Naturally, Hun Tian didn't know Xu Le's thoughts. He just felt that this young man was down-to-earth and never had high aspirations. No wonder he could break through to the realm of a handsome man in less than ten years, and he felt a little cultivated in his heart. . .The fastest update visit:щщщ.79XS.сОΜ.

Although the Ten Thousand Demons Association has four great demon gods, they are all from a long time ago. The Ten Thousand Demons Association has not been able to cultivate new demon gods so far. Although Lord Xufu Yuan has subdued the eight demon gods, neither Xu Mansion nor Huntian I don’t think these demon gods will be of the same mind as the Ten Thousand Demons Association.

If a demon god born from the Ten Thousand Demons Association's own system could be cultivated, whether it was Huntian, Xu Mansion, Yue Peng, or even the president of the Ten Thousand Demons Association, they would be willing to pay any price.

Xu has such potential, Huntian has already made up his mind. If there is a chance, he will definitely take care of this junior.

Xu said a few words to Huntian. Seeing that the senior wanted to focus on the entrance and not be distracted, he stopped talking and returned to the ancient golden plate.

Xu Ruo settled in the East Palace, which was still very lively. After all, the East Palace had countless inheritances, and the police department regarded it as the real center. Even in the police department, it has long been rumored that Yalongshan is just a sideshow and Donghuang Palace is the main force.

Those who can enter the East Palace must not only be officers of the police department, but also disciples of the Jade Ding Sect. Strictly speaking, they are all approved disciples.

After promising to return this time, he even took in a bunch of demon general-level disciples and a group of dragons. He also threw them to the police department. Naturally, there were old people to guide them.

As for Yu Liu, Taisheng, Jade Whale King and other demon commander-level disciples, they naturally followed Xu Liao and were guided by him personally. Xu Luo didn't like this hard work, but if it were someone else, how could he control these handsome men? In particular, these disciples are unruly and difficult to train.

As for Sun Zongyan, Wangjuezi, Yun Shuai, King Hunjin, etc., Xu Luo had no intention of controlling them for the time being, so he still let them do their own thing.

I promised to make a few disciples and invite the five demon gods over first.

After the emperor heard that Zhong, King Hunhai, the high priest, the Dragon King of Nanhai and King Ying all arrived, he agreed and then sent people to suppress Chao Xi'er.

Xu Liao looked at Chao Xi'er with a smile. When this fierce female monster saw such a scene, her face was dull and her beautiful airy temperament was completely gone. She could only murmur to herself: "Five The five-headed demon god, the five-headed demon god, the five-headed demon god..."

You know, before the Longhua Conference started, the Eighteen Immortals Sect had only five great masters. The Ten Thousand Demons Association only has four demon gods, and the four major legions only have the rank of leader to be a demon god. They are as powerful as Chao Xi'er. As the deputy commander of the five-color flag, he is only a senior demon commander.

To know,

The realms of demon gods and demon commanders are different.

A demon commander who has worked hard for a hundred years may be able to develop a true vein, but a demon god who has worked hard for a thousand years or even ten thousand years can develop a true vein. It is not a demon god who is too old or a person with extraordinary talents. After being promoted to a demon god, it is extremely difficult to improve one's cultivation level. After most demon gods are promoted, their level does not fluctuate much within ten thousand years.

It often takes hundreds of thousands of years to cultivate to the perfection of the demon god and accumulate a foundation that is sufficient to break through the celestial demon.

Therefore, although Xu's five demon gods have just broken through, they are not inferior to the leaders of the four legions. Even the emperor Wen Zhong can stand shoulder to shoulder with powerful demon gods like Xu Fuyuan Jun.

Because their years of cultivation are actually not younger than those of the demon gods on earth, but rather older.

The formation that Xu Luo had set up could almost compete with the four major legions, and was once again the size of the Ten Thousand Demons Guild.

Xu Luo put up such a formation, Chao Xi'er felt that she had gone crazy. No matter how arrogant she was, she could not imagine that someone would put up a five-headed demon god's formation to manipulate her.

'Chao' Xi'er didn't wait to ask, but this 'female' monster was quite powerful and said directly: "Whatever you want to do to me, just do it!"

He made a puff sound and almost spit out a mouthful of real water.

He coughed and shouted: "I am a serious person."

Chao Xi'er said neither humble nor arrogantly: "I am still a chaste and fierce woman. But how can I resist when you put up such a fight?"

Xu Xu looked around and saw that all his disciples were snickering. Even the emperor could not help but smile when he heard Zhong. King Ying was an old god and seemed to be indifferent to this matter. The high priest, the Dragon King of South China Sea and the King of Hunhai had different statuses. If you dare to snicker, you can't make any sarcastic expression, and you have to maintain your identity, so you can only imitate the king.

Xu thought about it for a while, and it really made sense. After pondering for a moment, he said to the unruly female monster: "This is the method used by female monsters on earth to resist interrogation, right?"

Although I have never seen it in practice, after all, as a senior member of the Ten Thousand Demons Association, I know many secrets. Because of their identities, female monsters often suffer unspeakable tragic consequences once they are captured by the enemy. Therefore, many life-saving methods are spread, including "charm".

But he didn't expect that when this method was used in Chao Xi'er's hands, he was actually a little unable to withstand it.

This female monster didn't play any tricks at all, she just poked at her.

Xu Luo is not afraid of killing people. After all, he has lost countless lives. Starting from Sun Bofang, he has killed many enemies. But after all, he is a peace-loving young man, not a murderer with a twisted mentality, so he has no intention of killing at this time.

After the initial shock, Chao Xi'er began to wonder in his heart how to get out of trouble, at least to save his life first. After promising to put up the five demon gods, she no longer had any extra thoughts, and immediately replied: "At this time, what else can I do, I just let you bully me. I ask myself, my appearance is not bad, but it falls into your hands." Here, what else could happen?"

He promised to have two girlfriends, and with just two girlfriends, he still hadn't figured out how to deal with the relationship. It gave him a headache. In the four seas and territories for three thousand years, apart from practicing hard, he had almost no contact with the opposite sex. Sex, it's not that there are no beautiful female monsters in the world, it's that he really doesn't have the thought.

Although I dare not say it, I am: Once upon a time, the sea was difficult to overcome, except for Wushan, it was not a cloud.

But he did keep his heart, so even when facing a beautiful female monster of Chao Xi'er's level, he quickly calmed down his emotions and wiped away the slight fluctuation just now.

In terms of appearance, Chao Xi'er is superior to Qu Lei and Bai Qiulian. In terms of temperament, she is a great monster who has captivated the country and charmed the world. Compared with the two young girls, she is , almost crushing 'sex' existence.

But whether it was before or after Chao Xi'er made the situation clear to both parties, Xu Zuo didn't have any dirty thoughts.

Although his mood was a little turbulent, Xu Liu still said seriously: "I'm not asking you these questions, but I have other things to ask you^"

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