One Sword to Immortality

680. Extremely negative and positive changes!

Queen Feng frowned slightly with her slender brows and shouted: "Then let me show you the heroes of the world!"

Queen Feng waved her hand lightly, and a strange gray light suddenly appeared. Xu's face changed slightly, and she formed a seal with her hands, and also released a ball of black light to resist. , the latest chapter visit: ШШШ.798スs.СоМ.

The Dragon King of the South China Sea was shocked and shouted: "This is a strange fossil light, don't touch it!"

Even though the Dragon King of the South China Sea is also the pinnacle of demon handsomeness, he is far inferior to his ex-concubine. What he fears most is the fossilized divine light of the Phoenix Queen. Although he can resist it with his strong demonic power, the demonic energy that resists the fossilized divine light will be corroded. , every minute and every moment will destroy your cultivation.

This is also a great demon commander like him who has cultivated all seventy-two channels. If he were replaced by someone with a weaker cultivation level, he would be turned into a stubborn stone immediately, and his entire cultivation level would be ruined.

Of course, the Dragon King of the South China Sea was not without some illusions, promising that if he was killed by Queen Feng, he might be able to regain his freedom.

However, the Dragon King of the South China Sea did not expect that the black light emitted by Xu Luo did not seem to be very strong, but it could easily resist the fossil light of the Phoenix Queen. The two demonic energies collided thousands of times in the void, gray and black. The situation is changing due to the lusty and demonic power, but no one can gain the upper hand.

Queen Feng's face was also slightly awe-inspiring. Even a peak demon commander like the Dragon King of the South China Sea would be a little afraid of her fossilized divine light. Unless her cultivation level reached the level of the Prime Minister Gui Tianqi, her demonic power was condensed and unparalleled. , Only in this way can one's cultivation be maintained without compromising one's cultivation. Ordinary demon commanders would change their expressions at the mere mention of it and would not dare to resist at all.

Xu Ruo had clearly not yet reached the peak of the Demon Commander, and Queen Feng could naturally tell that this bald boy was only at the level of cultivating twenty-five channels. Although his aura was unfathomable, and the spells he used were extremely sophisticated. But she was still confident that she could wear down his demon power and capture him alive within a few moves.

Empress Feng never thought that although Xu Leo had only cultivated twenty-five Dao meridians, her demonic power was strange and unpredictable. Even her own fossilized divine light could do nothing about it. The opponent's demonic power could change thousands of times in an instant. Hundreds of times, the fossil's divine light could not keep up with the changing rhythm of its demonic power, so it could not corrode it and destroy the divine will in its demonic power.

The demonic method Xu used at this time was the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique!

This method was not created by the ancient celestial demons, but was created by one of the four celestial demons who appeared after the collapse of the Thirty-three Heavens. It was because he inherited the bloodline of this heavenly demon that Xu Liao knew that his body was a ten-color flower vine, but he still could not find out who this peerless heavenly demon was.

As soon as the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique came out, Xu made it clear that the Phoenix Queen would not be able to predict the past and the future. Even if she had this ability, she would still need some kind of means and go through certain rituals before she could get the result.

Because...Feng Hou obviously doesn't know the origin of the Heavenly Demon's Immortal Killing Technique.

Xu Liao was not diligent in practicing the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique, but now he has been promoted to Demon Commander. Therefore, in addition to the Star Swallowing Style, Moon Transformation Style and Sun Eclipse Style, he has also learned two more styles: the Extreme Yin Style and the Eclipse Style. Anode changes!

The Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique is quite good at fighting. The first three movements are all fighting techniques, but the extreme Yin type and Yang pole transformation do not have any fighting power. They are only used as the foundation to promote the sixth and seventh movements.

Although Xu Liao has not yet comprehended the sixth and seventh moves of the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique, he has deduced the magical effects of these two moves by relying on the Nine Yuan Calculation Sutra. The sixth move must be a way to open up a 'hole' in the sky, but The 'cave' sky opened is quite strange. There cannot be any living beings. All living beings must be assimilated and become another kind of existence.

Although the seventh form has all the changes and unlimited power, Xu Liao knew that as long as he surpassed the sixth form, he would definitely master it, because he had mastered it once before, and it was the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique that swallowed the hole. The Heavenly Sword Sutra allowed him to leapfrog his level and master the world's top swordsmanship. That time, Xu Liao didn't know why, but now that he has broken through the Demon Commander, and has practiced the Nine-Yuan Sutra to the eighth chapter, there are not many things in the world that can remain secrets to him. So he knew that the seventh form of the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique was modeled after the 'Dong' Heavenly Sword Sutra.

The Heavenly Demon who created the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique was born from the supreme Heavenly Tree that supports the Thirty-Three Heavens. Therefore, he knows a lot about the Thirty-Three Heavens, and even stole the secrets of the 'Dong' Heavenly Sword Sutra, and based on his own Characteristics, created the method of killing demons and immortals.

Especially when this heavenly demon was born, there were already immortals in the world, and human practitioners ruled the world. As a monster, he naturally regarded the immortals as his battle target.

Therefore, the method of slaying immortals with demons is completely different from the ancient demon methods. In the ancient demon era, there were no human beings in the world, and naturally there was no immortal magic. Therefore, the ancient demon martial arts and demon magic were all aimed at the same kind, and there were only three During the period of the decline of the Thirteen Days, the Demon Clan's martial arts, such as the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique, was created specifically for the purpose of killing immortals.

The Phoenix Queen's fossilized divine light is unpredictable and her demonic power is ferocious. She is even better at controlling her magic power. Her colorful clothes are fluttering, and she is floating so quietly above the sea. Her figure does not move, but the gray divine light is emitting. Pavilions, palaces and pavilions, boundless scenery, and all kinds of prosperity. If you make a small promise, you may be enveloped by the magic of this great demon commander and fall into the world where the fossilized divine light evolves. Even if you make a promise of extraordinary cultivation, you will suffer a big loss once you fall into it.

He promised but was not afraid. He used the Heavenly Demon and Immortal Killing Technique as the basis for fighting, so he naturally used the three major changes of swallowing stars, turning into the moon, and eclipsing the sun with ease. Originally, these three fierce moves contained The extremely superior escape method, Xu Xu's understanding was not deep before, and it was not able to exert its full magical effect. At this time, his cultivation level was far better than before, so he naturally used the flying escape method of the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique to its fullest.

Although the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique does not have the transformation of the Two Realm Flags and can escape through the void, it is the fastest way to escape. Especially when the body is exposed, it seems to be invisible and formless, sometimes turning into moonlight like mercury and pouring down the ground, covering every hole. Things are like a scorching black sun, shining all over the world. It seems that there is no place where it is not, and it seems that it is not in this world.

The Star-Swallowing Style was originally the foundation method of the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique. Although Xu Luo used it against the enemy many times, it only swallowed the enemy into the demon light and assimilated it into a foreign object. However, when he changed the extremely Yin style and the Yang pole Once completed, the Swallowing Star Style suddenly has a new change. You can open up the virtual world at will, escape in and out accidentally, and it is simply a supreme method to defend against enemies.

Xu was above the sea, flying around, not blindly dodging, but also taking advantage of the situation to fight back. However, the magic power of the Phoenix Queen was really deep. Under the shroud of the fossil light, thousands of miles of sea were transformed into an alien world. It was not restricted. The counterattacks are so fierce that as long as they fall into the boundless scenery transformed by the fossil divine light, they will be cut off.

If you don't have special demon power, you can dissipate the demon power immediately, this demon power will be destroyed forever, and you can never get it back.

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