One Sword to Immortality

730. 6 Great Demon Species

Taihuangtian reappears in the world!

After the Demon Star Sky was in turmoil, I promised that there might still be a fight, but I didn't expect... Hu Bao Yi actually disappeared, and Yang Shuhua easily took control of the Demon Star Sky. , the latest chapter visit: ШШШ.798スs.СоМ.

‘Jade’ Ding Tian, ​​Tai Qing Tian, ​​and Da Yao Tian are still in their original appearance, with their original tense postures. Since Taiye Dragon King broke through the Tian Yao and Yang Shuhua took charge of Demon Star Tian, ​​all kinds of conflicts have disappeared and the atmosphere has gradually become peaceful.

Even the special subway for monsters has been built in the six heavens. Even the Taihuang Heaven and the Demon Star Heaven can pass without obstruction. As long as you buy a ticket with your monster card or the identity certificate of each realm, you can go to the six heavens. Anywhere in the world.

With Xu Luo's tacit consent, Donghuangtian still used the demon membership card issued by Da Yaotian, and accepted the original level classification. Except that Donghuangtian also obtained the power of the demon membership card, there were almost no changes.

The monsters and human cultivators from the earth in the Six Realm Heavens have a better understanding of modern society than in the wilderness. Therefore, in the Six Realm Heavens, except for the Demon Star Heaven and the Jade Ding Heaven, which are slightly behind, the Taihuang Heaven is more retro and eastern. Huang Tian, ​​Tai Qing Tian, ​​and Da Yao Tian almost all copied the routine on Earth. Life is just like modern society, and the development of black technology has become more and more vigorous. Compared with the need to be secretive on Earth, it has penetrated into all life. among.

Even Xu Zuo himself was unaware that a lot of monster technology had appeared around him. Even his Tiandi Garden had a group of "entrepreneurs". For example, they began to use artificial spiritual consciousness arrays to create new products in Donghuang Tian. Post some short videos.

Although these trinkets were quite interesting, after Xu Liao discovered them, he reluctantly banned them and blocked these people from using the artificial spiritual consciousness array.

Now that Xu Donghuangtian has been granted, almost all the resources have been concentrated in the Tiandi Garden. Not only is the emperor Wenzhong sitting in charge, but also the two demon gods of the magic lamp and the storm, as well as his original police department. Now the headquarters of the police department has been After migrating to Ember Mountain, the original residents of Ember Mountain began to spread to other virtual worlds and caves.

Even the subway terminal leading to the rest of the realms, the Emperor's Garden, was built, even in Ember Mountain.

As the transportation center of Donghuangtian, Ember Mountain is already the busiest in Donghuangtian, and even the first among the six worlds. Up and down the mountain, various high-end private residences, large shopping malls, and various entertainment facilities are emerging one after another. , many places have surpassed Luoyang Street in Da Yao Tian, ​​the first commercial district in the Six Worlds!

Nowadays, the busiest commercial districts in the six realms are Luoyang Street and Ember Mountain!

In particular, Ember Mountain is vast after all. Its area alone is tens of thousands times larger than Luoyang Street. Although it is not as rich in historical atmosphere as Luoyang Street, it has great potential and is likely to overtake it in the future.

Nowadays, there are seven major pure-blood families,

The Eighteen Immortals Sect, Ten Thousand Demons Association, and even the Jade Cauldron Heaven all have commercial projects under construction in Ember Mountain. The products of the Six Worlds and the Ancient Prehistoric World are circulated here, constantly gathered here, and then sent to various places. The daily cargo throughput is simply incredible, no other port on earth can match it.

Just when everything seemed to have returned to calm, it seemed that there would be no more disputes...

Da Yao Tian suddenly announced something that shocked him for six days.

Da Yaotian announced the launch of the bloodline modulation plan, and announced six types of monster bloodlines in the first batch: gold monster species, silver monster species, Tianyu monster species, alloy monster species, wood god monster species and Wanhua monster species!

The golden demon race is a complete replica of the Taihuangtian golden race, only smaller and smaller, but more powerful, revealing a sturdy and ferocious aura.

Seeing the golden demon species, Xu Xu had a reaction in his heart. He would never believe it if Taihuang Tian and Da Yaotian had no physical transactions. They were obviously made from the same technology, and even the developers did not believe it. Maybe they come from the same group, but the research direction is different.

The golden race of Taihuangtian is a newly created creature. The golden demon race of Daiyaotian is prepared from ordinary monsters. In terms of popularity, it must be the golden demon race of Daiyaotian.

No matter how perfect the golden race is, after all, it has nothing to do with other ordinary monsters. However, if you are an envious golden race, you can apply to participate in the modulation as long as you upgrade the level of your monster card to the gold card level.

For those monsters with weak bloodlines, this is simply great news!

The silver demon species is more likely to be accepted. The probability of successful modulation of the gold demon species is extremely low. Once there is no way to complete the modulation and your own qualifications and talents are insufficient, you can apply for the modulation of the silver demon species. The success rate of the silver demon species is as high as gold. More than one hundred and fifty times that of demon species...the success rate is about 30%.

As for the remaining four demon species, let alone them. Although they are not as comprehensive as the gold demon species and the silver demon species, they are optimized for certain special bloodlines. For example, the Tianyu demon species is aimed at birds. Monsters have a higher success rate than silver monsters, almost fifty percent.

The alloy demon species is another matter, it is implanted with a special fighting beast. Of course, secretly, most people think that it should be called fighting bacteria or fighting cells, not fighting beasts, because it is too small.

Once these battle beasts are implanted, the monsters will become like Transformers...

When Xu Lio saw the alloy demon species, he didn't think anything. After all, he had seen gold and stone monsters like Zhentianhou before. But when he saw the introduction, there were one yuan alloy transformation, two binary alloy transformation, and three alloy transformations. Yuan alloy transformation... The maximum is 16 yuan alloy transformation. Each transformation can change a kind of machine and equipment. When I couldn't resist the impulse in my heart, I selected a group of monsters with poor qualifications. He went to the Great Demon Heaven to undergo transformation.

Although it has been almost 4,000 years since I promised to become a youkai, including the 3,000 years of the Four Seas Territory, my childhood dreams of piloting Gundam, robot police, and space fortresses are still revived at this moment. .

When I think of the beautiful female monster under my command, turning into Optimus Prime, I sit in the cockpit, start driving, step on the accelerator and step on my breasts... I can also ask, which part of your original body is this place? ? There is a special kind of excitement!

As for the wood god demon species, the success rate of modulation is extremely high. The only advantage is that it has a long lifespan!

It looks like a monster species specially developed for monsters who are particularly useless, have no enterprising spirit, and are extremely afraid of death.

As for the last type of Ten Thousand Transformations Monster, the success rate is almost 100%, but the result of the modulation is different for each monster. Maybe after modulation, the demon energy increases by a few points, which can make the ears longer. Maybe new varieties will be prepared, and maybe even the gender will be changed... Anyway, it looks very evil.

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