One Sword to Immortality

702. Subway bound for Taiqingtian

Xu Liao, the leader of the Tianlongxiang clan and now the Grand Emperor's chief minister, received the four Green Dragon eggs and was slightly surprised. -79 Novel Network-

Pan Xiang did not explain, smiled slightly, walked away, and closed the door to Taihuang Heaven.

Obtaining the last four Green Dragon Eggs promises that you can become a dragon immediately, understand the Supreme Dragon Art, and even re-refiner the Four Seas Territory Map, but these are not the most important.

The most important thing is that Xu has the opportunity to hatch sixteen green dragons, which are all seeds that are qualified to be cultivated into heavenly demons.

After bowing and bowing, he still couldn't figure out what Jiang Shang was thinking, but he was still grateful. He put four green dragon eggs in his sleeves and went directly back to Donghuangtian to take these four green dragon eggs. Along with the original twelve, the Qinglong talisman was placed in them.

He also incorporated the Supreme Dragon Technique into the Azure Dragon Talisman. When Emperor Fantian sacrificed to Liandong Palace, there was no magical power like the Supreme Dragon Technique in the world, so the Azure Dragon Talisman did not have this magic technique.

Sixteen green dragon eggs fell into the world transformed by the green dragon talisman, and they suddenly glowed with vitality. At the same time, the complete Supreme Dragon Art is also firmly combined with the Qinglong Talisman. Under the Qinglong Talisman, it evolves in countless ways and gradually becomes perfect.

Now Xu Zuo's changes in demon nerves are becoming more and more profound. If he can still understand the changes of Da Jian Tian Mu and Da Sun Fusang, the two major celestial demon changes, he can advance the changes of the six major celestial demons to the eight major celestial demons. The Jiu Xuan Zhenfa can make another breakthrough, promote him to the Heavenly Demon, and break through the last layer of bottlenecks.

Xu Luo took the Qinglong clone, and then sent the induction to the immortal spirit clone. This clone carried the "Dong" Heavenly Sword Sutra, which was a technique he learned seriously in the "Dong" Xuanxian Sect, and it was also thirty years old. The great magical power that suppresses heaven for three days.

He was also very strange. The Eighteen Immortals Sect was inherited from the Thirty-three Heavens. Logically speaking, he should join Jiang Shang's sect? Panxiang Grand Priest is the founder of West Kunlun, and there may be other founders of other immortal sects in Thirty-Three Heavens. Jiang Shang may be the founder of Mythology. His nine-yuan sutra calculation technique is so exquisite that if If you say he is not the founder of this fairy classic, then he is Tan.

Moreover, the top ten magical powers of the Thirty-three Heavens is Yuanshishu. As the Lord of the Thirty-three Heavens, it is almost impossible for Jiang Shang to say that he does not understand this magical power. Whether this Lord of the Thirty-three Heavens is also the founder of the Yuanshi Sect is debatable.

However, Master Taiqing opened up Taiqingtian and had no intention of surrendering to Taihuangtian. It seemed that he had already made a plan and was not in a hurry and had not yet made up his mind.

After Xu arrived outside Taiqingtian, he felt a little and knew where the door was. Although Taiqingtian closed the door, he could knock on the door and enter.

Xu Liao was originally a disciple of the Eighteen Immortals Sect.

Therefore, he knocked on the 'door' with his magic power, but for a moment there was a spiritual light that guided him. He entered the Taiqing Heaven and immediately felt a flourishing atmosphere.

Taihuangtian was lonely and desolate. Even apart from Jiang Shang and Pan Xiang, there were no other people. Although I was sure that there must be living creatures living there, I couldn't notice it.

Although the Taihuangtian is grand, the British on Earth, although it is the oldest empire, has gone from sunset to twilight. Although it still has the demeanor of a gentleman, it seems that its family is very poor. It is no longer what it used to be. .

If the illusion comes true, the thirty-three days back then must not be what the Taihuang Heaven looks like today. It must be in its peak state if it is not a group of demons from all directions and all the immortals from all over the world come to surrender.

Although today's Taihuangtian is impeccable, there are no signs of progress.

Taiqingtian is different from itself.

The entire Taiqing Heaven was still prosperous on the earth. The Eighteen Immortals Sect had accumulated an unknown number of people. It was originally promised that although there were many people in the country, they were only over a billion people, and the number of people who could cultivate was only a handful. Within one hundred thousand.

Back then, I promised to go to Cave Xuanxian Sect to study arts. Cave Xuanxian Sect was also quite deserted. Apart from the disciples, there were no ordinary people there.

But today’s Taiqing Heaven is not like that. I don’t know how many people the Eighteen Immortals Sect has hidden, let alone how many years it has been encouraged to reproduce. Each of the twenty-four heavens of Taiqing has a number of people. Although one hundred thousand people can only live in one main city, the twenty-four heavens combined can number tens of millions.

With such a huge population, it could become a country on Earth, although it would not be a big country.

In particular, the population of Taiqingtian is all pure human beings, and there are no monsters at all. Even the guardian spirit birds and monsters that have been subdued have all been refined with monster energy and modified spiritual energy. Even if some people have monster blood, they are also They have all been cleaned, so Taiqingtian only has a flourishing spirit, without a trace of evil spirit.

The Eighteen Immortals Sect has been improving the demon clan's techniques into the immortal family's techniques. Just like the Classic of Mountains and Seas of the 'Dong' Xuanxian Sect, it is an improvement from the Swallowing Sea Black Whale Transformation and the Tuoshan Ancient Xiang Transformation. So even if the monster has changed to cultivate spiritual energy, he still has no worries about having no way to cultivate it.

The spiritual energy is steaming, and the Taihuang Heaven is still pure.

Although Taihuang Tian was also established as an immortal, even the Grand Priest was from the demon clan. Naturally, the patriarch of the Tianlongxiang clan could not be as pure as Taiqingtian.

Xu Ruo entered Taiqingtian and saw that no one came to greet him, so he did not visit Yuanshi Sect and Xikunlun. Logically speaking, these two sects with five great immortals in charge are now Taiqingtian. A person who talks about things.

However, Tai Qing Tian did not treat him as the Lord of the East Emperor Heaven specially, so he felt quite relaxed and went directly to the Cave where the Xuanxian Sect was stationed.

Although the 'Dong' Xuanxian Sect occupied one floor on the 24th day of Taiqing, due to the sparse population of the 'Sect', the 'Dong' Mansion built was also quite deserted. It only replaced the original 'Sect' 'Dong' Tian moved over and did not do any more construction, but there was a building that looked quite familiar to Xu Lio.

On the 24th day of Taiqing, a special subway for monsters was actually rebuilt. I don’t know what magic Master Taiqing used. The subway here can connect to the heavens, and it can pass without hindrance on the 24th day of Taiqing.

He was allowed to enter Taiqingtian. Because the gate was set up in the 20th day of Taiqing, he would only appear on the lowest level. If he wanted to go to the Cave where the Xuanxian Sect was stationed, he would naturally have to take a special subway.

Xu tried it and found that his monster card could still be used, which was really surprising. Moreover, when he bought the ticket, he also discovered that the monster-only subway in Taiqingtian could still go to Dayoutian...

This incident really caused Xu Li to collapse. It also shows that the Ten Thousand Demons Association and the Eighteen Immortals Sect cooperate more closely than outsiders imagine. Wear a pair of pants for many things.

It's just that they have a competitive attitude in front of them.

Xu Luo bought the subway ticket, and suddenly he had countless emotions. Back then, under Zhao Yanqin's guidance, he took this thing for the first time, and he was like a country bumpkin, but now he has emotions that things have changed and people have changed.

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