One Sword to Immortality

695. Female apprentice

He smiled, pointed at Chao Xi'er and said, "I would like to accept you as my disciple, what do you think?"

Chao Xi'er was stunned for a moment, then blurted out, "So you have this hobby and like to play with your apprentice!"

Xu Zuo had many disciples, and dozens of male disciples immediately blushed, including Yu Liu, Taisheng and other great demons. . шщш.㈦㈨ⅹS.сом Updates very quickly. Thanks to the strict rules of cultivation, these disciples did not dare to interrupt, otherwise things would have become chaotic at this time.

Xu Xu looked around, and his old face couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He could only point his finger and said: "You have two choices..."

'Chao' Xi'er immediately said: "Master is here, please accept my disciple's obeisance!"

Chao Xi'er was not stupid, and of course she knew that this was the best opportunity. Although she didn't know why Xu Ruo wanted to accept a disciple, and she didn't think Xu Ruo could teach her any skills. 'Chao' Xi'er is a cultivator of the Five Directions Conferred Gods, one of the Seven Great Demon Strategies, and a descendant of the Heavenly Demon level.

But she knew that this meant Xu Yue would not kill her.

Chao Xi'er almost killed Xu back then, but this time she was also happy to see Xun Xin. She took advantage of the fact that she had no opponents except for a few demons and gods, so she took action casually. Unexpectedly, she met Xu Liao, and was defeated and captured alive by this person. When she was captured alive, she was mentally prepared that she might be tortured in a perverted way.

Although Chao Xi'er has heard some things about Xu Zuo, and various intelligence shows that this guy looks good, as a well-informed monster, Chao Xi'er always feels that Xu Zuo This man may have a sanctimonious appearance, but he may be hiding a lot of sinful deeds underneath, just like the many big monsters she knew.

Especially since she knew that Xu had two female friends, she had always firmly believed that this guy must be an expert at playing with female monsters.

Chao Xi'er has already prepared to endure the humiliation and bear the burden, get out of trouble in the future, and then take revenge.

Xu didn't expect that Chao Xi'er would be so obedient, and for a moment, he felt like he wouldn't be able to talk anymore for the rest of the day. Fortunately, after all, he had gone through countless trainings, and he could still handle such a small scene. He immediately waved his hand and passed on a magic formula, saying: "Since you are willing to become a teacher and you are not stingy as a teacher, I will teach you... …”

Xu got used to his disciples, and every time there would be a large number of disciples kneeling on the ground, shouting that the teacher was deeply grateful, and he was determined to do so from then on. He did not expect that Chao Xi'er refused directly and said: "In addition to the seven major Yao Ce, Wan Yao will have any magic tricks that I can't get with my five-color flag. Master doesn't need to teach me any magic tricks."

Xu was stunned!

He actually wanted Chao Xi'er to practice the Heavenly Formation.

I didn't really teach him the magic, but I didn't expect that this female monster refused so simply, and the reason... was so powerful.

The problem is, the seven evil strategies!

Even if you promise yourself, you won’t know it!

Of course he can't teach the Jiu Xuan True Dharma. He really doesn't know the Tian Peng Dharma, but the Hun Tian Demon Jian... the Hun Tian outside can. Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique, okay! He understood this, but he had to bleed himself, otherwise Chao Xi'er wouldn't be able to practice.

As for the seven demon strategies owned by the four major legions, if they are promised, they will really not be available.

He thought for a moment and asked, "What are the true identities of your brothers and sisters?"

Gu Banlan and Chao Xier, brother and sister, are skilled in cultivating the Five Directions to become gods, but they have never revealed their true colors. Therefore, he asked this question. He also thought that he might be able to learn from the demon nerves. Pick a suitable method and trick Chao Xi'er into practicing.

Unexpectedly, Chao Xi'er said proudly: "My brother and sister's father is Emperor Xing! After the fall of Heavenly Court, one of the Four Emperors, there is no technique in the world that is more suitable for my brothers and sisters than the Five Directions Conferring Gods. You You don't need to 'worry' about it."

Xu Zuo was immediately surprised and couldn't help but ask: "I heard that after the fall of Heaven, there were four great demons who ascended to the throne of Heavenly Demon, but I don't know which four they were. Can you tell me?"

Chao Xi'er smiled softly, as if he was laughing at Xu Zuo's ignorance. Although Xu Zuo knew many mysteries and could predict the past and the future, he still had his limits. He was too old and too powerful. There's no way to figure it out. Therefore, I really don’t know the secret. Even though there are signs of blushing at this time, I still continue to ask without shame.

Chao Xi'er said lightly: "The strongest of the four great celestial demons back then was my father, Emperor Xing, who was born as a five-color peacock. The one below him was the Emperor of Feathers, who was also an immortal bird who had achieved perfect cultivation. The other two great demons were respectively They are the French Emperor and the Western Emperor, among whom the Western Emperor is the mother of Lord Xu Fuyuan."

Xu Luo couldn't help but ask: "Why have these four great demons disappeared?"

When the Haoji Heaven collapsed, countless great demons were either suppressed or turned to join the Thirty-Three Heavens. But after the collapse of the Thirty-three Days, all the powerful demons and immortals suddenly disappeared. Xu Zuo never knew what happened that year. No one knew about this kind of thing, and he couldn't figure it out. An unsolved case.

However, it is very strange that the four great heavenly demons would disappear after reaching such a status after the collapse of thirty-three days.

Chao Xi'er shook his head and said: "My father told me briefly that no matter how my brothers and sisters practice, they must never step into the realm of heavenly demons. Later, he and the other three great heavenly demons seemed to join forces. I went to investigate something, and I didn’t know what it was, so I felt that my father was worried, and the others were in the same mood, and they never came back."

What could happen that would make the four great demons worried?

After Xu made some calculations, he felt a splitting headache, as if a force suddenly penetrated his brain.

Xu Zuo was shocked and did not dare to continue the deduction. He stared at Chao Xi'er and asked, "Did Yue Peng also go to investigate this matter?"

Chao Xi'er was extremely surprised. He stared at Xu for a long time and then said: "Yue Peng was known as the number one demon god back then. Even my father said that this guy would be able to step into the realm of heavenly demons sooner or later, so he told him There are many secrets. If anyone can know what happened back then, it must be him. But although this guy is powerful, he is definitely not stronger than my father. If he also goes to explore what happened back then, he probably won't come back."

Xu thought about it for a long time, and finally said: "Don't worry about those things for now, just practice this technique first!"

After all, Xu Xu still had to control Chao Xi'er, so he couldn't let her go just because of this excuse. But he also had a headache, so the magic formula he threw out casually was the one he could choose, which was most suitable for Chao Xi'er. exercises. If Chao Xi'er doesn't repair it, he will use means to force this female monster.

'Chao' Xi'er was obedient and did not refuse. After getting this technique, he said, "Where can I go to practice?"

Xu Zao thought for a while and said to Emperor Wenzhong: "Please..."

King Ying suddenly interjected: "You can be considered my disciple, so let me train you!"

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