One Sword to Immortality

703. I am dissatisfied with my life. I just painted a painting for the 20th year.

The 'Dong' Xuanxian Sect is more lively than Xu Liao expected. The disciples in the 'Sect' are stepping up their training and watching the images sent back by the battle beasts that roam around, so as to become familiar with the ancient geographical environment and various monster beasts as soon as possible. data of. --

The Longhua Society that the Eighteen Immortals Sect had explored before, and the Four Seas Territory Map that Xu had worked hard for three thousand years, were all realms of heaven, but the ancient prehistoric world was Taitian. realms and heavens were limited, but Taitian was infinite.

The ancient world is an endless world, just like the universe where the earth is located, except that the universe where the earth is located appears as an infinite void and brilliant galaxies. In the ancient world, the earth is infinite, the void is endless, and the structure of the world is completely different.

When they first explored the Longhua Society, the disciples of the 'Dong' Xuanxian Sect gained countless benefits. Most of these areas were still unexplored. They were forbidden by the big guys. This time, the ancient world can be explored at will. I don't know if there are any There are so many benefits, so these disciples are still quite excited.

After getting off the subway, I saw an acquaintance and immediately said hello: "Senior Brother Wang Chao!"

When Wang Chao saw Xu, he was also very surprised and overjoyed. He shouted: "Have you also been involved in Taiqing Tian? I thought you would be taken in by Great Demon Tian. Why... are you... Such 'pure' spiritual energy? Have you also changed your practice?"

Xu Lio smiled slightly and asked without explaining, "How is our 'Dong' Xuanxian Sect doing now?"

Wang Chao winked, lowered his business, and said quietly: "Bai Qiulian just came back. She just came back from visiting relatives at the Bai family. You haven't seen each other for a while, right?"

Xu was extremely surprised, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was normal. Although Bai Qiulian was from the Bai family, he did not join the Ten Thousand Demons Association. Instead, he became a disciple of the 'Dong' Xuanxian Sect. Now the world has changed drastically and he has returned to the prehistoric times. , she naturally followed the Eighteen Immortals Sect.

It was promised that it would take some time before Bai Qiulian could see him, but unexpectedly it happened by chance.

He reached out and patted Wang Chao on the shoulder, and entered the Qingxu Cave without hesitation.

Qingxu Dongtian ranks fifth among the major mountain gates of the Eighteen Immortals Sect, with a circumference of more than 3,000 kilometers. However, such a large place has only a few hundred people. Needless to say, it is extremely deserted. There are many The place is uninhabited.

Xu Liao knew Qingxu Dongtian very well. After all, he had studied here, so he went straight to the dormitory of the male and female disciples. He also lived in the dormitory of Qingxu Dongtian, so he naturally knew that Da Most disciples' activities would not stray too far from the two dormitory peaks.

Wang Chao called twice from behind. Seeing that he didn't respond, he smiled and bought his ticket and got on the subway. He also had things to do and didn't have time to bother with Xu Duo.

Wang Chao was at the Longhua Club,

It can be regarded as a big success. Not only did he master the "Dong" Heavenly Sword Sutra, but he also broke through the Dayans. Now in the "Dong" Xuanxian Sect, he is obviously the first person under the four Taoist realm elders, and has surpassed several A senior.

There was no way, who allowed him to cultivate the 'Dong' Heavenly Sword Sutra?

Even among the younger generation of the Eighteen Immortals Sect, Wang Chao can be regarded as coming from behind. He is obviously comparable to Yuanshi Men's Qianle, West Kunlun Ao Youxing, Shinhwa's Su Zhan, Ye Bai and Bai Juan, as well as Changsheng Sect's Kou Wenxing and Chen Jing et al.

Nowadays, the characters of their generation have begun to break through the realm of Dayan, and their respective limelights are strong.

This time Wang Chao was going to challenge Qian Le of the Yuanshi Sect, and even the disciples of the Eighteen Immortals Sect had placed a lot of bets for this battle. Originally, he wanted to invite Xu Ling to go with him, but he was an informed person. I knew that this junior brother must be anxious to see his girlfriend, so he didn't say anything about it.

Anyway...Bai Qiulian will also go to watch the battle. When he meets his girlfriend, he still has to follow him.

Wang Chao smiled and groaned, not taking this challenge to heart. He was relaxed and in a good mood.

He has never mentioned it to anyone. In fact, he has accumulated many years in the Tiangang Shi realm. He broke through to Dayan Shi in the Longhua Society. He was uniquely blessed and cultivated the 'Dong' Tian Sword Sutra. With the help of the peerless immortal scripture, the three parties combined their efforts. Now he has He has developed thirty-nine Dayan meridians, and his skills are particularly profound compared to many senior elders who have stayed in the realm of Dayanshi for many years.

I am holding back to give Qian Le an laugh!

Xu Luo had just entered Qingxu Cave Heaven when he saw a group of Cave Xuanxian sect disciples coming towards him. He didn't look at anyone else at all. He immediately saw Bai Qiulian chatting with Yingqiang, with a look on his face. Her expression was neither sad nor happy, and she had a calm demeanor. We hadn't seen her for a few days, and this girl seemed to have matured a little.

Xu Zuo did some calculations and found that although he had stayed in the Four Seas Territory for three thousand years, the actual time he and Bai Qiulian separated in this world should only be a few months...

Of course, his timeline is now in a mess, and he is not very sure about it, but he is sure that he and Bai Qiulian will not be apart for more than a year, so... he cannot use the time he has not seen for many years. The gesture can only be a small farewell to the newlyweds... Well, he and Bai Qiulian are not married yet.

Anyway, it is necessary to behave appropriately and not to act recklessly!

Xu adjusted his emotions and pondered for a while, and was about to speak when Bai Qiulian saw him first, frowned slightly and said, "Which family are you a disciple of? Why did you break into the Qingxu Cave of our Cave Xuanxian Sect?" ?”

Xu Zuo was stunned for a moment, his jaw almost dropped, and he shouted: "Xiao Bai! You won't have amnesia, right?"

Yingqiang covered her mouth, unable to hold back her laughter. The surrounding disciples of the 'Dong' Xuanxian Sect also had strange looks on their faces, as if they were trying to hold back something.

Bai Qiulian said with a serious face: "Of course I have lost my memory. We have all been 'brought' to the ancient times from the earth. Isn't it natural to lose three to five years of memory?"

Xu pressed his forehead. He was really scared just now. Under other circumstances, this joke would have been just fun. But he had just stayed in the Four Seas Territory for three thousand years, and he was really afraid that after he came back, the sea would change, people would change, and his two female friends would all forget him...


With the strength of the great demon commander, he was almost frightened to the point of wanting to beat up the toad spirit.

He smiled and said, "Don't scare me. My heart almost jumped out of the Three Realms just now, and my mind almost lost its focus on the Five Elements."

Bai Qiulian pursed her lips and smiled. She was very happy to see Xu. This girl from the Bai family didn't know that Xu had spent two consecutive big missions and spent three thousand hard years in the Four Seas Territory. Knowing that Xu Liao was sent to inspect a certain fragmented space, he also formed a close friendship with Ao Youxing from West Kunlun.

Ao Youxing has come to the Cave Xuanxian Sect to look for Xu Xu several times, and now he looks up to this companion. With Ao Youxing's status, he can still make such a gesture, which obviously makes Xu Xu's status even more attractive. A little higher.

Now Xu Xu's fame in the Xuanxian Sect in Cave is not inferior to that of Wang Chao, and is even more mysterious.

Bai Qiulian suddenly opened his arms and stared at Xu with his bright eyes without blinking, as if asking him again: "Do you want a hug?"

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