One Sword to Immortality

657. Taisheng’s travels

Taisheng's tribe mingled with King Hunjin's snake tribe. Those with weak cultivations caught a demonic snake and began to teach them the Taipoison Black Water Transformation. Those with stronger cultivations could borrow the power of the Taipoison Ten Life Rings. , not bothering to waste any more words, he stirred up a faint smoke ring and tried his best to devour the same kind, sending them all into this magic weapon.

This is also the beauty of the Taidu Ten Life Ring, which can be divided into countless forms and take care of most of the clan members.

As long as it is a sea clan monster snake, it must be extremely poisonous, and it is suitable to practice the extremely poisonous black water to transform, especially those who have opened their spiritual consciousness, and they are thirsty for the upper level skills. Suddenly someone teaches them, and they are of the same clan. Where would there be any suspicion?

It had only been seven or eight days since Taisheng took action. Most of the sea monster snakes under King Hunjin had already rebelled, and the remaining half had been captured in the Taidu Ten Life Circle and would not affect the overall plan.

The demon snakes under King Hunjin are not the majority of the Qinghuan Taipan demon snakes, but now Taisheng no longer cares about their clan. Back then, there were other demon snake tribes under King Xuanjing, and they all gave orders to Taisheng. Once swallowed, this makes the Black Whale King's Sea Tribe Demonic Snake subordinates so diverse.

There is no such person as Taisheng in King Hunjin’s Sea Clan Monster Snake Tribe, so although they often fight each other, they can maintain a somewhat chaotic balance.

Taisheng sensed that in this sea area, there was no one of his own race who was not under his control, so he stood up from the sea. A huge green dragon with two horns like sharp blades stood up proudly. It was dozens of meters high above the sea, but there were still Several times the body is hidden under the sea.

Taisheng looked from a high altitude and saw countless tribesmen rolling in the sea, with giant scales chirping. To a human, it would only be terrifying. Who could not be afraid of so many sea snakes? But in Taisheng's eyes, it was an extremely beautiful scene. He let out a long roar and thought to himself: "If I can bring all the sea monster snakes from all over the world into the Taipo Ten Life Ring, although there may not be a teacher. The Great Formation is powerful, but it is also an extremely powerful treasure."

Taisheng sacrificed and refined the Taidu Ten Life Ring, which was also based on the Heavenly Formation. Not only did these sea monster snakes have to be protected by this magic weapon, but they also had to incorporate their own demonic power and poison into it, allowing Taisheng to use it freely.

After Taisheng became a disciple, he admired Xu Liao more and more. He followed Xu Liao's example in everything, even the personal protective magic weapon imitated Xu Liao's ideas.

When Taisheng screamed loudly, all the demon snakes in the sea heard it, and they all emerged from the sea in awe. Endless snake heads appeared on the sea, and they bowed to Taisheng. The scene was extremely strange.

In Xu Lio's eyes, Taisheng was just an ordinary monster, just smart, but after all, Taisheng was the king of the monster snakes of the sea tribe. His natural majesty was only suppressed by the Black Whale King and could not be used. Now he is also a handsome monster cultivator. Because, he has obtained superior skills, and when he releases his coercion, no sea snake can resist it.

Even if King Hunjin has a few demon general level sea snakes,

Not daring to move even a little bit, they straightened out of the sea. Taisheng stared at them with vertical eyes, and their whole body stiffened immediately, for fear that Taisheng would swallow them easily.

Taisheng's huge green dragon head slowly patrolled, subduing the millions of demonic snakes in this area so that they did not dare to make a sound. Then he shook his body and released countless faint smoke rings. These demonic snakes were like He was amnesty and got into it one by one. Within an hour or two, there were no more demonic snakes in this sea area, and only Taisheng stood proudly.

"No wonder Master likes to recruit subordinates so much. Sure enough, the more followers you have, the more powerful your magic power will be. With the Tai Po Ten Life Ring, even demon commanders who are more advanced than me can't do anything about it. This is also the mastery of this sect. How can ordinary wild monsters know such a method?"

Taisheng jumped up and emerged from the sea, transforming into a handsome young man with a feminine temperament but unparalleled domineering power. There was a black halo behind him, and the halo enveloped Taisheng, and the big monster disappeared in an instant. No trace.

Taisheng subdued these sea snakes and did not want to go back to Ember Mountain for the time being. He was born in the sea and was later subdued by the Black Whale King, so he has never seen the market. The promise did not restrict his freedom, so when he came out this time, he also wanted to travel and see the scenery of the four seas.

Taisheng took up his escape, and in less than an hour and three, he arrived at the Ku Kong Sea of ​​King Hun Hai. He followed the rules and asked for an audience at the Ku Kong Sea. Although King Hun Hai was surprised, he knew that he was a disciple and that he was the leader of demons. , and welcomed him out personally. Taisheng first presented the prepared gifts, and then said hello to King Hunhai on behalf of his master and master.

The King of Hunhai suddenly felt very happy. He had always had some kind of complex with the king. He was one of the oldest demon commanders in the Four Seas Territory. He used to live in the South China Sea for generations, but now he travels around the world with the help of Ku Konghai.

He suffered countless losses under the previous high priest of Nanhai Dragon Palace. He endured until the death of the previous high priest, and fought countless battles with his uncle Wen Zhong until Wen Zhong turned against the Dragon King of Nanhai and returned to Longhu Mountain, never to be seen again Regardless of political affairs, he came out again and gathered his old troops to rebel, but he met King Ying, a genius...

If it weren't for his powerful magic power, incredible toughness, and outstanding endurance skills, he would have been eaten alive by the masters of the past generations in the South China Sea.

Now that King Ying was rebelled by the high priest of Nanhai and became an anti-king like him, King Hunhai had a different view on King Ying. He always felt that he was different from the anti-kings like himself.

The last time Ember Mountain sent someone to celebrate his birthday, it was a favor to King Hunhai, but King Hunhai always felt that Ember Mountain was not enough to represent King Ying.

This time, although Taisheng was still from the Ember Mountain lineage, he brought a gift from King Ying and was closer than last time. King Hunhai was immediately scratched.

King Hunhai said enthusiastically: "I am here, just like Ember Mountain. Although I have never met your master, I have had several fights with your master, which can be regarded as a friendship. Although Taisheng's nephew is casual, don't take it for granted. Be an outsider.”

Taisheng was just a pawn under the Black Whale King. Even though he was very talented and powerful, he was still not as friendly as the giant whale monsters. When he was under Xu's sect, he was actually able to stand up to Hunhai King, the most powerful rebel king in the world. His respect and calling him nephew is already a great surprise.

At that moment, Taisheng said: "My master wants to come to Ku Konghai to visit him, but he has been in seclusion for many years and practiced hard on his magic. He has not yet perfected it. Now, we in the Ember Mountain lineage do not dare to move around at will. If there is a chance, King Hunhai can come to me. Ember Mountain Play.”

King Hun Hai is not afraid of going to Ember Mountain. His Ku Kong Sea, like Ember Mountain, is something that can travel all over the world. Especially the Ku Kong Sea is between formations, magic weapons, and spells. Although it is not as sophisticated as the Great Formation, it is It also has its own pattern.

At that moment, King Hunhai smiled and said: "I will definitely visit you if I have the chance. Your master has made fighting beasts, embers, grass sticks, and cola. They are all very good. I want to see them too, but there are other fun things. Nothing."

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