Xu Luo activated the golden ring to transcend the tribulation and peer into the past and future. Suddenly, a large book unfolded in front of him, with two big characters "Taizhu" written on it!

Xu looked at it with relish for a while, and then realized that this was not a treasure of existence, past, future, or a certain moment, but a new author named: Gaolou Mansions on the earth, who had just opened a new book, and the story was still being written. It's quite interesting.

What it says is: One tree produces thousands of flowers, and the Taoist sect is one family. There are many magic spells, but the human heart is hard to check.

With his head full of black threads, he hurriedly adjusted the golden ring to transcend the tribulation and re-deduce the past and the future!

Jiang Shang, who was sitting firmly in the Supreme Emperor's Heaven, suddenly raised his brows and murmured in a low voice: "You are nakedly advertising." A vague, but not very serious voice came around and said with a smile: "Eat too much. How can I be so embarrassed if I don’t insert this sentence?”

Jiang Shang sneered and replied: "No need to yell! You will lose your subscription!"

Xu Zuo didn't know about this. This time, he deduced for dozens of days. Although with his demon commander-level skills, even if he had a magic weapon like the Golden Ring of Transcendence, the peak of demon-god-level perfection, he could not glimpse the ancient prehistoric times. The era changes, but there are faint traces of it.

After Xu came out of seclusion, he immediately sent a combat clone, with big sleeves fluttering, straight up to the Taihuang Heaven.

Xu said this because he came to ask his teacher Jiang Shang for advice, because when he was deducing, he saw the experience he had with Jiang Shang's Xingluo chess set, and he immediately remembered that the changes in it seemed to coincide with the situation he was facing today.

The creatures born in Jiang Shang's Xingluo chess set were all human beings. Xu Luo caused chaos for a while, causing them to give birth to demon species. However, in the end, the two races of humans and demons did not win or lose. Xu Luo understood the reason and deduced the theory. Jiang Shang’s Xingluo chess set. If he had not deduced it at that time and continued to deduce it, I am afraid that he would have a clear answer to the situation he is facing today.

Xu Liao knew that this must be Jiang Shang's intention to give him guidance back then, so he went to the Taihuang Heaven for the second time.

When Xu arrived at the Taihuang Heaven, Pan Xiang was waiting under the Tianmen again. He hurriedly called out: "Excuse me, uncle again!" Pan Xiang shook his head and said, "Your master still won't see you, but it's the fruit of your desire." , you can look for it millions of miles southeast. You may have some ideas."

After Pan Xiang finished explaining, he turned around and entered the Taihuang Heaven.

Without Jiang Shang's permission, he couldn't enter Taihuang Heaven, so he could only linger for a while and go straight to the southeast.

Xu's fighting clone was transformed from the Great Heaven Yuan Jue. Although the Great Heaven Yuan Jue is not like the Neijing Yuan Shen, which can evolve into thirty-six weeks, it is the ancestral source of thousands of formations and has infinite magical effects.

In particular, this method has another mystery after it has been evolved by Yuding Zhenren. He does not control the escape light, but only takes one step, and it is a formation. He walked in the ancient times, hundreds of thousands of steps, there are hundreds of thousands The formations are connected together to form a avenue leading to the sky.

This avenue is more than 100,000 miles long and extremely wide. As long as the ancient creatures approach this avenue to the sky, they will be restrained by the formation and become part of it.

Originally, at this time in the ancient times, the sky and the earth had just opened into chaos, and were still undivided by the Great Mist. The sky and the earth were murky, and it was difficult to distinguish the clear from the turbid. The earth had just condensed, and there were bottomless abyss everywhere, and often one abyss was just one. Spread the earth thousands of miles apart and turn the road into a chasm.

But as long as the ground is allowed to be walked, the chasm will immediately turn into a thoroughfare. There will naturally be an overhead flying bridge connecting the Taiyuan. Even the mist and miasma spewing out of the Taiyuan will create demons that encounter this avenue. , can't escape the restraint.

Xu Xu walked all the way, and after walking more than 100,000 miles, he felt slightly tired, so he found a bluestone and fell asleep.

After he fell asleep, the bluestone beneath him gradually rose up and turned into a big mountain!

The mountain gradually rises, but the foot of the mountain turns into an arc, and the two ends lead out from the middle of the mountain, so that the road will not be cut off and blocked by the mountain peaks.

This sleep promised will be seventy-seven and forty-nine days!

After he woke up, he smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to take a picture of the mountain peak, and suddenly there was a strange light in the sky. He promised not to ignore the mountain peak and kept moving forward.

This time, Xu Zuo traveled for dozens of days, spanning two to three hundred thousand miles, and suddenly saw a large lake in front of him. It was thousands of miles around. On the earth, it was already a vast ocean. The waves on the shore were thousands of feet high and went deep into the lake. If you go, there will be tens of thousands of feet high waves across the lake.

I don't know how many big monsters are fighting and fighting under the water. These big monsters are as small as hundreds of meters, and the big ones are as straight as mountains. If they move slightly, they will be filled with turbid waves. If they get angry, the turbid waves in the lake will rise. It can soar straight into the sky, and not even a bird dares to cross it for fear of being caught in it.

Xu Luo paused for a moment, knowing that he would not be able to get through here. Although his cultivation level was good, he was still not at the level of a demon commander. There were endless large demons in this lake, many of which were powerful and had surpassed the peak of a demon commander. However, because the world was still open, Without enlightenment, all spiritual consciousness is blinded, and one does not know how to practice, so one cannot make a breakthrough.

But despite this, he did not surrender me or the countless big monsters in the lake one by one.

He thought for a while, raised his hand to grab it, and a small mountain peak flew up and landed near the lake. He urged the Great Heavenly Yuan Jue and stretched out his finger, and countless formations emerged from the small mountain peak that fell in the lake. All over the body.

There are two great monsters of the water tribe. One is born with unicorn horns, but is as strong as a buffalo. The other is like an ancient elephant, but has six giant trunks. It constantly sprays black water, dyeing the lake black. There are water demons that are touched by the black water, and they immediately fester into flesh and become disobedient to their form.

Only the monster with its horns, like a buffalo, was calm and unafraid, roaring like thunder, and fought with the opponent risking his own life.

The two big demons approached the mountain, but they felt that the object was in the way, so they each used their magical powers to collide with it. The collision only caused the ground to shake and the sky to collapse. If it were an ordinary mountain peak, it would be smashed into powder in just a few moments and never exist again. However, this mountain peak was refined with the Great Heavenly Yuan Jue, and its entire body was covered with formations. Therefore, it could withstand the harm caused by these two great monsters and still remain. Solid as a rock.

The two big demons collided for a while, and suddenly some spiritual consciousness came into being. They just felt that their minds became smarter after they collided, and they kept colliding with each other. The two big demons gradually stopped fighting and just bumped into the mountain. Every time they collided, there were a few more talismans in their minds. Finally, these talismans turned into a piece of practice magic and stirred up in their blood, allowing the two big demons to separate themselves. He howled and began to transform.

Xu looked at the ugly appearance of the two big monsters, half human and half monster. He shook his head unconsciously and reached out to pick up another mountain peak. He dropped it further into the lake and immediately attracted five more big monsters. A vicious fight broke out nearby.

Xu used this method to continuously throw down more than ten mountain peaks, so that the formation's eyes reached the center of the lake. At this time, the twenty-seven most powerful monsters in the lake were all alarmed...

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