One Sword to Immortality

693. Shake the world with the Divine Fist

Chao Xi'er didn't hesitate, and immediately jumped into the void, trying to escape. .The fastest update visit:щщщ.79XS.сОΜ.

She was also depressed. She had a fight with Xu, but before she could see the real results, she was forced to restrain her hands and feet, no matter it was the Xuantian Great Five Elements Sword Qi that she was proud of! Still relying on the great supernatural powers of the five directions to make a living, they failed to show their full potential, and they were defeated inexplicably.

Chao Xi'er used his escape technique, trying to escape with a punch that could move the sky. He looked at it, but couldn't help laughing and shouted: "What are you doing with the void movement in front of my Jade Cauldron Gate?" !”

He shouted: "Order it for me!"

'Chao' Xi'er was suddenly shocked to realize that the void around him suddenly solidified. He saw a pair of fists bigger than himself falling hard, but he couldn't move. He could only encourage the five gods to try their best to meet them.

The void crackled and shattered.

The gods of the five directions were shining brightly, and the five evolved flags only turned slightly, and the flames flew into the sky. The five-color flames exploded and shot thousands of feet, but they still maintained a group, protecting the tide. 'Xi'er.

Xu Ruo was not surprised. He had not mastered this move with the God Fist enough, and Chao Xi'er was a top demon commander, so it was expected that he could not break the opponent's protective magical power with one blow.

He raised his fists again, and Chao Xi'er's whole body felt hot. The blow she just received had already caused all the demonic power in her body to boil, but it also made her suddenly understand that Xu Liao was not as strong as he showed. So enigmatic.

"You actually practice Jiuyuan Sutra!"

After all, Chao Xi'er also had a fight with the Eighteen Immortals Sect. She had seen the mythical Zhen Sect Immortal Code Nine Yuan Sutra, and suffered several big losses before she figured out how to deal with it. Just now, she had no idea at all. Thinking that Xu Liao was actually 'proficient' in this method, he was restrained at every turn. Now he understood and made a decisive decision. He immediately mobilized the five gods to attack fiercely.

There is only one way to deal with Jiuyuan Sutra, which is to fight head-on. Force the opponent to fight hard without giving the enemy any chance to make calculations. By dragging the battle into a point of hard-fought exhaustion, you can force your opponent to retreat voluntarily.

Just now, Chao Xi'er felt that Xu Liao was irresistible when he moved the God Fist. At this time, she also understood that it was an illusion created by Xu Liao who didn't know what secret method he used. , how is it possible to quickly kill enemies of the same level?

Chao Xi'er realizes that her calculations are not bad, and her counterattack is unparalleled. She is also one of the top three fierce monsters on the earth, and is even known as the leader among the female monsters. figure.

Xu Le used the God Fist to fight against Chao Xi'er's Five Directions Conferred God.

The two of them had their own plans. In one blow, they were pushed away by the exploding demonic force. They encouraged themselves and tried again, but Chao Xi'er hurriedly used the flying escape method. She was prepared and did not move the void. Although it can also interfere, the effect is not as immediate as before.

The two of them each showed their magic power and performed dozens of hard blows. Chao Xi'er's internal organs were all burned, bloodshot eyes seeped out from all seven orifices, and the eyes looking at Xu Liao were fierce.

This big demon also showed his anger.

Xu used the God-moving Fist to defeat Chao Xi'er, but his heart felt happy.

Although Xu Leo is not as complete as Chao Xi'er in cultivating Dao meridians, if he goes all out to attack, instead of just fighting hard with his magic power, but using all the changes he has learned, he will have 100% confidence. Able to defeat Chao Xi'er within twenty moves.

At this moment, I am just passing on a message through the battle with Chao Xi'er...

He knows how to move the heavens to rectify the law, and he is enough to pass on a lot of information. Even if he promises it, he doesn't know who receives it.

After dozens of consecutive blows, Xu Luo no longer hesitated to fight, but shouted wildly, and changed his methods again, using six jade cauldron changes in succession, using the Dingxuan Mirror to immobilize Chao Xi'er, and then used Using the God's Fist, he smashed the five-color flag with one blow, and reached out to grab the most famous female monster in the world.

Xu Zuo tossed it casually and threw Chao Xi'er into the ancient golden plate, imprisoning him temporarily.

Although he had a grudge against Chao Xi'er, it was not appropriate to kill this female monster at this time. Xu Ruo was not afraid of Gu Meili, but had other plans. At this time, he calculated from the Nine Yuan Calculation Sutra Come and get tons of information in an instant.

Gu Meili was fighting Xu Fuyuanjun and Huntian when suddenly her heart was shaken. She turned around and saw Xu Liao capturing Chao Xi'er alive. The big demon god gave a wild shout and hurriedly left the battle, as if Xu Yue was flying over there, hoping to save the girl.

Hun Tian smiled slightly and shouted: "How can it be so easy? In front of me, Hun Tian, ​​do you still want to come and go when you want?"

As soon as the black mirror in Huntian's hand turned, Gu Melan could feel the void changing. He was also an expert in this method. He hurriedly used his magic, but was attracted by a huge suction force and fell involuntarily. Got into it.

Mr. Yue, Ye Di, Baofeng and Magic Lamp, the four demon gods also sensed the opening of the small world at the same time. The four demon gods understood almost instantly. Hun Tian wanted to use them to explore the way, so he sent Gu Melan into it. , and the channel is opened.

Huntian and Mr. Xufuyuan have control over the door. Even if they are allowed in, no matter what the benefits are, they are not afraid of being snatched away by them.

Huntian turned the Huntian Demon Mirror behind him and said to Mr. Xu Fuyuan: "I'm keeping an eye on the door. You can go in and take a look. Without my permission, they can never come out again."

Mr. Xu Fuyuan shouted loudly, and the flower ball, which was as huge as a planet, shrank, and finally turned into a boy who looked like a high school student. He was dressed in a student uniform and looked extremely pink, an authentic piece of fresh meat.

Mr. Xu Fuyuan waved to Xu from a distance and asked, "Do you want to come in together?"

Xu Luo hesitated for a moment and declined Mr. Xu Fuyuan's invitation.

He had just come out of it, and there were not many pieces left of the Four Seas Territory Map. Although the formation is still tight, the center of the formation is the Qilin spirit, not something similar. As for those people from Donghai who stayed inside...

Xu Le also wanted to know what the East China Sea Prime Minister Gui Tianqi, the East China Sea Dragon King, the Phoenix Queen, and even his teacher Jiang Shang would look like without restraint, but he definitely didn't want to see them on the battlefield.

Mr. Xu Fuyuan laughed, jumped up, and disappeared into the void of the universe.

Only then did Xu Ruo control the ancient golden plate, and when he came to Huntian's side, the big demon god was quite friendly to him. He chuckled and said, "You have worked so hard to come here. If you don't go in and take a look, isn't it a rare thing?" benefit?"

Xu shook his head and said: "I don't need any benefits anymore, I just need to practice down-to-earth."

Xu Liao was telling the truth. His current level of martial arts surpassed his own cultivation level. The ninth chapter of the Nine-Yuan Sutra was directly referring to the immortal canon.

Even if he doesn't need the Nine Elements Calculation Sutra, he still has the Nine Mysteries True Dharma!

What more adventures are needed? What are the benefits?

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