One Sword to Immortality

698. Another prehistoric time

Xu Zuo waited outside for seven or eight days, feeling a little impatient. He had been on a mission for too long and wanted to go back a long time ago. . For more latest chapters visit: ШЩЩ.⑦⑨XS.сОМ. So he escaped from the ancient golden plate again, but saw that Hun Tian's face was a little ferocious, and he hurriedly asked: "Senior Hun Tian, ​​what happened?"

Hun Tian said in a cold tone: "Mr. Lushan is here and asked for a favor from me. I can only let him in. But I always feel that there is something wrong with this guy. If you have nothing to do, just go ahead and let him in." Let's go. Maybe I won't be able to protect you in the upcoming fight."

Xu was immediately frightened. Of course he wanted to go back, but Mr. Lushan's words made his heart sink.

Xu Zuo hurriedly said to Hun Tian: "This small world may have Qilin spirits of the Sky Demon level. If Mr. Lushan has entered..."

Hun Tian was also shocked. He stared at Xu and said, "Is what you said true?"

Xu smiled bitterly and said: "Of course it is true!"

Huntian didn't ask him how he got the news, and immediately sent a spiritual message in. After a while, he saw Mr. Xu Fuyuan holding a palace and came out leisurely. Seeing Hun Tian, ​​he asked: "How big of a trouble is this? You actually asked me to turn around immediately?"

Huntian pointed his finger and said, "He just said that this seal contains a Qilin spirit of the Heavenly Demon level!"

Mr. Xu Fuyuan was shocked and shouted: "You just let Lushan go in."

Huntian nodded and said, "That's why I asked you to come out immediately."

Mr. Xu Fuyuan stared at Xu and asked, "Are you serious?"

Before Xu could answer, he heard the world suddenly become silent. Mr. Xu Fuyuan immediately knew that there was no need to ask anymore, something big had happened. He reached out and grabbed Xu, and shouted: "Let's go!"

Huntian fled into the void without any hesitation. Xu Fuyuanjun flew even faster, and was already hundreds of millions of miles away. The two great demon gods were fighting for their lives.

Xu Liaoxin said: "If you let me go by myself, I can escape so fast."

He used the Dingxuan Mirror to transform and looked at the way he was going, but his heart sank because he saw a treasure that he least wanted to see - the hourglass of time and space!

The hourglass of time and space just turned slightly, back and forth. Xu Zhi felt that the entire void of the universe, hundreds of millions of miles away, was shaken. Then he heard a soft sound, but it resounded throughout the world, and no corner could The soft tone of the escape: "I, Tiger Leopard B, will shatter the universe and return to the primitive world. I will establish heaven again!"

The collapse of the entire universe,

What kind of phenomenon is it?

Xu Liao didn't know, but he knew one thing, that is...

Hu Bao B must have had a deal with Yang Shuhua, so... the biggest gainer this time is the Magic Star Society!

Hu Bao Yi sent Mr. Lushan into the shattered Four Seas Territory Map. Then, Hu Bao Yi personally brought the time and space hourglass and smashed this treasure of the Heavenly Demon level to pieces!

This was his final calculation before he lost consciousness!

The grandness of Hu Bao Yi's plot, the majesty of his plot, the courage of his courage, the fierceness of his attacks... are all levels he had never thought of before.

From the void where the Four Seas Territory Map is located, a strange oscillation arises. This oscillation is not from the void, but comes from time. The oscillation of time is like a chain reaction. Once it is triggered, it will be like a domino. Like dominoes, it continues to cause new shocks, layer by layer, circle by circle, spreading to every corner of the void of the universe, pointing straight to the end of the universe before it stops.

There are constantly source points triggered by the oscillations of time. These source points are unique in nature. When they merge into the oscillations of time, they disappear, merge with time itself, and disappear in the present time.

In just a few dozen seconds, or even shorter, this time shock arrived on the earth. After the shock, there was no change on the earth. People still lived their normal lives, and no one felt that anything was wrong. whats the matter.

Without any notice, many people suddenly disappeared around them. They had no memory of these people, and had no idea that these people had ever existed.

No one on earth knows what happened.

On this earth, there is no longer the Ten Thousand Demons Association, no four major legions, no Luoyang Street, no caves of the Eighteen Immortals Sect, no subway dedicated to monsters, no... almost everything!



And everything related to them.

Only pure humans are left on Earth.

The small heaven in the distant void disappeared.

The demonic prison disappeared in the indescribable void.

The Small Heavenly Court of the Demonic Star Society, the Longhua Society of the Eighteen Immortals Sect, and the Great Demonic Heaven supported by the Ten Thousand Demons Society... all disappeared without any traces remaining.

When the time oscillation reached its limit, the entire universe was silent for a second, and then resumed its rotation.

In this universe and time, there are no more monsters, and there are no humans with monster blood.

It was as if nothing had ever happened.


Ancient times——

The stretching continent is endless and has no edge, just like the universe has no end.

I don’t know when, the heaven and earth suddenly cracked, and a heavenly palace rose slowly! This heavenly palace is composed of countless complex voids. There are caves and voids, and there are virtual worlds. It is like a labyrinth with countless passages and countless monsters living there.

In the center of the Heavenly Palace, there is the largest cave in the sky. Dozens of powerful monsters stand submissively, looking at a short monster on the throne. He is not amazing in appearance, but he naturally has a strong and domineering aura. The overpowered demons were honest and respectful.

"Sure enough! We have returned to the prehistoric times. Unfortunately, my calculations were not thorough enough, and we actually arrived tens of thousands of years ahead of schedule, and have not yet returned to the heyday of the ancient demon clan."

The incomparably handsome Mr. Lushan has a profound aura and is actually at the top of the Demon God level. He doesn't know when he will break through, and once he breaks through, he will be the top Demon God. He is only one step away from entering the level of the Heavenly Demon.

The great demon god took a long breath of true energy, looking intoxicated and happy, and whispered: "Wouldn't it be better? At this point in time, no celestial demon has been born yet, and all the demons are here, which is more suitable for us Show off your skills.”

The leopard-headed god grinned and was very excited. The aura on his body was that of a powerful demon god. He was obviously very satisfied with his power to break through the realm and said: "Don't we want to re-establish the heaven? Then Just re-establish the Heavenly Court. Brother Hubao Yi is the Lord of the Heavenly Court. In today’s world, no one can compete with our Demon Star Society. With the many members we have now, as long as Brother nods, I will wipe them out for you one by one!”

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