One Sword to Immortality

656. Too poisonous 10 health rings

Xu Luo had recently experienced changes in his demon cultivating abilities, and he happened to lack the bloodline of Hunjin Suanni, so he directly targeted King Hunjin.

The Hunjin King's cultivation level is slightly weaker than that of the Black Whale King, but because of his bloodline, his fighting skills are superior. Like Jin Buli, one of Xu Ruo's nephews and a disciple of Zhenren Chijing, they are both Hunjin Suan However, his cultivation level is much higher than that of Jin Buli. Jin Buli has just entered the Taoist realm for the first time, but King Hunjin has cultivated thirty-eight Taoist veins.

Of course, when it comes to fighting skills, Jin Buli, who comes from the Yuding lineage, can crush the Hunjin King for more than ten times without changing his posture.

Xu Liao wanted to mess with the Hunjin King, so he issued an order to let the Jasper Whale King go to the Hunjin King.

After receiving Xu Le's order, the Jasper Whale King immediately led his men to King Hunjin's lair. After all, he was also a big monster with good cultivation. When King Hunjin learned that the Jade Whale King was about to surrender, he actually came out to welcome him in person. It's enough for the Jasper Whale King.

The Hunjin King is tall, his body is as iron as gold, and he exudes infinite heat. The Hunjin Suanni is a demon god-level bloodline, one level higher than the Sea Swallowing Black Whale, and his demonic power is far more pure than the Sea Swallowing Black Whale clan.

When the Jasper Whale King saw King Hunjin being so polite, he couldn't help but feel a little sad, because he knew that his trip was to subvert King Hunjin's power. He was not sad for Spring and Autumn, but he couldn't suppress the fluctuations in his heart.

The Hunjin King laughed and shouted: "I was on good terms with the Black Whale King, but I didn't expect that he was actually plotted against by the juniors from Ember Mountain. I originally wanted to send an army to rescue him, but I didn't expect that the Jade Whale King actually escaped. Come out, if you provide information, I will definitely be able to capture these juniors and avenge the Black Whale King."

King Hunjin felt that what he said was appropriate, but he didn't know that King Jade Whale sneered when he heard it. At this moment, he also realized that King Hunjin was not a good man and a believer. How could he have any friendship with King Xuanjing back then? They have fought against each other several times, but no one can do anything about the other. How could he be in a good mood to avenge the Black Whale King? This is just a scene talk.

The Jade Whale King pretended to be sad and said: "The master was suppressed by them, and I don't know what the current situation is. I originally joined the sect of the Disappearing King, but the Disappearing King was unable to avenge his master, so I turned back."

The Hunjin King was slightly stunned. Although he could get some information, because he was quite resistant to fighting beasts, he always felt that this thing was not serious, so he did not get detailed information. He always thought that the Jasper Whale King came from the Xu family. , it was not easy to change my words at this time, so I could only deal with it perfunctorily.

When the two monsters met, they didn't feel like they were of the same mind. Instead, they were somewhat separated.

Once King Hunjin entertained King Jade Whale, he ordered him to lead his men to station on an isolated island not far from his home base. He called it euphemistically because King Jade Whale's men were all aquatic and it was not convenient to rest near Jin Yushan.

Jin Yushan is a large island formed after a volcanic eruption, with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles. Countless corals grow around it, making the island seem to have a golden-red edge around it, hence the name Jin Yushan.

King Hunjin's residence was considered to be within the scope of the East China Sea, but he could not bear to live in the water, so he occupied the big island of Jin Yushan.

The Jasper Whale King knew that King Hunjin was still on guard against him, so he did not argue, so he bid farewell to King Hunjin and went to station on an isolated island. Fortunately, he had more than ten thousand giant whales under his command, and he could transform into a wishful golden boat and inhabit the ocean. Even the instinct of a giant whale is not afraid of simplicity.

Having found a place to stay, the Jasper Whale King sent Xu a message. He originally planned to make Xu as before, but he would not reply or have any reaction. Xu promised that he would never communicate with the Jade Whale King unless he was instructed to do something. But this time it was different. As soon as the news about the Jade Whale King was sent out, a halo appeared next to the Jade Whale King. After a while, Taisheng walked out of the halo.

When the Jade Whale King saw Taisheng, he couldn't help but feel envy, jealousy, and hatred. All kinds of emotions came one after another, almost all of which were negative. Everyone was a defeated general and was captured. He could only be a lonely ghost. Taisheng gained Xu's favor. He not only taught Taoism, but also gave guidance to break through the demon generals and achieve the realm of the great demon commander. He is already a world apart.

Fortunately, the Jade Whale King has some palaces after all, so he refused to show his emotions, concealed his inner feelings, and said calmly: "It turns out to be Mr. Taisheng. The Lord asked you to come over. What's the matter?"

Taisheng laughed and said: "It's not a big deal. I learned through the battle beasts that King Hunjin also has a group of green-ringed Taipan demon snakes, so I wanted to subdue this group of fellow snakes."

Taisheng followed Xu Liao to practice Taidu Black Water Transformation, and also learned the Nine-Yuan Calculation Sutra. However, he was not yet proficient in the first chapter. Xu Liao had not yet taught the second chapter, but now his vision and magic power were different.

Not long ago, Xu Liao saw that he had not yet made progress in the deduction technique, so he helped him once. From Taidu Black Water to Deduction, a new change came out, called the Taidu Ten Life Ring!

The venom of all Taipan demon snakes and green saliva demon snakes was made into a magic weapon. It can transform the void and allow all demon snakes to inhabit it. Even if they are killed outside, they can still survive the Taidu Ten Rebirths. There are other changes to this method for resuscitating in the ring. They have not been perfected for a while, but they have begun to take shape.

After Tai Sheng had refined the Tai Po Ten Life Ring, he was very restless and wanted to go out for a walk. Hearing the movement from the Jade Whale King, he begged to be sent over.

Seeing that Taisheng was so carefree and free, the Jade Whale King could not help but feel envious, and said quickly: "In that case, I will not disturb Mr. Taisheng."

Taisheng smiled slightly and quietly left the Jade Whale King's territory. With a wave of his hand, a faint smoke ring appeared. He walked into it and escaped from another smoke ring dozens of miles away without turning around. This method is somewhat similar to changing the flags of the two worlds, but it is not as convenient as changing the flags of the two worlds. It is more like the random door in some comics on the earth.

It's just that this is Taisheng's natal change, one of the effects of Taisheng's Ten Life Rings, so he prefers this method.

Tai Sheng used the Tai Po Ten Life Rings to escape continuously, and within a moment he came to a sea area. Under this sea area, there were all kinds of demon snakes. These sea clan demon snakes multiplied in countless numbers, so almost any force could gather a group of them. . In fact, they are not all green-huan Taipan demon snakes. Taisheng was originally divided into ethnic groups, but after being taught by Xu Zuo, he began to not care about it. He himself changed and became a green dragon and fell into the sea. , just mixed with countless demonic snakes, no one can see it.

The Taidu Ten Life Rings turned into dozens of faint smoke rings and were distributed everywhere. Taisheng clan members kept pouring out of them. Countless huge sea snakes joined the new clan. Even if King Hunjin came in person, he couldn't tell them apart. Which ones are his subordinates, and which ones are the spies who have mixed in.

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