One Sword to Immortality

672.8 Changes in the Wind and Cloud Building

Xu Liao met all his disciples in his cave. He comforted him with a few casual words, and then waited until Sun Zongyan, Wang Juezi and Yun Shuai came to visit. Xu Liao did not make any excuses and welcomed him out according to etiquette. .

When Sun Zonghuan saw this son, he didn't feel sorry. Back then, he was already in the realm of demon commander, and only Sun Wuwu was left. Although his cultivation was already considered to be extraordinary, he was promised to be the next to come after him. Now he has cultivated Because he has already surpassed himself and his senior brother Wangjuezi, as for Yun Shuai, he has only now cultivated his third path, so he is far from comparable.

Xu Liao asked Sun Zong to sit down and asked his disciples to bring fruits. His Ember Mountain was rich in produce and had long cultivated dozens of seasonal fruits and vegetables, many of which were more delicious than those on earth.

After tasting a few fruits, Sun Zongwan took out an ember mountain grass stick. After lighting it, he took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled the smoke. His whole body of demonic power was stimulated by the ember mountain grass stick. Became lively.

Xu Liao knew that this was due to some fluctuations in Sun Zongyan's mood. Otherwise, although this object could cause vibrations in the demonic energy and thereby increase the sense of pleasure, it would not be able to affect the big demons at the Demon Commander level. Sun Zongyan was in such a state of emotion that he obviously had something to say. He smoked embers of grass sticks to stimulate his emotions, and it was easy for him to speak.

He didn't say anything to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

After a while, Sun Zongyan said: "Ember Mountain is your property. I have managed it for hundreds of years, and now it is time to return it to you."

Xu smiled slightly, but Sun Zonghan did not have enough authority to notice that he was actually unable to decide on high-level matters, and his jurisdiction was always a very small part of Ember Mountain. Since Xu Luo adjusted his authority, although Sun Zonghan was still able to intervene in all affairs on the surface, there were many things hidden from his sight that the Marquis of Zhenjiang was not even aware of.

He didn't want to make Sun Zongyan look ugly, so he said with a smile: "What are you talking about, father? Ember Mountain belongs to our Sun family. What is the difference between father's control and child's control? Now I will continue to retreat in a short time. Will father come back and take over again at that time?"

Sun Zongyan was slightly stunned. He did not expect that Xu Ruo actually didn't care about intervening in the affairs of Ember Mountain during his retreat. In fact, Sun Zonghan was not greedy for power. It was just that as the Marquis of Zhenjiang, he had countless subordinates. He promised the few disciples he left behind but did not care about anything, so naturally there would be people to promote this matter. Xu Liao did not know how to retreat once, so Sun Zongyan always thought that he was in control of Ember Mountain.

Sun Zongwan was about to say something, but he raised his hand to stop him and said: "Ember Mountain and Zhenjiang Marquis Mansion are one. I will have to retreat in a while to make breakthroughs. Father can rest assured for now and let How about things continue as before?”

Sun Zongwan pondered for a moment and nodded slightly. He suddenly understood Xu Lie's thoughts. Although he didn't know Xu Lie's true face,

I don’t know the real magical effect of the Heavenly Formation, but I can vaguely guess that Xu Ruo is not greedy for power, but hopes to reach a higher realm.

Sun Zongyan sighed and said: "Unfortunately, within the Four Seas Territory, the highest level can only be cultivated to Demon Commander. If it were not suppressed by the Four Seas Territory, my son would definitely be promoted to Demon God, and even the position of Heavenly Demon is not hopeless."

Xu smiled and said: "In more than two thousand years, maybe the world will change. If my father can cultivate to the peak of Demon Commander and break through to the perfection of seventy-two channels, maybe there will be a great fortune." .”

Sun Zongyan was slightly startled. He also knew Xu Bufan. Although he could not guess that this son came from outside the world, he had Jiang Shang and King Ying as teachers, and he seemed to be quite valued by Emperor Wenzhong. There were also all kinds of extremely mysterious things. With this ability, maybe he can really know the secret of heaven. After pondering for a long time, he said, "I'm afraid that in two thousand years, I may not be able to reach the peak of Demon Commander."

There is nothing to say about it. Although there are many geniuses and evildoers in the Four Seas Territory, there are also many who are just ordinary talents and can only cultivate to the level of demon commander or demon general. Sun Zongyan can't be considered. , but the demon commander is probably the limit, and he may not have the hope of a demon god.

There is no way to improve his cultivation level even if he is a demon king. If he is a demon king, it will be easy for him to guide him to break through the demon general. If the demon general wants to defeat the demon commander, he can only be an assistant. He can provide key guidance, but he cannot play a fundamental role. . Above the level of Demon Commander, Xu himself doesn't know when he will be able to break through, so naturally he can't talk about giving guidance to others.

Sun Zonghan was very satisfied with this visit. Although he was aroused by Xu's words, he did not worry about it for too long.

After the two fathers and sons had a banquet, Sun Zonghuan took Wangjuezi and left, but Yun Shuai stayed. However, Sun Zonghuan felt that Xu Luo had broken through the demon commander, and he should give more help to the child, so he left him. Yun Shuai was transferred to Xu Luo's subordinate and asked him to obey Xu Luo's orders in the future.

Xu Xu now has no shortage of demon commander-level subordinates, but Yun Shuai is different. After all, he is an old subordinate of Sun Zongyan. He also wants to call him uncle a few times, so when only Yun Shuai is left, Xu Xu smiles. , said: "Uncle Yun Shuai, your Yun Sheng Tao extinguishing method seems to have a limit. I wonder if you are willing to rebuild your skills?"

Yun Shuai's eyes lit up slightly. Of course he knew that he had made disciples. Several of them had already surpassed the demon commander and had a greater future than himself. He also knew that the Yun Sheng Tao extinguishing method he practiced had its limits, but he was born into a clan. He is special and cannot learn other techniques. Even Wangjuezi's techniques are not suitable for him. Although he knows that he has reached his limit and his potential has been exhausted, there is nothing he can do.

Yun Shuai secretly praised that Sun Zongyan should have given him to Xu a long time ago, and immediately said: "Of course I want to go to a higher level!"

He smiled and said: "I have a copy of Haitian Yunzong Transformation and a copy of Bafeng Yunlou Transformation. Uncle Yun Shuai can practice it."

Xu promised the thirty-six changes in the celestial phenomena that were inherited from the ancestor of Yuding, which were divided into six parts: wind and cloud, thunder and lightning, fog and dew, star track, sun and moon, and light and darkness. Among them, there is the wind and cloud phase, which is most suitable for Yun Shuai's cultivation, and No need to change bloodline.

Yun Shuai was overjoyed after receiving two Taoist teachings, and he was even more gracious to Xu, allowing him to practice in the cave where he practiced quietly. This is the center of the great formation, with the strongest vitality of heaven and earth, and is the most suitable place for practice. Yun Shuai was very excited immediately and started practicing here again.

After promising to break through to Demon Commander, there was no need for hard training. He had previously said that he would go into seclusion, which was just to comfort Sun Zong. After he arranged for Commander Yun, he moved the formation outside the South China Sea Dragon Palace.

Although he has now mastered a key point in the Four Seas Territory, being able to refine the South China Sea Dragon Palace is still a very beneficial thing. At this time, he is already 100% sure that he can refine this treasure.

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