One Sword to Immortality

701. It’s called Pan Xiang!

The last root of heaven and earth was occupied, and the entire ancient world shook slightly, producing mysterious and unspeakable changes. .The fastest update visit:щщщ.79XS.сОΜ.

Xu didn't care about that anymore, and hurriedly fled Donghuangtian into the void, closing the door to heaven and earth. As the Lord of Donghuangtian, he was in Donghuangtian, and even the demons couldn't do anything about it, especially with the help of the Great Demon. The Tianmu and the Great Sun Fusang connect the roots of heaven and earth. Although the East Emperor Heaven is far inferior to the other heavens in terms of change, its solid defense can be said to rival the Taihuang Heaven.

The six prehistoric days are different, but they are headed by the Taihuang Heaven.

Taihuangtian has Xijiruomu as its foundation, and it also has the Datian Yuan Jue, Neijing Yuan Shen, and Jiu Yuan Sutra as its structure. Especially Guitian Qi, who organized the Thirty-Three Days in the past, only advanced this 'door' fairy canon to Chapter Thirty-three, the cultivation level is now at Great Perfection, which is far better than before.

There are almost no flaws in Taihuangtian, except for Jiang Shang, the Lord of the Thirty-three Heavens, who exhausted his cultivation in order to plan all this, and his realm fell to the level of a Taoist.

He has always been concealed by demon power, but now he has recovered his spiritual energy and immortal power. He is a real human immortal, and he was also the top Nine Heavens Immortal back then.

Come down again.

Jade Dingtian obtained the Datian Yuanjue, and Taiqingtian used the Neijing Yuanshen structure, both of which were inferior.

Although the Great Demon Heaven does not follow the methods of the thirty-three days of ancient times, it does imply the method of the ancient demon clan Haoji Tian. It is not weak either. Only the Demon Star Heaven is the worst. Although it is also the Realm Heaven, the Tiger Because Bao Yi was just the general manager of the Demon Clan's Heavenly Palace back then and had no access to the Supreme Dharma Gate, he used the crudest method of sacrificial refining, and only refined the Demonic Star Celestial Sacrifice into a labyrinth.

On the contrary, Donghuangtian, who seems to be the weakest, has a foundation that is almost comparable to that of Taihuangtian. Taihuangtian has Xijiruomu, and Donghuangtian has Dajiantianmu and Dairifusang, one of which is particularly superior.

Xu may not know Neijing Yuanshen, but he is also proficient in Da Tian Yuan Jue and Jiu Yuan Suan Jing. Although his cultivation is not comparable to Jiang Shang and Gui Tianqi, as long as he perseveres and accumulates over time, the future will be limitless.

The weakest person in Donghuangtian is Xu Zuo himself. Fortunately, he has newly subdued the five demon gods, so he can barely stay in control.

After Xu Lai thought about it at this time, he realized why Emperor Wenzhong did not go with Jiang Shang, but followed him instead. At the same time, he also understood why Gui Tianqi, the prime minister of the East China Sea, didn't care about refining the Four Seas himself, but deliberately condoned it, because he and Jiang Shang were not originally planning for the Four Seas. What they were planning was to return to the prehistoric times and create the world again.

Compared with the unlimited future now, a mere map of the four seas is nothing to mention.

Xu Liao spent several days in Donghuangtian, finally sorting out and cleaning up this newly born world.

After slowing down his hands and feet, he used his Dou Sheng magical power, splitting the blood of the ten colored flower vines and turning it into a Dou Sheng clone.

The magical power of fighting can separate the bloodline and give birth to countless groups of demons, even celestial demons, and even the supreme method of beating the smaller ones with more.

Xu Ruo branched out from the Ten Colors and Flower Vine bloodline, not because he wanted to fight, but because he wanted to go to the Great Demon Heaven and his party.

His true self still has to sit in the East Emperor Heaven. Now that the world has opened up, he cannot be cloned. He must constantly adjust the roots of heaven and earth, gather vitality, and perfect the laws of nature, so he can only allow one clone to travel.

