One Sword to Immortality

714. Strange tales of mountains and seas

Although Xu Liao can use the Datian Yuan Jue, the formation of his subordinates, and use the formation to exert magic power, and can exert power far beyond his own realm, there is always a limit.

The twenty-seven giant monsters in this big lake, which were equivalent to the top of the Demon Commander, shattered three mountain peaks in succession under the fierce impact, and had to retreat a certain distance.

Fortunately, Xu Liao retreated for a while, and these big demons started fighting in the chaos again, and no longer paid attention to him, allowing Xu Liao to slow down and collect the demons in the lake with the help of the nine remaining peaks that fell in the lake.

In the ancient times, all living beings were tyrannical and arrogant. However, because the spiritual consciousness was not opened, even though the demon power reached the sky, it was still unable to break through the sky.

There are even many creatures that only know how to pursue power blindly, regardless of whether they can bear it. Most of the creatures are a mixture of demons and demons. Many creatures are born with demons and only seek to liberate their natures. There is no possibility of awakening their sanity.

If it were anyone else, these possessed creatures would have to be killed, but Xu was a member of Yuding's sect, so there were still ways to save them.

The gathered demons were attracted by the Great Heavenly Origin Secret, and naturally developed various insights. It was promised that there was no need to teach any secrets. As long as their spiritual consciousness was stimulated, these demons would realize the power buried deep in their blood and awaken various cultivation methods. .

These methods are in line with the trajectory of heaven and earth, just like human beings are born with the ability to breathe, suck milk, and cry. These are skills that are born and nurtured by the earth and do not need to be learned at all. Only when the demons in western Zhejiang, except those with peerless talent, reflect on the shortcomings of bloodline, improve them, and get out of their ruts, will the real demonic method appear.

Once there is an inherited demon method, this demon can be upgraded to a tribe, instead of being a wild and wild creature with an undiscovered spirit.

After promising to gather a group of demons, these demons were inspired by the Great Heavenly Yuan Jue to have their spiritual consciousness, and were naturally penetrated into their bloodlines by the Great Heavenly Yuanjue, and became the creatures captured by the formation established by the Great Heavenly Yuanjue.

Xu Luo remained silent for ten days, and then bravely stepped forward again, covering nine peaks. Although he still provoked the big demon in the lake to attack, Xu Luo used the battles between the top big demons in the lake to skillfully control the situation. Although it took dozens of days of hard work, these five peaks were preserved, and each peak was guarded by a big demon.

These big demons originally had no spiritual consciousness, but after being lured by Xu, they gradually felt that these mountain peaks were good things. Therefore, once they occupied them, they regarded them as their own territory, and no other big demons were allowed to come and disturb them.

Xu Luo's plan was successful, and he then lowered the mountain all the way, adding forty-seven islands to the lake. Each island was connected by a long bridge, and the formation was erected across the entire lake.

The top twenty-seven monsters in the lake,

They occupied the twenty-seven best islands, and the remaining twenty islands were also guarded by big demons. After completing this task, they promised not to stop and continue to move forward.

Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of miles passed by. He calculated the distance and found that he had walked seven to eight hundred thousand miles. He was still one million miles away from Pan Xiang's words. He only had 30% of the distance left. He couldn't help but think a little in his heart.

"Teacher Jiang Shang, what do you want me to do? There are big monsters everywhere in the ancient times. Even though I am not afraid of them, there are no special creatures, and they don't seem to be tamed. Even if they are tamed, they are not like What kind of wisdom and future can this tribe have?"

Xu settled his doubts and rested again. His combat avatar was transformed from the Great Heaven Yuan Jue, so he needed to connect with the East Emperor Heaven and let the main body who practices the Nine Yuan Calculation Sutra deduce it.

I have some doubts about Xu's being in Donghuang Heaven. He got advice from Jiang Shang and performed the deduction dozens of times, but he didn't get any results. There was even a slight crisis in the future, but this crisis was not triggered, and he didn't know what it would be. What it looks like.

Xu Luo pushed the golden ring of overcoming the tribulation, and continued to deduce it for a hundred days, but still couldn't figure it out, so he could only let the fighting clone move forward.

Xu Luo's battle clone stayed in one place for a hundred days, and sacrificed this place to create hundreds of large formations, pressing them in series to separate the dull, clear and turbid air of the world, allowing the turbid air to descend and turn into The hills are steaming with clear air, turning into clouds and mist. Let this area of ​​hundreds of miles of land turn into a fairyland. Compared with other areas in the ancient times, it is simply not the same world.

Because of this, countless creatures have been attracted to live here. These creatures have been seduced by the Datian Yuan Jue, and gradually there are a small group of people who have opened up their spiritual consciousness.

When Xu Luo moved forward again, a group of monsters followed him, hovering around him, as if they were going to act as wing guards.

This group of monsters looks like birds, but they have dragon bodies, feathers, scales, double horns, and countless colorful fluff floating around their necks. The appearance is colorful and unparalleled, and even Xu Li cannot recognize what kind of alien species it is, but he can be sure of one thing, this kind of monster will definitely be exterminated in the future, and the entire family will be wiped out.

Because the Eastern Palace has hundreds of thousands of inheritances and countless talismans, but there is no inheritance of this kind of demon.

Apparently it was completely extinct in ancient times.

Therefore, after Haojitian was established, even though it collected countless secrets inherited from demons, it never included this category.

Xu Zuo was curious, so he recruited these demons to come down. The demons behaved well, soared gracefully, and landed in front of Xu Zuo. With his great demon commander's strength, it was not difficult to activate the spiritual consciousness of the demons. The group of demons opened their spiritual consciousness and immediately became restless and joyful. They lingered around Xu Liao, appearing very close to them.

When I opened the spiritual consciousness of these monsters, I also explored their bloodlines and calculated them with the Nine Yuan Calculation Sutra. I couldn't help but be slightly surprised, and secretly thought: "The bodies of these monsters are self-contained chaos, regardless of the five elements. Any acquired practice method is not advisable. It seems that only the Five Elements Hudong Great Grasping Technique practiced by Senior Brother Gu Yangshen can be suitable for their practice, but this method is not suitable for spreading demons randomly. Let me deduce it again and see if there is a way to deduce it. Their bloodline inheritance.”

Xu Liao asked: "I need a drop of your essence and blood. Are you willing to donate it?"

The leading demon stepped forward and nodded, stretched out his claws, scratched his neck, and ten drops of blood flew out. Xu received it in the palm of his hand and immediately sent it back to Donghuangtian through the formations set up along the way. His current combat clone only has the cultivation level of Datian Yuanjue. If it is normal calculation, he can still communicate with Donghuangtian, but To deduce the inheritance, it is necessary to send the essence and blood back, so that the deity can perform the Nine Yuan Calculation Sutra and activate the golden ring to transcend the tribulation.

After half a day, a secret was passed back, called: Innate Confusion Dafa!

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