One Sword to Immortality

727. Old friends have grown old.

Xu Lao patted Zhou Wudao on the shoulder and felt that this guy was too miserable. . шщш.㈦㈨ⅹS.сом Updates very quickly.

Zhou Qing, Xia Da and Yan Se'xue had different reactions when they saw Xu. Especially Zhou Qing, a girl who turned out to be just a flight attendant. Later, she was rescued by Zhou Wudao. After a long time of falling in love, she ended up with Zhou Wudao. Together, she didn't recognize Xu at all. This was the first time she saw Zhou Wudao like this, and she felt hesitant.

Xia Da and Yan Sexue thought of Xie Lin and Xiao Anan who died of old age. The sealed memory suddenly broke through the emotional barrier, and tears streamed down my face, and I burst into tears.

Although the three of them were promoted to demon kings, they were all old and no longer looked like teenagers. Although she promised, she is still the same as before, charming and everlasting. Especially since they were all born on Earth and have seen the prosperity of the world, but they were forced to live in a barbaric place like Demon Star Sky, almost isolated from the world. They had to be constantly pursued by the enemy and fled in embarrassment. The suffering was indescribable.

I can't help you two not crying!

Over the years, Xu Luo has only been accompanied by Bai Qiulian and Qu Lei. Bai Qiulian also gave birth to a son and a daughter. Qu Lei has nothing to do, because his longevity is limited, so he must practice hard every day. Resist the erosion of time.

In addition, even Xu Zuo, the senior fellow apprentice back then, doesn’t have much contact with him anymore. Although he has not revealed his identity, and there are many senior fellow apprentices who don’t know yet, after all, he has less contact and the relationship is much weaker. .

Seeing Xu Liuye, an acquaintance from many years ago, he was filled with emotion. He said softly to Xia Da and Yan Se'xue: "If you are willing, I can reincarnate you into existences like magic weapons, although they may not be immortal. He is not dead, but as long as he keeps replacing his body parts, he can stay young forever."

Yan'Se'xue said without hesitation: "I want to go back to Earth now and live a peaceful life."

Xia Da also sighed and said: "I have had enough of the days of endless fighting, and I want to go back and live a stable life. As for whether I can regain my youth, I don't care much anymore. I can become a magic weapon. It’s better to be alive now, at least.”

Xu Liao knew the two of them but had no idea what the Yellow Turban Warrior was, so he gave Zhou Wudao a look and asked him to explain to the three of them that although reincarnating as a Yellow Turban Warrior was not the best choice for them, it was That said, it's pretty good.

Zhou Wudao sighed and went back to his tribe. He explained to everyone in detail and showed his body. As a yellow scarf warrior, he was not much different from humans, but he did not have the ability to reproduce. That’s all, human beings’ various perceptions and emotions are unchanged.

A few hours later, Zhou Wudao brought more than a hundred people over and said, "Only these people are willing to be reincarnated as Yellow Turban Warriors."

Xu glanced at it,

Seeing that they were all old people who had lost hope, Xia Da and Yan Seixue were not among them. Instead, Zhou Qing followed her with determination in her eyes. After she knew the identity of Zhou Wudao, she did made this choice.

Xu sighed, and immediately used his magic power to transform these people into yellow scarf warriors, and then said to Zhou Wudao: "You have worked hard for so many years. You can take these people back to live on earth. I have freed you and me. With the contact, you can be free in the future and not be restricted by me."

Xu Lio was still young back then, and all his plans could only be regarded as willful. There was no deeper plan. He was completely incomparable to Yang Shuhua's far-reaching layout and flawless planning.

These people were no longer able to be driven, so Xu Luo naturally wanted to give them some compensation and send them back to their own lives in Donghuang Heaven.

This suggestion quickly won the cheers of everyone. After Xu sent these people back to Donghuangtian, only Zhou Wudao and Zhou Qing stayed. Zhou Wudao still wanted to assist Xu in the crusade here. Jie Tian.

Zhou Wudao has accumulated countless hatred towards Mo Xingtian for so many years, so naturally he is not willing to just retreat.

He didn't care if he agreed. Anyway, he had hundreds of thousands of yellow scarf warriors under his command. It didn't matter if he had one more or a few less. Zhou Wudao was willing to follow him. Having such an old horse who knew the way would be of some benefit.

As for the rebels under Zhou Wudao, after entering the Tiandi Garden, some people quickly entered other realms with the help of special subways. The ancestors of these people are European and American. They have no feeling for the Eastern world and want to find it. The place where your ancestors lived.

Although Xu Lao knew that these people would definitely not be able to find the origin of their ancestors in Taiqing Heaven, Great Demon Heaven, or Jade Cauldron Heaven, he would not try to find out. The vast majority of people in this world need a goal and are constantly looking for it. Maybe these goals are not real, but without these goals, they will lose the motivation to live. Even if it is illusory, it is better than nothing.

After Xu Liu dealt with this matter, he finally started the battle to attack Demon Star Sky. He did not fight alone. He also brought four of the eight demon gods over, including King Ying, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, the High Priest and the Storm Legion. Head of the group.

These four demon gods separately invaded the Demon Star Sky, and within just a few dozen days, there was success.

The leader of the Storm Legion had the most men and the most combat effectiveness. Therefore, he captured a 'cave' sky first and was already setting up a great formation. As soon as the arrangement of the great formation was completed, this 'cave' sky would be destroyed. Donghuangtian swallowed it up.

Xu Leye also sent troops to capture two virtual realms, and also began to practice the Great Heaven Formation. With the invasion of Donghuangtian, the demon commanders of Moxingtian had to give up continuing to accumulate strength. Many big demons successively Break through and be promoted to Demon God.

In a lower realm, the longer you stay, the richer your savings will be. When you break through, you will be able to refine more channels, which is more efficient than slowly refining after the breakthrough. Therefore, many great demons stay at low levels until they can no longer suppress their cultivation, and then they are willing to break through in order to gain stronger strength.

All the demon commanders in Demon Star Heaven are in a similar situation. They all want to save for a while. When they break through, they will be like the leopard-headed god, who can open eighteen true veins in one go and directly be promoted to the level of demon gods. .

Xu Liao and Yang Shuhua's joint efforts forced these demon commanders to give up establishing a solid foundation, break through with hatred, and then rush to various caves and virtual worlds to join the battle.

Although Mo Xingtian had just encountered a catastrophe, and five demon gods, including Mr. Lushan, had fallen in succession, his background was still extraordinary. With six or seven demon commanders in a row breaking through the realm and entering the level of demon gods, Mo Xingtian Xingtian actually stabilized the battlefield, and formed a stalemate with Donghuangtian's invading army in various places in the cave and virtual world.

Even Xu Luo had not expected that Mo Xingtian would still have the power to counterattack. Yang Shuhua had not personally taken action because he had to keep an eye on Hu Bao B. Therefore, he also stayed put for the time being and only slowly increased his troops.

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