He separated out a Dou Zhan clone, but it was still not enough. Then he separated the Qilin bloodline, and then carved out a second Dou Zhan clone, and went to the 'Yu' Dingtian to pay homage to his mentor.

Then he transformed into an immortal avatar and headed to Taiqingtian. As for who he would visit, he had not yet calculated who he would visit. After all, his status in the Eighteen Immortals Sect was very low, and his visit was just to cultivate feelings.

Moxingtian promised not to go back, but Taihuangtian still wanted to go. After all, Jiang Shang was also his teacher. If he didn't go and take a look, it would be difficult in terms of etiquette. Besides, he also had many doubts, and he still had to go. I want to ask this teacher for advice. The one who went to Taihuang Heaven was the Qinglong bloodline clone.

Xu Li never thought that the last person to leave would be the Qinglong clone, but the first to return would be the Qinglong clone.

When he arrived at Taihuangtian, Jiang Shang did not allow him to see him, and only asked Gui Tianqi to come forward. This prime minister of the East China Sea has restored his identity in ancient times. He has a handsome manner, a handsome figure, and makes people admire him at the first sight. .

This person created the method of inner scene Yuanshen and stayed there for thirty-three days. He was obviously Jiang Shang's most effective helper.

If one traces his identity, he is still the founder of the Western Kunlun sect. The Neijing Yuanshen created by him has lasted for tens of millions of years and has been passed down to this day. It is still an unparalleled immortal classic in the world.

With this fact, this senior will be able to shine for eternity, and his brilliance cannot be ignored.

He didn't dare to neglect the promise, knowing that this person must have been a true immortal in ancient times, but his cultivation is still unfathomable now, but the other party didn't show his ability, so he didn't dare to say anything or judge the other party's strength.

When Gui Tianqi saw Xu, he couldn't help but smile and said, "You don't have to be too reserved. As a disciple of Jiang Shang, just call me uncle."

After promising to follow Shan Ruliu, he immediately called me uncle, and then asked: "Why don't you allow me to see my mentor? Is it because you dislike your disciple and you are not filial enough?"

Gui Tianqi laughed and said: "Senior brother is naturally practicing hard in seclusion and wants to restore his realm as soon as possible. After all, in this ancient world, it will not take long before things change, heroes emerge in large numbers, and the heavenly demon is born. With his How can you argue with the world if you are a Taoist?"

He nodded and couldn't help but ask: "What was your uncle's name in ancient times? My nephew can't still call you Gui Tianqi? How can the Prime Minister of the East China Sea set off my uncle's heroism?" What a majestic figure!"

Gui Tianqi smiled, took a deep look at Xu, and then said lightly: "My name is Pan Xiang! I was the prime minister in Haojitian back then, and later I served as the imperial minister under your teacher. slaughter!"

Xu almost spit out the real thing, but there was nothing he could do about it. Gui Tianqi's identity in ancient times was too powerful.

This big boss was the patriarch of the Tianlongxiang clan back then. Not only had he fought fiercely with Emperor Haotian and Emperor Fantian for countless thousands of years, but he had also challenged Jiuxuan Zhengfa countless times. In the end, Emperor Haotian had no choice but to reconcile with the Tianlongxiang clan and became the prime minister of heaven, with power over the world.

Even after Haojitian collapsed and Thirty-Three Heavens came to the throne, this big boss still had a good life. With his tyrannical strength, he not only saved the Tianlongxiang clan, but also became the chief minister of Thirty-Three Heavens, with a powerful position. It is still above the era of the Demon Clan Heavenly Court.

Xu did not expect that this big boss could actually turn to the path of immortality and create unparalleled immortal scriptures such as Neijing Yuanshen. No wonder even Jiang Shang regarded him as his most capable assistant and had high hopes for him.

Pan Xiang saw Xu dumbfounded, smiled slightly, and said: "Although your master doesn't have time to see you, he asked me to give you a gift. Your cultivation is too weak. You have to practice hard, otherwise... you will be gone. What an opportunity to be the protagonist!”

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