One Sword to Immortality

706. You will know after hugging me once.

Knowing that Xu is the master of Donghuang Heaven, there are only the masters of Taihuang Heaven, Da Yao Heaven, Tai Qing Heaven and Jade Ding Heaven, because they are the ones who control everything. As for Tiger Leopard Yi of Demon Star Heaven, You may not necessarily know. . шщш.㈦㈨ⅹS.сом Updates very quickly.

Even the creatures in Donghuangtian may not know that Xu has successfully opened up the world, except for the five demon gods.

Master Taiqing also gave Xu a choice, letting him choose what kind of person he would be and what kind of life he would live in the future. This kind of delicate thinking can only be possessed by great masters such as the Eighteen Immortals Sect, because they were all ordinary people who practiced step by step and reached the top.

If Xu's identity is revealed, he will no longer be able to enjoy the life of some ordinary people. This kind of life may not be rare to many people, but some people only dream of it.

If he promised not to reveal his identity, he could hide his origins as the Lord of the East Emperor Heaven and still be a slightly powerful but ordinary practitioner.

Xu Zuo thought carefully for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "I am just a disciple of the Dong Xuanxian Sect, what other identity do I have?"

Mr. Taiqing smiled hoarsely and said: "In that case, you can open up a void so that a dedicated subway can also drive into Donghuangtian!"

This request was definitely not too much. Xu thought about it for a moment and then readily agreed.

This special subway can pass through Taiqing for twenty-four days, and can also lead to the Great Demon Heaven. If it can pass through Donghuang Heaven without any hindrance, it will be like an invisible alliance. The three worlds and heavens will form an alliance, and it will be invisible. Can become the largest force in the ancient times.

Even Taihuang Tian can't compare with it. After all, the three families combined have more than twenty demon gods. The Great Demon Tian has twelve demon gods, Tai Qing Tian has five great real people, and Xu Xu's subordinates also have five demon gods.

Although Xu Zuo actually has a close relationship with Yu Dingtian and Taihuang Tian, ​​his relationship is not the same as the relationship between the Eighteen Immortals Sect and the Ten Thousand Demons Association. Each family cannot give up hostility because of him.

Mr. Taiqing smiled slightly. He had completed his task. He raised his hand gently and disappeared. Taiqing Heaven is the structure of his magic power. In this world, Master Taiqing is the supreme emperor. Even if his cultivation level exceeds him, he cannot compete with him here.

Xu Luo naturally had no intention of competing with Master Taiqing. Since he had agreed to cooperate with Taiqing Tian, ​​his disciples would naturally come to contact him, and there was no need to personally deal with the details.

He didn't express much emotion when he agreed, but Bai Qiulian felt slightly happy.

Mr. Taiqing is one of the Five Great Immortals, with a lofty status, but he is treated as an equal, which is a great honor.

Although Bai Qiulian really likes Xu, it would be hypocritical to say that she never cares about this. Bai Qiulian has always wanted to be the top of the younger generation and has never thought of following the trend.

Although she did not rely on her own efforts to become the top person, who gave her a good vision?

The man chosen is the most promising hero in the world.

Xu didn't think about these children's matters. Master Taiqing's visit also meant that he would not worry about conflicts with Taiqing Tian for a long time in the future. It is also one of the main purposes of his coming to Taiqingtian, although his most important thing is to come to Bai Qiulian, just as he knows that Bai Qiulian must be in Taiqingtian.

Xu Luo released a ray of spiritual thought because he felt that Qu Lei was not in Taiqingtian.

As for where is Qu Lei?

Now his other combat clone has also found its target.

The fighting avatar of the ten-color flower vine has reached the Great Demon Heaven, and... set foot on Luoyang Street again.

Luoyang Street and Yaohuai Street are both areas under the jurisdiction of the Kyoto Yokai Affairs Agency. There are more than ten such streets in Beidou City, as well as dozens of virtual realms, which constitute the activity space of the Ten Thousand Monsters Association in Beidou City.

Now Beidou City is a purely human city, and the parts belonging to monsters have been moved to the Great Monster Heaven.

As long as Xu Lei raised his head, he could see his Yalong Mountain, which was his base camp. There were still some staff members from the police department responsible for the operation of this department.

The Great Demon Heaven and the Taiqing Heaven are different from each other, but they are somewhat similar to Xu Liao's Donghuang Heaven. They are also structured according to the thirty-six 'cave' heavens and the seventy-two virtual realms.

The original three palaces, six courtyards, and seventeen clubs of the Ten Thousand Demons Association have been copied by the four demon gods. Except for the mysterious president, there is still no trace. Yue Peng, Huntian, and Lord Xu Fuyuan officially took charge of the Great Demon Heaven, and even the eight demon gods who had been subdued by the Longhua Society were assigned missions.

When Xu Luo returned to Luoyang Street, he understood the changes in the entire Da Yaotian in just a moment, because he still had the highest authority. After all, he was the top leader of the police department, one of the seventeen societies.

What surprised Xu Liao most now was that there was someone waiting for him in his office on Yalong Mountain, but Xu Liao had no intention of meeting him because he had more important things to do.

He is waiting for Qu Lei.

Qu Lei is shopping.

Xu Liuzai walked leisurely on the street, seemingly in no hurry at all. It wasn't until he saw Qu Lei and Zhao Yanqin walking hand in hand that he showed a bright smile and said a leisurely hello. , said: "What a coincidence! You are also here to go shopping!"

Qu Lei opened her mouth and showed an unbelievable look. The next second, she jumped up and threw herself into Xu Zuo's arms.

Although Qu Lei was not heavy, Xu Zuo was still knocked back and took a step back. It was not that he couldn't bear the weight of a girl, but... he was afraid that Qu Lei would be injured.

Qu Leke is still an ordinary human girl. Although she has begun to practice some skills, she is still very weak. What does it feel like to hold the goddess of your student days in your arms?

You'll know once you hug it yourself.

Xu Zuo now knows what this feels like, but of course...he won't share it with others.

When Zhao Yanqin saw the two people like this, she snorted and did not disturb them. She just made a provocative gesture at Xu and left on her own. She just looked at her back and saw that this monster girl was actually not happy.

Xu didn't care anymore. He waved towards Yalong Mountain and sent Qu Lei out of the Great Demon Heaven first. Only the fighting clone was left behind. Then he climbed onto Yalong Mountain with a smile on his face and returned to his office. .

Yue Peng watched this scene with amusement, and then said to another person beside him: "I guess your sister has lost her virginity, so you might as well just accept a brother-in-law."

Gu Banlan, who looked angry next to him, immediately jumped up and shouted: "Absolutely impossible! If he dares to touch my sister, I will definitely kill him. Even if he is the Lord of Donghuangtian, so what? He is not a demon god yet. .Sooner or later I will be able to kill him."

Xu Liu entered the office and when he heard Gu Meili's words, he couldn't help but have a... greasy look on his face!

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