One Sword to Immortality

696. Master can’t

King Ying intervened like this, and he had to give up face even if he promised. . шщш.㈦㈨ⅹS.сом Updates very quickly.

Although the relationship between the two masters and apprentices was a little weird, King Xu Ying always respected him and never overstepped his status as a disciple. Although King Ying also knew that he had fallen into the plot at the beginning, and he had thought about getting rid of it, but the emperor Wen Zhong After his guidance, he also practiced Jiuyuan Sutra, and gradually figured out many truths, and became less repulsive towards this disciple.

Especially in Xu's later period, in order to sacrifice heaven and earth, he hardly interfered with King Ying's power. King Ying also gradually discovered that Xu had no intention of restraining him. This time Xu led everyone to break through the Four Seas Territory. , King Ying was the first to break through. After entering the realm of demon gods, King Ying's grudge against Xu gradually disappeared.

At this time, the reason why he accepted this female disciple was not for other reasons, but because King Ying had left the Four Seas Territory and became a demon god again. Naturally, he had more ideas and was eager to know what the outside world was like. .

Chao Xi'er was born in the Five Colors Banner and is one of the four major legions on the earth. He has extensive knowledge and has been practicing for a long time. He also knows many secrets that even Xu Lao doesn't know. This is the best news. channel.

King Ying actually wanted to know more about the outside world, so he intervened.

After all, Xu Luo did learn the magical power of the Qinglong lineage from King Ying and received many pointers, so he could only respond: "Since the teacher wants to give pointers to Chao Xi'er, let the teacher do it! I will teach you the Supreme Dragon Art happens to be a peerless magical power of the Qinglong lineage. You should practice it well and don't let your master down."

King Ying couldn't help but look embarrassed, and turned his attention to Huangbo Wenzhong.

There is no other reason, because this supreme dragon art belongs to the master Ying Wang! No way...

The Dragon King of the South China Sea once obtained some simplified fragments. In addition, only Xu Liao and Huang Bo Wenzhong understood the final dignity of the dragon clan and the techniques created by combining the six great powers.

Even when Emperor Bo Wenzhong broke through to the realm of demon gods, he used the method of turning the world upside down nine times to 'refine' pure demon power. He also practiced the Supreme Dragon Art nine times in a row, and finally broke through with the most rigid and pure Supreme Dragon Art. Demon god.

Although Xu Lao has learned a lot and has deduced the Nine-Yuan Calculation Sutra, he has not practiced it seriously. Emperor Wenzhong used the method of Upending the Universe and Transforming Gods nine times in a row. His understanding of this secret method of the Dragon Clan, It can be said that there is almost no one before or after. Even the old Dragon King of the East China Sea, the blue dragon from the Longhua Society, may not be able to defeat him.

So King Ying immediately asked Emperor Wen Zhong for help.

It was embarrassing to say yes. The reason why he named Huangbo Wenzhong was because in this section, only Huangbo Wenzhong knew the Supreme Dragon Art and had experience in cultivation, so he could give guidance to Chao Xi'er.

However, he hurriedly passed through the artificial spiritual consciousness array all over the ancient golden plate,

After passing a magic formula to King Ying, King Ying's face turned pale.

The emperor's uncle also smiled slightly when he heard that Zhong, and his spiritual mind passed on a copy of the Supreme Dragon Art and practice experience to King Ying. King Ying breathed a sigh of relief and said to Chao Xi'er: "In this case, just follow me. Patriarch, go to Chaoge Cave to practice."

Chao Xi'er saw Xu, Ying Wang, and the emperor heard that Zhong was looking at him, as if he was involved in some adultery. He was suddenly frightened, and secretly thought: "Why is the relationship between Xu Xu's master and family so messy" Chaos'? I'd rather die than surrender..."

Before Chao Xi'er could make up his mind, he was wrapped up in King Ying's robe and returned to Chaoge Cave.

Only then did Xu send the other four demon gods back one by one. Although except for Huangbo Wenzhong, the other three demon gods were all under his control, but after all, they were demon gods and could not do too much.

If he keeps bossing around, these demon gods may be defeated and fight him desperately. Even if he can suppress them, their vitality will be greatly damaged.

You have to have the means, and you have to have the heart!

Xu promised to let his men disperse and then returned to the East Palace. Now he has set up several palaces in the East Palace for his own rest. Although he has lived a luxurious life in the Four Seas Territory and has everything he wants, after all, There are few modern equipments missing, and there are many things that I am not used to.

When I think of myself, having survived three thousand years of such hard life, I feel miserable.

Although he has received countless benefits in these three thousand years, and his cultivation as a handsome man is enough to be worth ten times the vote, but he still... couldn't help but feel sad, especially for a When people.

If this period of his life falls into the hands of a writer who is known for his bad writing, there will definitely be this sentence: A man with two female friends has been masturbating alone for three thousand years...

It really makes people want to beat a certain toad spirit to death!

Xu Le has been busy since he left the Four Seas Territory Map. Now, he can relax a little and no longer has to deal with various affairs.

He threw himself on the sofa and stared at the screen in front of him. Three thousand years have passed. Although he is a monster, he does not show any signs of aging. He still looks like a high school student, a standard little fresh meat. . But after going through many vicissitudes in my heart, I can only feel endless emotions when I am alone.

He would never reveal these emotions in front of his disciples, and even if he did, no one would understand his thoughts.

After so many years in Sihaijiangtu, Xu’s biggest feeling is loneliness!

Not even a thousand sails!

Even if there are thousands of emotions, who can I tell them to?

Xu has endured hardship for so many years. Even if he is not a young and artistic person, he will feel a little sad about the Spring and Autumn Period and feel the nostalgia for the ages.

The screen in front of him changed every few seconds. One second, it was Qu Lei, and the next second, it was Bai Qiulian. There were various photos of the two girls, some lively and cheerful, some young and invincible. , some are wearing sportswear, which makes people feel sunny, and some are wearing long skirts, giving people a sense of leisurely flow of time.

She didn't have many photos of Qu Lei, after all, the relationship between the two had not been smooth, but she had a lot of photos of Bai Qiulian, and the two of them had experienced a lot, whether they were practicing together or not. Whether they entered the Xuanxian Sect or stayed in the Xixuan Cave of the Bai family, they all had many common experiences. So Xu had quite a lot of photos of Bai Qiulian.

As the photos of the two girls changed, Xu Liu would occasionally have hallucinations, as if they were always by his side and never left for a moment.

"Three thousand years ago, I could say that I was not mature enough and didn't know how to deal with this kind of thing. But now... I can no longer use immaturity to perfunctory myself!"

Xu smiled softly, clasped the back of his head with both hands, and leaned back slightly. Suddenly, he felt physically and mentally cheerful because he had made the final decision on the biggest problem that had troubled him.

Although this method is not very good and a bit shameless, he believes that he will not regret it.

The hardest thing in life!

Isn’t that just having no regrets?

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