One Sword to Immortality

699. Tai Qing Heaven, Great Demon Heaven, Jade Cauldron Heaven

The members of the Demon Star Guild were so proud that even Hu Bao Yi, who had always known the unfathomable depths of the city, showed a bit of uncontrollable joy. -79 Novel Network-

As an ancient great demon, he was also a blocking figure in Haoji Heaven. However, when Haoji Heaven collapsed and thirty-three days of power was established, he and a group of his subordinates were imprisoned and never saw the light of day again.

Thanks to him getting the hourglass of time and space when the Thirty-Three Heavens collapsed, he was able to plan for hundreds of thousands of years and finally return to the wild world.

He was the general manager of Haojitian back then, and the two generations of emperors, Emperor Haotian and Emperor Fantian, had great trust in him. Hu Bao B also claims to be loyal, but after all, it has been hundreds of thousands of years, and no one can remain unchanged.

Nowadays, the ancient demon clan has not yet established the Heavenly Palace, and there is no shadow of Thirty-three Heavens yet. How can Tiger and Leopard Yi not be able to become the Heavenly Emperor?

Of course he felt that he was fine, but he couldn't keep up his face. After all, he had always regarded himself as a loyal minister of the ancient demon clan, and what he was thinking about was how to restore the glory of the ancient demon clan and wipe out the remnants of the thirty-three days. But now ...It seems that it feels good for a while, is that acceptable?

Just when the demons gathered in the Demon Star were extremely happy, a clear light connected the heaven and the earth!

A clear voice resounded throughout the world, shouting: "Thank you, Mr. Hu Bao Yi, if you hadn't planned for hundreds of thousands of years, we would have no way to return to the most promising time."

This voice took a long breath, seemingly extremely satisfied, and then five equally majestic voices shouted together: "Tai Qing Tian! Open!"

A realm of heaven!

Across the sky.

It was Master Taiqing who refined Longhua Hui and forged Taiqing Heaven.

The Taiqing sky shook violently, breaking through the void and crashing into the prehistoric world.

This is the time when heaven and earth were opened and eternity was not divided.

It was also an era when demons in the world first appeared, and there were no sky demons or even demon gods.

The Eighteen Immortals Sect was obviously not ignorant of Hu Bao Yi's plan, but had known about it for a long time. However, they did not stop it. Instead, they added fuel to the flames and followed suit.

Taiqing Tian's reputation is so majestic that it is still above the heavenly palace opened by the Demon Star Society.

Five tyrannical celestial beings of real-person level spread across the sky, actually suppressing the demonic auras of Mr. Lushan and the Leopard-headed God.

Hu Bao Yi's face was as dark as a scapegoat. He could never imagine that he had actually made a dowry for someone else and returned to the primitive world after all the hard work.

But someone took me for a ride and they didn’t pay me!

This is even the car's attitude.

The Eighteen Immortals Sect was fully prepared and the Taiqing Heaven was opened. Even the many sect caves of the Eighteen Immortals Sect on the earth back then were brought over to the Tianxu Realm. Even the disciples of the sect were even brought over. There was no shortage of relatives and they all were brought over.

Tai Qing Tian stood firm at the root of heaven and earth, and then disappeared in an instant, closing the door to the world, leaving the demons in the Demon Star gathering as dumbfounded as chickens.

Hu Baoyi forced a smile and said: "The world is full of great demons. How can these people who practice spiritual energy adapt to the prehistoric times? In another hundred or thousand years, the great demons will still belong to us..."

Before Hu Bao Yi finished speaking, there was a loud sound, like the sound of thunder, that lasted continuously until a few days later, a Jie Tian also crashed into the primitive world.

A ten-color flower vine shot into the sky, and it stopped the roots of heaven and earth by itself!

Mr. Xu Fuyuan showed up gracefully, took a look at the heavenly palace built by Hu Bao Yi, and then said with a smile: "We, the Ten Thousand Demons Association, also came to take a look. This world is so vast that it shouldn't be monopolized by just one person."

The one who crashed into the prehistoric world was none other than Da Yao Tian!

