The battle clones visited Taihuangtian, Taiqingtian, Dayaotian and Jade Dingtian, and the results were all very satisfactory. Although there was a loophole like Zhou Shengyu, it was not a big problem for Xu Liao, as long as his disciple did not die. , I will definitely find him back. As for becoming a demon... that was Zhou Shengyu's choice. There was no need to worry about him if he agreed. -79 Novel Network-

Xu Luo even played a little trick and left his immortal avatar to practice with Bai Qiu in Taiqingtian, but he got Qu Lei back. He deliberately took advantage of Qu Lei's return to the Great Demon Heaven to visit Zhao Yanqin and intervened while he was not in the Xuanxian Sect. He also did not intend to let Qu Lei return to the Great Demon Heaven or Tai Qing Tian.

Qu Lei has also joined the Cave Xuanxian sect. If she is allowed to go back, it will be easy for her to get involved. As long as you don't go back to Taiqingtian, the Xuanxian Sect will not be exposed.

As for Bai Qiulian coming to Donghuangtian, it doesn't matter if he agrees to it. How can he not hide some people in such a big territory?

It's better this way.

This is just that he holds Qu Lei with his left hand and Bai Qiulian with his right hand, but the two hands are not in the same time and space...

Liu Che's "Autumn Wind Ci" in the Han Dynasty once said: The orchids are beautiful and the chrysanthemums are fragrant. When you are pregnant with a beautiful woman, you can't forget it. That's what I'm talking about. Both girls are 'very' good! I can’t bear to let go of any of them!

Of course, the last two sentences of this poem: There is so much joy but so much sadness, so young and old! I would like to thank you if you agree. When human beings are young, they have too much joy, and when they are old and frail, Sora sheds tears and laments, "How can he, a monster, have such troubles?"

Compared to the showdown, Xu chose the easier option.

Qu Lei didn't expect that Xu Ruo would "snatch" her directly.

When she saw Xu Zuo, she really couldn't help herself, but she didn't expect that Xu Zuo was more domineering than she expected.

Qu Lei has also been to the East Imperial Palace and Tiandi Garden, but at that time, the East Imperial Palace and Tiandi Garden were completely different from now. Not only had they expanded dozens of times, but even the scenery had changed a lot.

There are thirty-six 'cave' heavens and seventy-two virtual realms in the East Emperor's Heaven, led by the six 'cave' heavens: the East Palace is firmly located in it, the Crystal Palace has the Dragon King of the South China Sea sitting in it, the Emperor's Garden has Huang Bo Wenzhong in charge, and King Ying sits in it. Chaoge'dong'tian was opened, the high priest opened Chiji'dong'tian, and King Hunhai opened Ku Konghai'dong'tian.

Among them, Tiandi Garden is the most lively. Xu chose the East Palace to live in. Of course, he couldn’t bear the idleness. He copied the set of laws and regulations implemented by the Police Department. Only a few of them were at the same time the Police Department. It is the monster under the Jade Cauldron Sect who has made enough contributions to redeem the benefits of coming to the East Palace to browse the exercises.

In the entire East Palace, except for these short-term visitors,

There are only hundreds of thousands of yellow scarf warriors left to serve him in daily life and to take care of his various properties.

For example, he brought back various immortal species, exotic flowers and herbs from the Longhua Society and the Four Seas Territory Map, raised various spiritual beasts and immortal birds, refined various immortal treasures, made fighting beasts, and various applications. .

The Yellow Turban Warriors were completely under his control and were considered slaves, making him feel more at ease than his disciples.

Xu's disciples who were subdued in the Four Seas Territory, as well as the subordinates of the police department, as well as the people who were recruited in the Crystal Palace... were all sent to Tiandi Garden by him, so Tiandi Garden is the most lively now.

King Ying, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, the High Priest and the King of Hunhai each had their own subordinates, but none of them could compare with the large number of people under Xu Xu. Especially with the emperor Wen Zhong sitting in charge, the Heavenly Emperor Garden had a stable environment.

Qu Lei was promised to be brought back to Donghuang Palace, and she naturally came to his side. The two reunited after a long absence, and they forgot about each other. It took several days for Qu Lei to wake up, and she was a little curious about the atmosphere of Donghuang Palace.

Xu Liao has now found six tree 'holes' on the Dajian Tianmu and built six residences. Of course, he is the only owner of these six tree palaces.

He has mastered the Da Tian Yuan Jue and the Nine Yuan Calculation Sutra, and can now begin to practice the two major celestial trees. Recently, he is studying the inheritance of the two major celestial trees.

When Qu Lei asked why there were only yellow scarf warriors in the East Palace and could not see the original crowd, Xu Luo naturally did not hide it and explained: "Now I have closed the East Palace and only allow the police department and the 'Yu'ding' People come here to study, but they are not allowed to live there."

Qu Lei asked curiously: "Why is this?"

Xu Liao said lightly: "Of course it's so that... I can run naked freely!"

Qu Lei chuckled and could no longer pursue the question. She stretched out her hand and gently hit Xu, who was making a "flying" gesture, and said, "We can't always be here! I have to go back to school."

I made a promise and suddenly got a headache.

He himself has gone through a lot of changes, but Qu Lei's life has changed slightly, he has learned a few spells, but he is not much better than ordinary people, and he still maintains his original living habits.

You must know that reversing time and returning to prehistoric times is a change in the timeline and a supreme hypnosis technique. The lower you are, the harder it is to feel the changes in life, because this kind of magic can even change memories. This is not hypnosis. It is a kind of cleaning memory, but the things in the memory. Because the changes in the timeline do not exist at all, or have happened, naturally no memory can be formed.

Similar to a big monster like Xu, the memory has become one with the soul and blended with the magic power, even if the brain is split open, it will not be affected.

Qu Lei's life circle was not big to begin with, but she suddenly felt that there were fewer people around her. Because these people were affected by the timeline, she did not even have clear memories, so she was not aware of the changes in her life and the changes in the world. change.

This is because Qu Lei knows a little bit about magic. The original earth, the original universe and space, because all the people left behind are ordinary people, no one has the memory of monsters anymore, not even the memory of the monsters who were disguised as humans around them. They can sense Yaoshuai Street, Luoyang Street, and all kinds of monster time and space, so those people are not aware of the changes in the world at all, and they have no idea that the world is no longer the same.

Xu thought for a while and said, "Then wait until the subway is repaired. Come if you have nothing to do."

Xu Liao didn't want to treat Qu Lei forcefully. He just had a headache and there was something troublesome that needed to be dealt with. Qu Lei smiled sweetly and said nothing more. She also felt a little strange. It seemed that everything was different, but he couldn't tell where exactly there was a change.

But for an ordinary girl like her, as long as her promises don't change and the people around her don't change, there's nothing to worry about.

Qu Lei thought about what she and Xu Liao had done these past few days, and couldn't help but blush. She gritted her teeth and said to Xu Liao: "You can't do that kind of thing to me casually in the future. Even if you do, ...You have to wait until I graduate.”

Xu was stunned for a moment and asked, "Have you graduated from high school?"

Qu Lei's cheeks immediately turned red with embarrassment, and she shouted, "Of course I graduated from college!"

Xu Liao murmured in her heart: "University... what is that thing?"

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