One Sword to Immortality

711. The magic weapon kills the monster

When Xu Liao first became a monster, he still insisted on going to high school, but... now he can no longer go back to school. . For more latest chapters visit: ШЩЩ.⑦⑨XS.сОМ.

If you think about it carefully, it's quite a sad thing.

Qu Lei was worried about going home. After all, she ran away with the boy and lived together for a few days, which had already exceeded her limits. I didn’t hold back much after I made the promise. Anyway, I’ve already done what I need to do and I’ve made preparations. The next step is to just let nature take its course.

He personally...sent a combat clone to send Qu Lei back to the Great Demon Heaven! Qu Lei has now moved into Yaohuai Street and is next door to Zhao Yanqin. She knows that Bai Qiu practices in Taiqingtian, and even though he has become a disciple of the 'Dong' Xuanxian sect, he rarely goes back.

After sending Qu Lei back, I went to check before the promise was made. The special subway was about to start construction, and I sensed that someone was knocking on the gate of Donghuangtian.

Xu was a little curious, but Yaokong forgot to take a look, but he was an acquaintance.

It was Mr. Yue who escaped in the Four Seas Territory that year, the commander of the Magic Lamp and the Storm Army. The three demon gods had a strong aura and unruly attitude, but Xu Ruo could figure it out, and the three demon gods were a little frightened.

With just a slight change of heart, Xu Ruo knew what the three demon gods were planning. Without calling for other helpers, he separated a combat clone, floated lightly into the void, and escaped from Donghuang Heaven.

Xu's clone was full of immortality, with a golden rainbow behind it, as brilliant as the sun, but with an aura of lightness.

What he differentiated was the cultivation of the Jiuyuan Sutra, and the golden rainbow behind it was naturally the golden ring for transcending tribulations.

When the three demon gods saw Xu, their expressions changed. They had fallen into the ancient wilderness a long time ago. They even saw the six realms and heavens occupying the roots of heaven and earth one after another. They only regretted that the three demon gods' foundations were too weak. I didn't know that the Ten Thousand Demons Association and the Eighteen Immortals Sect had such a big plan, so they naturally didn't prepare in advance. They watched the six roots of heaven and earth being occupied one by one, but there was no way to snatch them away.

As for the establishment of the six worlds, the three demon gods have been planning for a long time. They also know that if they cannot seize a world, they are not qualified to be the protagonists of this era. They can only be reduced to cannon fodder and will be destroyed by all the major forces sooner or later.

The planning world has not yet undergone a major change, and the characters of destiny have not really appeared in the ancient times, and they have snatched a realm in advance to establish a firm foothold.

Of course they didn't dare to plan for the remaining five days, so they focused on the Donghuangtian established by Xu Luo. Ask Tian'men.

Mr. Yue's eyes were as bright as fire, and when he saw Xu Yao, his eyes lit up, and he looked down upon Xu Yao, who was the Lord of Donghuang, because Xu Yao's Qi Ji aura could only be possessed by the Lord of Jie Tian.

I couldn't help but secretly thought: "I didn't expect that this realm of heaven is actually presided over by a Taoist. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could capture it alive and 'force' it to be sacrificed to this heaven?"

He did not say hello to the magic lamp or the leader of the Storm Legion. He pressed his big hand fiercely, covering Xu's whole body, and shouted: "How qualified is this junior to be in charge for a day? Please give up the position of God to me!"

Xu smiled slightly, and the clone disintegrated and merged into the Golden Ring of Transcendence. This treasure, which was close to the peak of the demon god level, shook slightly, and the phantoms of two divine weapons borrowed from Donghuang Heaven came out.

One green and one red, two ax lights came out.

Even though Mr. Yue had strong magic power, he was still chopped into four pieces by the two ax lights.

Xu extended his hand again and suppressed Mr. Yue's body that had been split into four pieces. Then he looked at the two demon gods, the magic lamp and the storm, smiled slightly and said, "If you want to enter my Donghuang Heaven, let me sacrifice you." Fan, once the sacrifice is perfect, you can join my command."

He promised to have five demon gods under his command. Emperor Wenzhong was not controlled by him, but the other four demon gods were all refined by the Great Formation when they were demon commanders. The formation penetrated into the deepest part of the core of the mana, and they were promoted to demon gods. On the contrary, Let the entanglement between mana and the great formation become deeper and deeper, and it can no longer be driven away.

But for those who have become demon gods, their magic power is a world of its own. Even if Jiang Shang and Jade Cauldron are replaced, there is no way to refine it into the formation and practice it into the formation eye. Even if it is done reluctantly, because there is no way Going deep into the deepest part of the mana core, they may refine the formation at any time and regain freedom.

Therefore, Xu did not dare to take in the magic lamp and Baofeng. He just said so, but his original intention was not to expect the two demon gods to fall into the trap, but to hope that they would retreat and leave quickly.

Even though Xu had enough confidence, he still didn't want to start a war with the two demon gods, especially the senior demon gods like Shen Leng and Baofeng. The two of them had far more magic power than Gu Meilan.

The two great monsters, the magic lamp and the leader of the Storm Legion, looked at each other, lowered their tone at the same time, and said, "We are willing to join the Eastern Emperor Heaven, and we will only be guests!"

Xu Lio couldn't help being surprised and asked: "Why do you have to take refuge? Wouldn't it be great to be free and have broad seas and sky high?"

The magic lamp is the most mysterious. It has created three thousand volumes of secrets, which are more widely circulated than the demon gods. He smiled bitterly and said: "Because without the protection of Jie Tian, ​​even if we are the demon gods, we will not be able to survive the upcoming great changes in the world. . I have some hatred towards Mr. Jiang Shang, and I don’t want to join the Ten Thousand Demons Association. I have countless battles with the Eighteen Immortals Sect, and you are the only one who can tolerate me.”

Xu Liao originally wanted to ask why he didn't go to the Demon Star Heaven and the Jade Cauldron Heaven, but then he thought about it again and realized that these two realms and heavens were of their own system and were too exclusive. The one hundred and eight demon commanders in Moxingtian are now two demon gods and one hundred and six demon commanders. They have all formed a team since ancient times and are so close. How can there be room for foreign demon gods?

Even if they were to join in, their status would still require them to resist all the monster commanders. How could they endure it?

As for the ‘Jade’ Dingtian…

It was almost the same, both of them could only be driven away, their status and dignity were completely lost.

Xu thought for a moment and said: "In that case, you two go to Tiandi Garden!"

With Emperor Bo Wenzhong sitting in charge, although these two demon gods are powerful, they cannot overturn the world, not to mention that Tai can still draw on the power of the entire East Emperor Heaven.

He was somewhat reluctant to promise, but he also knew that if he could not gather strength as soon as possible, after the beginning of the ancient world, even the six worlds and heavens would have to fight for a protagonist. Although he had never thought about becoming the protagonist of heaven and earth, he still had to find a way. A way out.

The magic lamp and the leader of the Storm Legion, the two great demon gods each saluted with respect. When they entered the Heavenly Emperor's Garden, Xu Ruo hurriedly summoned the Qinglong Yue, and used the shadow of the divine weapon to send a spiritual thought to the great demon sky.

Although Xu Liao was able to cut open Mr. Yue's body with the help of two masters of divine weapons, he was still unable to kill the big demon in the form of the divine weapons, so he could only suppress it with the help of the power of Donghuang Heaven. .

To deal with this big monster, his master Yue Peng must come forward.

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