, it is not harmful to the body. If it is a monster, you don't need to worry about it. Although it is not addictive, the lack of entertainment industry such as Sihaijiangtu is enough for this product to be quickly promoted.

If he can promote many products, it will be enough to make the Four Seas Territory more suitable for life.

Xu Liao now only needs to practice on his own to make continuous breakthroughs. Before Yao Shuai, he had no physical problems. In fact, there is not much need for fighting anymore, but after all, he comes from a civilized society. This is a boring and scary world like Shihaijiangtu where social civilization has stopped progressing because the monsters are too strong. Every time I think about it, I will stay here for another three thousand years, and I shudder.

He easily got into the procession of marriage seekers, and Xu followed these young monsters around the Dragon Palace for several times. He also tried to practice the Heavenly Formation on the way, but every time he used the formation, he was completely eliminated.

As the hub of the Four Seas Territory, the East China Sea Dragon Palace is obviously not an ordinary thing. At least with Xu's ability, there is no way to refine this treasure. Even the Great Formation cannot be contaminated, and even Xu's most tyrannical methods can't do it. He Naturally, there is no other way.

While Xu was marveling at it, he tried to sell his Ember Mountain lineage method to several friends. This time it went quite smoothly.

He followed a few people around for a long time, but he recognized all the young monsters who asked for marriage this time. These monsters came from the Four Seas Dragon Palace, and there were even many monsters from the South China Sea Dragon Palace. The East China Sea Dragon Palace seemed to have acquiesced in the orthodox position of the high priest. There is no distinction.

Xu Liozheng was thinking to himself when someone suddenly reminded him that a young monster with the appearance of Prince Wang came over. He was slightly surprised because the monster energy in this guy actually exceeded the level of monster general.

Several young monsters around him all looked ugly and whispered: "I didn't expect that Prince Sun of the West Sea would break through the monster general. Who will be his opponent this time?"

Any monster that can come to the East China Sea Dragon Palace to propose marriage must have a level of cultivation at the level of a monster king.

However, due to age limitations, most of them will not have higher cultivation. If a peerless genius appears at any time, he has demon general level magic power at a young age, and he can almost crush all his peers.

The king and grandson of Xihai didn't have any domineering look, his face was calm, and he didn't take the monsters in front of him seriously. He was quite neither humble nor arrogant.

His cultivation has attracted the attention of most of the young monsters seeking marriage, which is as it should be, so this young dragon can still maintain his mood.

Just when he appeared, there was a cold snort, which came from not far away. A rough and burly man stood up, his body was full of demon power, and he actually showed the cultivation level of a demon general.

The prince and grandson of Xihai took one look at him, suddenly showed a horrifying look, and shouted: "You, Nanhai, are worthy enough to attend the marriage-seeking conference?"

The rough man shouted: "Why not? I am also a dragon. I didn't even say anything in the East China Sea. What are you nagging about in the West Sea?"

The two people faced each other tit for tat, each activating their monster energy. At this time, all the monsters nearby were alarmed. A child who looked particularly young shouted excitedly: "It is indeed a fight between dragons and tigers, and I don't know my green dragon." Can the sun-suppressing hammer method surpass the level and win?"

This voice fell on Xu Zuo's ears, and he couldn't help but be startled. He looked over, and was quite amused. He actually saw an acquaintance, King Ying's illegitimate son Ao Tianxiang.

According to seniority, counting from King Ying, he should be considered his younger brother. Xu Luo taught him the Qinglong Sun Suppressing Hammer Technique. Now Ao Tianxiang has practiced well and has broken through the Demon King. His realm is slightly weaker than Xu Liao, but With the dragon clan's secret method, Ao Tianxiang is definitely more powerful than most of the young monsters present.

At this moment, a long flag suddenly appeared. With a slight flicker, it transformed into a handsome young man. He looked at the tense people on both sides and said with a smile, "I am Chi Ling'er! Can you two look at my face and postpone the fight?" ?”

Xu was stunned for a long time, but he didn't expect that the young master of the Sea King would also come to participate in the marriage proposal meeting. However, he was not of dragon blood, so the chance of success was low.

King Treading the Sea is a top-notch monster commander with a great reputation. Although these young monsters each have extraordinary life experiences, they really have no ancestors. Even with the existence of the monster commander, the descendants of such big monsters do not need to come to the East China Sea to seek marriage.

Although the grandson of the King of the West Sea has a good background, his grandfather is a prince of the West Sea and is only the peak of the demon general. His father is unsightly and not outstanding. Although he has the title of Dragon Grandson, he is not the grandson of the Dragon King of the West Sea. He is a great-great-grandson who is eight generations older.

He knew that his family background was not as good as Chi Ling'er's, so he snorted coldly, touched the number plate, turned into a blue light and walked away, ignoring the others and escaping into his own courtyard.

Although the rough man was dissatisfied, he did not dare to confront him head-on. He just shouted in a low voice: "But Demon King, there is no hope of advancing in the future, but relying on the Sea King Yu Meng, what's the big deal?"

Chi Ling'er's ears were sharp and he heard this and said with a smile: "Now I have become a disciple of Ember Mountain. My master is Sun Wuwang. He has dozens of disciples. The sixth brother Yu Liu is already at the Demon Commander level, and the rest are all I’m a demon general, so I’m not necessarily so cowardly that I’m not allowed to break through to the next level?”

Xu Zuo still didn't know whether his name was useful or not, so he immediately became energetic and looked around.

The rough man was suddenly moved. He had obviously heard of Sun Wuwang's name and shouted: "But Sun Wuwang, who surrendered to the Locust King and was born with the destiny of Collapse of Dragons?"

Xu Lu suddenly felt satisfied that his reputation was spread all over the world, and he couldn't help but feel a little vain.

Chi Ling'er shouted: "It was my master who had a good relationship with my father. He knew that my bloodline was not suitable for cultivating the ten changes in the sky, so he taught me in accordance with my aptitude and taught me the two world flag changes. Now I can escape from the void, If my master teaches me a few more changes, I can break through my neck and reach higher levels."

The rough man had a look of envy on his face. He cupped his hands and went back to his courtyard.

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