One Sword to Immortality

671. Great Demon Commander, Cloud Treasure

After promising to break through to become the Demon Commander, there were no obstacles, not even the slightest bottleneck. -79 Novel Network-

His Nine Mysteries True Techniques were comprehended successively: Nine Mysteries Changing Tendon Technique, Collapsing Dragon Immortal Strength, Qian Tian Shen Mutiny, Qian Kun Transformation, Zhou Tian Demon God Transformation, Dou Sheng Divine Power Transformation, Star Dou Xuan Immortal Transformation, a total of seven techniques!

The Zhou Tian Demon God Transformation is already the ultimate transformation of the Nine Mysterious True Laws. I can't even imagine how the Nine Mysterious True Laws can change to a higher level. But Emperor Haotian and Emperor Fantian back then were indeed extraordinary. The Nine Mysteries True Law they created was absolutely impossible, and there were even higher changes.

The Dou Sheng Super Transformation can separate the bloodlines of all the celestial demons. The Zhou Tian Demon God Transformation does not matter what kind of celestial demon it transforms into, it is still just one fight. However, the Dou Sheng Super Transformation can transform into thousands, give birth to countless groups of demons, and even many celestial demons. Demonic bloodline, as long as the demonic energy is fierce, can increase fighting ability almost infinitely.

In ancient times, when Haojitian suppressed the world, no human race appeared, and naturally there were no immortals. However, Emperor Haotian and Emperor Fantian were able to deduce that there was a kind of strange creature that could cultivate the supreme righteousness without respecting the bloodline. The Zhou Tian Demon God Transformation is already the ultimate bloodline transformation, and the Dou Sheng Divine Transformation is just based on this to take it to the next level. However, the Star Dou Xuan Immortal Transformation was created by two generations of Heavenly Emperors and can even turn demon energy into spiritual energy. Raising to the level of Immortal Qi, there is no need to respect the bloodline, and there are endless methods.

From this we can get a glimpse of what kind of geniuses Emperor Haotian and Emperor Fantian were back then.

Regardless of Xu being a human being, although he later awakened his bloodline and became a monster, he still had a deep understanding of human beings. The society he was born in was already full of humans, and the immortal sect such as the Eighteen Immortals Sect was even more so. Enough to compete with the Ten Thousand Demons Association.

So of course Xu knew that the Xing Dou Xuan Immortal Transformation of Jiu Xuan Zhenfa actually had many calculations out of thin air, but the calculations were wrong. For example, the Xuan Xian Qi it cultivated was different from the authentic spiritual energy. The frequency of Xuanxian Qi can change erratically, and can even wander among the four energy frequencies of spiritual saints and demons, so it can not only be transformed into spiritual energy, but also demonic energy.

It can even exceed 990,000 Hertz, transcending the barriers of demonic energy and advancing to a more extreme energy.

Even though he was very interested and wanted to know what was beyond the demonic energy, it was too dangerous after all.

Xu Le has now comprehended the Seven Styles and Nine Mysteries. Not to mention breaking through the Demon Commander, even breaking through the Demon God has no bottleneck.

On the other hand, Xu Liao has also practiced the Nine-Yuan Sutra to the eighth chapter, and has further refined the Xingluo chess equipment. The Taoist-level elders of Shinhwa are not as good as him in the Nine-Yuan Sutra. If they are in the Four Seas Territory Map In addition, it is promised that with this secret method, as long as the accumulation is complete and the skill is full, one can easily step into the realm of real people and condense the immortal true knowledge.

Either of these two ** 'doors' is enough to break through, but Xu is just weighing it.

He still chose the Nine Mysteries True Dharma. This time he was in retreat, and he also wanted to use the Nine Mysteries True Dharma to break through the demon commander.

He promised to stay in seclusion for a hundred years, not because it would take so long to break through the demon commander, but because he wanted to save more.