Mr. Xu Fuyuan's exclusive world, but this world has brought all the demons from the Ten Thousand Demons Association, not only the four demon gods of the Ten Thousand Demons Association, but also Luoyang Street, and the "Dong" Tian of the seven pure-blood families. , including the Xixuan Cave of the Bai family, and countless humans who have the blood of monsters but have not yet awakened.

Moreover, the eight-headed demon gods of the Longhua Society were also watching the demons of the Demon Star Society and released their demonic power.

Tiger Leopard Yi couldn't help being furious and shouted: "Can you be more shameless? I have planned for hundreds of thousands of years to shatter the hourglass of time and space, and even destroyed the Qilin spirit of the Four Seas Territory Map. This Only then can we reverse time and return to the prehistoric times. What have you done? You actually followed me?"

Yue Peng's movement flashed and he appeared outside the Great Demon Heaven. He smiled and said: "Of course you are adding fuel to the flames. Without the permission of our Ten Thousand Demons Association, do you think... just you, Tiger Leopard Yi, can do it?" Do you want to do such a big thing?"

Mr. Xu Fuyuan bowed slightly and expressed his thanks, but this made Hubao B even more angry and furious. However, he only had Mr. Lushan and the Leopard-headed God under his command, and he was able to break through the demon god because of years of planning. Because he himself was unwilling to break through to an ordinary demon god and wanted to continue his strength, he had not yet broken through. How could he dare to start a war with the Ten Thousand Demons Society?

There are twelve demon gods sitting in the Great Demon Heaven!

Mr. Xu Fuyuan waved his hand, and the Great Demon Sky disappeared immediately. However, he did not go back to the Great Demon Sky, but went with Yue Peng, as if he wanted to watch the show with good intentions.

Tiger Leopard Yi's heart was awe-inspiring, and just as he was about to say something, he saw countless fragrances filling his nostrils, misty auspicious mist, and another realm of heaven crashing into the wilderness and beginning to connect the roots of heaven and earth.

This time, it was the Patriarch of the Jade Cauldron who showed up.

The Patriarch of Jade Ding glanced at Hubao Yi, and he didn’t even mean to talk nonsense. Mr. Lushan used the Qilin spirit breakthrough of the Heavenly Demon series to refine eighty-one true veins, and he felt that he was already a demon god. The crown is invincible in the world. But the courage shown by the Jade Ding Patriarch was still above him.

The Patriarch of the 'Yu' Ding shouted: "Now the thirty-three days are gone! This day can be called the 'Jade' Ding Heaven!"

The 'Jade' Cauldron Heaven opened up, the heaven and the earth shook, countless heavenly 'flowers' fell, and the momentum was even higher than that of the Taiqing Heaven and the Great Demon Heaven.

Yue Peng's eyes shone, and he kept increasing his demon power. This great demon, known as the number one demon god, seemed to have no interest in demon gods with eighty-one true bloodlines such as Mr. Lushan, but he was interested in the ancestor of the 'Yu' Ding. But he had a strong fighting spirit.

But he also knew that it was not suitable for fighting at this time, so he just sent a few provocative glances without actually taking action.

The Patriarch of the Jade Cauldron ignored him. When the Jade Cauldron was stable, he disappeared into the void and closed the door.

The Patriarch of the Jade Cauldron did not appear, but just a moment later, there was a real person's aura floating in the air. After this person appeared, with a smile on his face, it was Guyang Shen.

Another real person under the sect of Patriarch Jade Ding.

Taiqing Heaven, Great Demon Heaven, and Jade Ding Heaven appeared one after another.

Hu Bao B didn't know that everything he had planned so hard had long been seen by others, and he didn't know how many doors had been quietly opened for him and how many obstacles had been cleared for him, just waiting for him to do it. Make this happen.

What he thought was an extremely secretive matter, in the eyes of these old monsters and great masters, had long been as clear as a candle, but no one pretended to know.

When Hu Bao Yi thought that he had worked hard for hundreds of thousands of years, thinking that returning to the ancient world would be his world and be the protagonist, but was used by these shameless people, he couldn't help but roar and spit demon blood!

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