One Sword to Immortality

700. Tai Huang Dong Huang

Gu Yangshen had a smile on his face and seemed to be indifferent to everyone. --

Not a moment later, another Realm Heaven crashed into it. This Realm Heaven was different from Taiqing Heaven, Great Demon Heaven, and Jade Cauldron Heaven. It was only a small piece, and it was quite abject.

But when an old voice sounded leisurely, everyone's faces changed.

Jiang Shang!

The last realm is actually Jiang Shang!

He only had a very small piece of the void of the Four Seas Territory in his hand, but the former Lord of the Thirty-Three Heavens did not feel any embarrassment. He chuckled and threw down a branch. The branch took root in the void and grew into a towering tree in an instant.

A free and easy figure suddenly appeared on the big tree. With a slight lift in his palm, a heavenly palace was formed. One level per day. This time, even Taiqing Tian, ​​which had disappeared without a trace, appeared again. Mr. Taiqing Piaoran appeared, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Xiji Ruomu!"

Master Taiqing, Yue Peng, and Hu Bao Yi all told the origin of this big tree almost at the same time.

Under the growth of Xiji Ruomu, Gui Tianqi stepped on the top of this tree, and the heavenly palaces in his palms fell layer by layer, eleven floors, twelve floors... twenty-four floors, twenty-five floors... quickly It surpassed Taiqingtian.

Even after breaking through the 30th floor, it still didn't stop. All the demon gods and real people present had strange thoughts, but no one took action to stop them. They looked at the celestial palace transformed from Ruomu in the West, layer by layer. Here we are... on the thirty-sixth level of Dzogchen!

Gui Tianqi actually cultivated Neijingyuan Shen to the thirty-sixth chapter. The state of Dzogchen was far beyond that of Master Taiqing.

Mr. Taiqing's expression was slightly shocked, and he suddenly shouted: "But is it in front of the Grandmaster?"

Gui Tianqi smiled slightly, nodded slightly, collected his magical powers, and escaped into the thirty-sixth floor of the heavenly palace.

Jiang Shang laughed and clapped his hands. Suddenly, the two magical powers of the Great Heavenly Yuan Jue and the Nine-Yuan Sutra were used to completely refine this thirty-six-story heavenly palace.

The Great Heavenly Yuan Jue he mastered was far superior to the Heavenly Formation of the Jade Cauldron Patriarch. With the Great Heavenly Yuan Jue sacrificed and refined, the heavenly palace suddenly glowed with vitality, with countless auspicious clouds and mist, fairy light, mist, and countless more. The flying spiritual birds and the infusion of the Nine Yuan Sutra made this heavenly palace change again, and there was even some magic in the artificial spiritual consciousness array.

Jiang Shang waved his sleeves and said calmly: "The Thirty-Three Heavens have been destroyed! There are no more Thirty-Three Heavens in the world. This day can be called the Great Emperor!"

Taihuang Tianyi Cheng,

Jiang Shang fell into it and disappeared. Taihuangtian also disappeared and disappeared into the void.

Taihuangtian is the smallest, and apart from Jiang Shang and Gui Tianqi, there are no living creatures. This new Taihuangtian probably has only a few people.

But Tai Huangtian's momentum was the strongest, completely overwhelming Demon Star Society, Tai Qing Tian, ​​Da Yao Tian and Jade Ding Tian.

After a long time, a spiritual thought came out, and Master Taiqing took it, took a look, and said with a wry smile: "Sure enough, this old God still has to push for this to come true, but in order to push this method, he After re-refining the world, my own cultivation has fallen to the realm of the demon commander, and I will not sweep away us for the time being."

Hu Bao Yi couldn't stand it anymore, and with a shout, Mo Xingtian also disappeared, no longer paying attention to these idle people watching the fun.

When Yue Peng and others saw such a giant creature staring out at them in the end, they all had various thoughts and retreated into their own world one by one. However, soon after, this ancient world became pure again, just like everything that happened just now None of it happened.

Tens of days later!

A young man with a dull face had a wry smile on his face. Looking at the countless stars rolling in his hands, he finally figured out what happened.

This young man naturally agreed.

Xu Ruo still couldn't figure out what exactly happened that year, nor did he know why there were no more heavenly demons in the world after the collapse of the Thirty-Three Heavens. But he finally knew that this great drama was not sung by Hu Baoyi alone, but almost all the monsters in the world, the old monsters lurking in countless worlds, and people in the immortal way were promoting it together.

This great creation has been secretly promoted by countless people for how many years.

Finally, not long ago, it was executed to the last step.

Xu Zuo happens to be a go-between character, so this great creation is also related to him. Of course, if it weren't for him, there would be someone else, but that person wouldn't necessarily have so many changes.

"Suddenly I woke up and my teachers were everywhere in the world. This feeling was so... terrible."

Jiang Shang was married to his teacher, and so was King Ying, although King Ying was already quite frustrated in such a grand occasion. He also has a teacher, Master Yuding, who is also a great warrior who opened a world.

The Ten Thousand Demon Society is where he was born, and Xu Ruo can still sense Luoyang Street and Xixuan Cave Heaven, as well as many of his familiar auras. Obviously, his relatives and friends are all in the Great Demon Heaven. Speaking of Taiqingtian, he also has his place. He is still a member of the 'Dong' Xuanxian Sect!

Mo Xingtian has the worst relationship with him, but there is also a nephew among them, a clone of himself, and...a bunch of classmates!

In addition, Xu Liao can also sense that this prehistoric world is vast and vast. The land is hundreds of millions of miles wide, surpassing any galaxy. This is already another template universe.

In this prehistoric world, there are only six roots of heaven and earth. The Demon Star Heaven, the Taiqing Heaven, the Great Demon Heaven, the Jade Cauldron Heaven, and the Taihuang Heaven each occupied one, and there was only one left.

The last root of heaven and earth is very important. Whoever can occupy it can compete for the protagonist of this era. If he cannot occupy it, this era will have nothing to do with him.

But if it is occupied, Xu smiles bitterly...

If there is no final root of heaven and earth, how can the two generations of demon emperors, Emperor Haotian and Emperor Fantian, establish Haojitian? How to create the immortal achievements of the demon clan?

Xu Liao also knew that Jiang Shang deliberately left this last root of heaven and earth to him. If he didn't occupy it, someone would definitely take it or even destroy it...

Because no matter who it is, the purpose of returning to the prehistoric world is to strive to be the protagonist for the rest of their lives, to change the past and the future, not to let the demon clan give birth to two more generations of emperors to dominate the rest of their lives.

Xu Liu couldn't help but complain: "What did Emperor Haotian and Emperor Fantian do back then?"

He calculated clearly and knew that he had only one choice. Since there was only one choice, it must be right, he must choose, and he could not back down.

So, Xu sighed softly, a golden plate flew out of his sleeve, and shouted: "I'll open one too..."

"A Donghuang Heaven!"

After the ancient golden plate opened its mouth, it immediately gave birth to the fetal membrane of heaven and earth, which connected with the root of heaven and earth that connected heaven and earth, and began to evolve into the world.

When promised to open up the world, he was the weakest and the most reluctant.

Everyone else is cunning and prepared, but he is the only one...

It was a pie falling from the sky, and I got a big deal!

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