One Sword to Immortality

726. Magical power cannot save time.

The "traitors" who were promised to be sent to the Demon Star Heaven are actually not living a good life now. --

The passage established by Xu was cut off because of his departure. Not to mention Zhou Wudao, even Xia Da, Xie Lin, Xiao An'an, and Yan Se'xue wanted to return to the earth. You can only suffer in the wood world.

But none of these people could have imagined that the entire world would reverse time and return to the prehistoric times. They would be trapped in the Demon Star for hundreds of years.

In the past few hundred years, only Zhou Qing, Xia Da and Yan Sexue of those people on Earth had broken through the Demon King and were able to extend their lifespans. The rest were left only by their descendants...

Although these earthlings are multiplying well, and their population has exceeded 10,000, they not only practice demonic arts, but also master simple fighting beast technology, and can create and repair low-level fighting beasts. He even developed the method of traveling through the void, so that he could escape in embarrassment and save his life when being chased by Tiger and Leopard B's army.

The core of Zhou Wudao's runes has been modified by Xu Zhe. His personality, hobbies, and work style are all based on Xu Zhe's settings, so he naturally has a domineering aura. Zhou Wudao's character is completely different from Xu Le's. He doesn't agree on his own appearance, but the most perfect appearance in his mind, even though he himself can't do it.

With this pattern of a domineering lord, after Xu Zuo cut off contact, what he thought of was not despair and depression, but rising up against all odds and breaking through all obstacles.

After Zhou Wudao broke through the realm of Demon King and entered the level of Demon General, he used various means to completely master the resistance army and subdued the brothers Tianjing and Mingjing as his subordinates.

Although Mou Hu and Zang Yuan are also demon generals, after all, they only learned ordinary demon techniques. How can they compare with the great magical power that suppressed the heaven for thirty-three days? Therefore, after Zhou Wudao defeated the demon general, they were willing to surrender, allowing the resistance army to change from five leaders to only one leader, Zhou Wudao.

Not long after Zhou Wudao took control of the resistance army, he cultivated the great magical power of Fa, Tian, ​​Xiang and Earth to another level, and his control over the team became stronger and stronger, becoming an iron blood leader.

During the time of constant changes in the ancient times, Zhou Wudao and the others were inside Demon Star Sky and did not really understand the changes outside. They could only sense that Tiger and Leopard Yi's army was sometimes extremely urgent in pursuit of them, and sometimes was lax. , simply let it go.

But after Tiger and Leopard B slowed down, the resistance army no longer had a stable base. The days of fleeing here and there lasted for several years, and it was a hell on earth for decades, not to mention hundreds of years?

The one Xu promised this time was the Zhoutian Sacrifice God battle clone!

If you want to attack Moxingtian, you will naturally need countless battles. Only Zhoutian Sacrificial God can control hundreds of thousands of yellow scarf warriors, and can also transform ordinary monsters into yellow scarf warriors.

It can also repair the Yellow Turban Warriors and bring them back into battle.

Xu Luo's combat clone brought hundreds of thousands of yellow scarf warriors with him. After appearing in the Demon Star Sky, he immediately sensed the aura of Zhou Wudao. He didn't even bother to go to which virtual world or cave sky he appeared in. By extrapolation, hundreds of thousands of clones of the Yellow Turban warriors were thrown down, and they appeared in the sky above the resistance army in a blink of an eye.

Zhou Wudao is arranging his men to rest. Now his men have become more and more mixed. Although the main force is still the descendants of humans on earth, due to the continuous recruitment of other rebels and the enlightenment of monsters, the composition has become complicated and he does not want to go. Split.

In the recent period, Mo Xingtian suddenly relaxed his suppression of the rebels. He breathed a sigh of relief temporarily and devoted all his energy to adjusting his combat effectiveness.

The Yellow Turban Warrior cannot practice and can only modulate new abilities through modulation points. However, due to the lack of Xu Le's logistics, he has no way to continue to improve his strength after breaking through the Demon General. Even the Yellow Turban Warrior's spare components, All of them have been exhausted due to years of fighting, and many aging components cannot be replaced, which has seriously affected the combat effectiveness of Zhou Wudao.

What Zhou Wudao can do now is to continuously refine his own combat mode so that he can exert stable combat effectiveness with minimal wear and minimum effort.

Xu Le's appearance shocked Zhou Wudao's heart slightly, and turned into a golden light that shot into the sky. He raised his hand and flew the mountain and sea stick into the air, hitting Xu Le's chest.

Xu Zuo was slightly surprised. Before he could issue an order, Zhou Wudao entered the battle. The speed of his reaction had exceeded that of all the Yellow Turban warriors, even the Yellow Turban warriors of the Demon General level.

A golden light bloomed outside his body, immobilizing Zhou Wudao, and he started to repair it.

Zhou Wudao was immobilized in the air, and his subordinates were all frightened. Unknown how many people rushed up to the sky, trying to attack Xu, but they were all immobilized by Xu. He didn't need to fight these rebels at all. .

After a brief inspection, Xu found that the core of Zhou Wudao's runes had undergone extremely subtle changes. He hesitated for a moment, but did not adjust it, but threw it into the Soul Transformation Pond.

After a while, Zhou Wudao emerged from the Divine Pond. All the components of his body were brand new. The aura on his body was like a tidal wave, surging. In just an instant, he broke through the highest realm of Demon General and entered the realm of Demon Commander. of series.

The modulation points he has accumulated over the past hundreds of years are enough for him to advance.

Zhou Wudao held down the "stick" of mountains and seas with both hands, and his body's great magical power of law, heaven, and earth also produced earth-shaking changes.

This method is called the law of heaven and earth, but it is not what ordinary people think. It is just a huge ordinary magic that changes the body. This method can use its own magic power to construct the laws of heaven and earth, change the top into the bottom, the left should be the right, and the front and back are related. Clash, the reversal of hardness and softness, the contradiction between far and near...

Zhou Wudao used the great magical power of Law, Heaven, Elephant and Earth, and he had fought against many enemies, but it was not until this moment that he had the real ability to construct the laws of heaven and earth. This law is quite similar to the Neijing Yuanshen.

Interior view: Yuan ginseng builds the heavenly palace, following the construction rules of heaven and earth!

Two and two complement each other!

The great magical powers of the thirty-three days are all connected. Even Xu slowly understood the beauty of the ten great magical powers of heaven as his cultivation improved.

Zhou Wudao bowed down in front of Xu Zuo and couldn't help but burst into tears. With his strong character, even if he was torn into pieces by the enemy, it wouldn't be like this. But these hundreds of years have been too difficult. He looked at countless companions who were not defeated by the enemy, but slowly aged and died. He could not even do anything to help.

Many of his current subordinates are more than ten generations of great-great-grandchildren of his former companions. Unless one has experienced this situation personally, it is difficult to describe the sadness of it.

There is always a great magical power that can fight against the heaven and the earth, and it is difficult to save hundreds of years of time!

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