If the level of the demon general can be accumulated richly, after breaking through, you can instantly open several channels. The moment you break through, it is easiest to open up channels. If you have a stable state after breaking through the mirror, and you want to open up a channel, you can easily open up a channel. A hundred years will take a long time.

He promised to be in seclusion for quiet days and moons, and did not care about the passing of time. Until one day, he suddenly realized that his demon power had been condensed to the point where he could no longer exert any strength. The realm of demon general had reached the extreme, and there was no room for further efforts. Then he breathed out a breath of evil spirit and opened the pass.

The demonic power in Xu Luo's body suddenly changed, all forty-nine Great Evolution Veins were burned, and one Dao Vein was like a black gold iron wire, standing upright from the sky and the earth, penetrating the void, and even pushing up the sky formation, connecting with the map of the four seas.

He has the destiny of Collapse Dragon, and because he replaced the Dragon Palace of the South China Sea and became a hub of the Four Seas Territory Map, he is deeply favored by this world. He has signs of a breakthrough. Even though the consciousness of the Four Seas Territory Map has fallen deeply into a deep sleep, he still conveys A great source of heaven and earth came over.

It was so easy to break through to the realm of the Demon Commander. His whole body shook with relief, and the first path was stabilized.

Naturally, he would not let it go. He had accumulated strength and strength, so the second path was condensed in an instant, and he also obtained the origin of the Four Seas Territory Map.

Promising the demonic power, he once again condensed the third path, and then the fourth. He continued to condense the twenty-fourth path without stopping, and then he felt that his potential was exhausted and there was no more energy left. After condensing the twenty-fifth path, I felt quite satisfied. I took away the Dharma form and transformed into a handsome young man again.

He has obtained the origin of the twenty-four Four Seas Territory Maps in a row, and as a son of heavenly favor in this world, he can communicate with the mysteries of heaven and earth more easily than ordinary demons and handsome men.

Xu Luo had already cultivated great magical powers that were unparalleled in this world, and coupled with the protection of the Four Seas Territory, he had enough confidence to defeat all opponents in the realm of demon commander, and even suppress enemies who were more powerful than himself. Even though Xu had just entered the realm of the Demon Commander and had developed twenty-four channels, even the Great Demon Commander who had perfected the seventy-two channels was far from his opponent. Within the Four Seas Territory, he is now invincible.

Xu Luo entered the realm of Demon Commander and no longer needed the two treasures he carried with him. With a flick of his hand, the Sea Ding Needle fell into Heitian's hands. The battle beast Beiming gave it to another disciple, Taihuang level.

Nowadays, among his disciples who are in the Demon Commander realm, Yu Liu has mastered the Dragon-Slaying Sword. Taisheng is uniquely endowed with the authority to access the Ember Mountain Artificial Spiritual Sense Array. He can mobilize the Heavenly Formation to protect himself at any time, and the Jade Jade The Whale King has been holding the battle beast Xuan Jinghao, plus Black Sky has the Dinghai Shenzhen, Tai Huangji has the battle beast Bei Ming, everyone has sharp treasures to protect themselves.

Instead, he agreed, his hands were empty, unrestrained, without desires or demands. In fact, he didn't need these treasures around him. As long as these treasures were still the core of the great formation, he could borrow their true form at any time and display them. The power is indistinguishable from the treasure Yuan Zhen.

Therefore, keeping these treasures in his hands would be a waste.

Especially now that he has entered the realm of the great demon commander, his strength is beyond ordinary. The two demon commander-level combat beasts can no longer keep up with his own strength, and it is useless even if they stay with him.

Xu Ruo gave away two treasures with him. Black Sky and Tai Huang Ji were presiding over a leaderless meeting. Suddenly, treasures fell from the sky. Black Sky had a golden needle in his hand, and Tai Huang Ji had a drop of black water in his hand. , both of them knew that this was the master's treasure. The master suddenly passed the treasure over, and both of them were a little panicked, but then they were both overjoyed and shouted: "It must be the teacher who successfully broke through the barrier and became a handsome demon." , let’s go and congratulate.”

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