One Sword to Immortality

731. Divine Human

Xu Luo remembered Mr. Lushan who had joined forces to attack the Taihuang Heaven. If he had known that the Great Demon Heaven could develop a golden demon species, he would never have waded into such muddy waters. This drama of the four realms and heavens besieging the Taihuang Heaven. It was obvious that it was just to trick him, but unfortunately he stepped in.

But now that Mr. Lushan has passed away, it’s hard to say anything about the promise. He and Mr. Lushan weren’t very familiar with each other in the first place.

After Da Yao Tian announced the six major monster species, he also announced the subsequent development plan. According to Da Yao Tian's plan, dozens of monster species will be developed one after another, enough to meet the needs of all monsters.

Compared to Taihuangtian’s golden race, Da Yaotian’s plan is simply considerate to the extreme!

After the demon race plan of the Great Demon Heaven was promulgated, the six heavens, except the Taihuang Heaven, had no population. The newly born people were also golden races and did not need to be modulated. The other realms and heavens had a large influx of people. The Great Demon Heaven.

Especially Donghuangtian Xu, who was holding the demon membership card jointly issued by Da Yao Tian and Dong Huang Tian. The settled demons with all kinds of powers equal to Da Yao Tian flocked directly to Da Yao Tian, ​​even Xu Luo's subordinates. Several disciples all went to the Great Demon Heaven to receive the preparation of the golden demon seed.

After the Great Demon Heaven promulgated the demon seed plan, it was also favored by heaven, and infinite spiritual light descended, shining endlessly for thousands of days!

Faced with this situation, Xu was at a loss for a while. The magic lamp went to the ancient wilderness to tame creatures, but there were no tangible results, which were not comparable to the Taihuangtian and the Great Demonic Tian.

After Da Yao Tian took action, Tai Qing Tian also took action soon.

Taiqingtian followed the Great Demonic Sky and announced the God-human plan. Like the Great Demonic Sky, humans can be modulated into divine humans, but because of the modulation probability, it will be divided into percentages, from one hundred percent to a few tenths of a percent. , the success rate is high, but the modulation results vary greatly.

The divine humans look like replicas of the ancestor humans, more like humans than the golden race. Except for being slightly taller than ordinary humans and having divine patterns on random locations on their bodies, there are almost no differences. The only difference...human beings all have black hair and black eyes. No matter what race they are on earth or what kind of monster they are, they will eventually turn into black hair and black eyes, without exception.

The golden race of the Taihuang Heaven is more than five meters tall in adults, and the golden demon race of the Great Demon Heaven is between three and four meters in height. However, the height of the divine humans of the Taiqing Heaven is generally around two meters, which is still There is nothing weird about the level of ordinary human beings.

In particular, the Eighteen Immortals Sect has almost no disciples from foreign countries. Even the black hair and eyes that will inevitably appear after the preparation is not something that attracts attention.

I haven't figured it out yet,

How to deal with it? Yu Dingtian immediately announced the introduction of Taiqingtian's divine and human technology, and shared the divine and human martial arts development plan with Taiqingtian. The two companies joined hands to carry out the most in-depth cooperation.

This was more surprising than Yu Dingtian's own development of spiritual seeds. Xu Lio was shocked. He never expected that Yu Dingtian would collude with Taiqingtian!

At this time, except for Mo Xingtian who still hasn't made any move, Yang Shuhua is probably too busy, and only Donghuangtian who promised has not announced a new spiritual seed.

After observing the plans of Tai Huang Tian, ​​Da Yao Tian, ​​Tai Qing Tian and Yu Ding Tian, ​​Xu Liu roughly understood one thing, that is, the ancient stone demon did have extremely extraordinary secrets, so the geniuses of the four worlds would use their ancestors to Human beings are used as templates to create spiritual seeds.

Regardless of whether they are golden race, golden demon race, or divine race, they are all replicas of the ancestor humans, but everyone has made targeted optimizations in unison. Obviously, they all have a deep fear of the ancestor humans.

Xu Liao also wanted to create a kind of spiritual seed. He had the Nine Yuan Sutra and knew the secrets of the ancient stone demon. It was not difficult at all, but he always felt that Jiang Shang had arranged so many things for him, so there must be something wrong. The deeper meaning is not as simple as telling yourself to behave yourself.

The influence of the actions of Da Yao Tian, ​​Tai Qing Tian, ​​and Yu Ding Tian gradually eased, and each of them accepted the favor of Heaven. After agreeing to do so, they began to retreat.

He did not even make corresponding policy adjustments and allowed the monsters and people settled in his Donghuangtian to continue to flow to the Great Demonic Heaven and Taiqingtian. Yudingtian hesitated because the situation was special and the living facilities were relatively old and backward, so those who immigrated there were not much.

Xu's open policy indeed caused the loss of demons and population in Donghuangtian in the first few decades, but because the policy has always been open and encouraged business, twenty or thirty years later, the original people of Donghuangtian , after completing the body conditioning, began to move back to Donghuang Heaven, and even brought back a group of people from outer heaven.

This was unexpected by Xu Li. In fact, he did not pay attention to this. After he retreated, Donghuangtian has been governed by the eight demon gods. These eight demon gods all have the experience of being superiors, so Donghuangtian has always been politically clear. Live and work in peace and contentment, the situation is stable

After Xu Xu came out of seclusion for decades, Donghuangtian had changed so much that even he himself didn't realize it.

Except for the yellow scarf warriors in the Eastern Palace Headquarters, almost 70% of the monsters and humans in Donghuangtian have been transformed into golden monsters or divine humans. The golden humans are newly created creatures and do not accept transformation and modulation. Taihuangtian is quite It is closed, so the East Palace is not there yet.

But even so, it also made Xu lament that things are different and people are different. For a while, he didn't know how to manage Donghuangtian.

But he is a modern person after all, and he quickly figured out one thing. The Six Realm Heavens are only managers, not slaves. Except for Jiang Shang from the Taihuang Heaven, he has not been in the Four Seas Territory for too long. Transforming ideas, that’s why creatures like the golden race were created.

The other heavens, including Jade Cauldron Sky, have accepted the modern management model and modern human rights concepts. Be it Jade Cauldron Sky, Great Demon Sky, or Taiqing Sky, they do not want to control the world like the ancient dynasties. The monsters and humans under him are more accepting of the concepts of modern service-oriented government and management companies.

As long as these monsters and humans are willing to accept management and be bound by laws, then whether they are willing to do what they like or strive for freedom will not be controlled by the human body.

If a monster born in Donghuangtian is willing to settle in Taiqingtian and accept Taiqingtian's management of monsters, then he can live a stable life. Even if he is willing to be transformed into a divine human being, he can enjoy all the rights and interests of Taiqing Heaven and bear corresponding responsibilities. He will not receive special treatment from the two heavens or even be regarded as an enemy just because he is from Donghuang Heaven. .

When Xu Liao suddenly discovered that the four great demon gods of the Great Demon Heaven and the five great immortals of the Eighteen Immortals Sect had actually advanced to this point with the times, he suddenly realized that it was actually his own concepts that lagged behind.

After Xu Liu accepted these changes, he quickly understood what he should do!

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