One Sword to Immortality

732. 10 gods and demons transformed

I gained a lot from this retreat. Not only did I open up two more channels to further my cultivation, but I also comprehended the eighth form of the Nine Mysteries True Method.

Ten-headed gods and demons transform!

When Xu Liao understood this move, he knew that there was something wrong with his Nine Mysteries and Nine Mysteries True Method, because... the authentic Eighth Form of the Nine Mysteries and Nine Mysteries was definitely not this move.

After more than ten years of seclusion, he suddenly had an idea and deduced the inheritance of the ten giants and transformed it into a branch of the twelve heavenly monsters, but because of this...

The cultivation of Jiuxuan Zhenfa has gone astray, and there is no longer any way to inherit the bloodline of the Xuanjin Emperor Monkey.

Xu Li actually knew that although he was practicing the Nine-Xuan True Law, since he had mastered the Zhoutian Demon God Transformation, the Nine-Xuan True Law was no longer pure, because his bloodline was no longer pure and had been fused. How can one of the several bloodlines of the Heavenly Demon be called the bloodline of the Black Gold Emperor Monkey?

Later, the more advanced he became in his cultivation, the more he integrated the techniques of demon nerves, and the more he practiced the techniques of other heavenly demons, the more he deviated from the origin of the Nine Mysteries True Dharma. Therefore, when he deduced the inheritance in the bloodline, Xuanjin The inheritance of Emperor Monkey... was interrupted, allowing him to develop a brand new technique.

This was not a wish he had made. Originally, as long as he understood the ninth form of the Nine Mysteries True Law, he could completely cultivate the Nine Mysteries True Law to the Great Perfection, laying a solid foundation for becoming a heavenly demon in the future.

If he cannot break through with the Nine Mysteries True Method, no matter which magical power he uses to advance to heaven, he will not be a celestial demon, but an immortal!

In fact, Xu Zuo didn't particularly care, but he always had a feeling that Jiang Shang was always guiding him to the path of immortality, not the path of demons. He didn't know why, and he didn't feel there was anything wrong with it. good. After all, whether they are immortals or celestial demons, they all act differently with power, but there is no difference in the level of power.

There is no difference in the level of power between becoming a celestial demon or being promoted to an immortal!

But he always didn't want to be ignored by Jiang Shang, because he always had a feeling that if he couldn't get rid of Jiang Shang's guidance, he would lose a move...

Although he didn't know what would happen if he lost.

But when there was a completely new change in the Jiu Xuan Zhenfa, Xu Luo knew that this was Jiang Shang's guidance intentionally or unintentionally, creating an extremely difficult problem for him.

It was Jiang Shang who guided him to find the ancient stone demon!

If he hadn't found the ancient stone demon, Xu would not have deduced the ancient stone demon's inheritance.

Without this deduction, although his Nine Mysteries True Technique has deviated from the right direction, he would never have been able to cultivate the Eighth Form into the Ten-Headed God and Demon Transformation.

Xu Zuo didn't know whether this was a disaster or a blessing. He only knew that his path to the Great Perfection of the Nine Mystical True Dharma had been cut off. If he wanted to continue walking, he had to open a new path.

He also didn't know that the eighth form had transformed into the ten-headed god and demon transformation, so how to deduce the ninth form?

But he knew another thing, and that was... what he should do now.

Xu Luo gave up cultivating spiritual seeds because he knew that no matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to cultivate a golden human race that was better than Jiang Shang, or a golden demon species from Da Yao Tian, ​​as well as a series of development plans that followed, and Taiqingtian's divine human plan, 100% divine human and 70% divine human, 50% divine human, to 1% divine human... is actually not much like the golden demon species. What a difference, except that Da Yao Tian replaced Tai Qing Tian's percentage of gods and humans with silver demon species and other weaker demon species.

These three plans were perfect and could not find any flaws. However, after he reacted, he understood one thing. He did not necessarily need to create a brand new spiritual species. He only needed to make his subordinates, subjects, and warriors ...It is enough to acknowledge his rules.

After promising to leave seclusion!

Not long after, something was announced and a brand new plan was announced!

He did not announce, create or concoct new spiritual seeds, but announced a brand new "model". This brand-new model uses the Great Heaven Yuan Jue as the core to create a brand new formation. It also includes the Nine Yuan Sutra and artificial spiritual consciousness, and adopts many of the latest technologies developed by the Six Worlds...

All in all, this is a plan that doesn't seem very special, and there is nothing particularly novel. It has not created any new species, nor even any earth-shaking innovative technology, nor any brand-new ideas, nor does it involve Various political structures.

It is just a small means to facilitate life. It just mixes many existing technologies and then upgrades them.

Xu's plan was almost immediately welcomed by all the monsters in the six worlds, and of course it was also welcomed by all humans. With his cooperation with Jade Cauldron Sky, Great Demon Sky, Taiqing Sky, Demon Star Sky, Even the relationship between Taihuangtian. After all, he is the apprentice of Patriarch Yuding and Jiang Shang, the uncle of Yang Shuhua, a senior cadre of the Great Demon Heaven, and a member of the Eighteen Immortals Sect of the Taiqing Heaven. He quickly promoted this plan, and almost Nothing stands in the way.

Monsters and humans in the six worlds welcome this "change" with joy!

Apart from the fact that their lives have suddenly become more convenient and that the planned plan has benefited everyone, no one will think that this is an "offensive" in which the six worlds are fighting openly and secretly for hegemony!

Even the ruling class of the five worlds showed no reaction, allowing Xu Liao to easily carry out the plan.

Xu Li didn't expect that his plan would be so easy...

After the launch of this plan, Xu Liao did not encounter any resistance that he expected, and even everything was calm, which made his original wish to compete with the other five worlds come to nothing. He even noticed it out of boredom, something that was already considered a trivial matter to him.

Chao Xi'er has found Zhou Shengyu, this apprentice who was possessed by the devil. After being possessed by the devil, he was easily promoted to the devil general. Now hundreds of years have passed, and with his extraordinary qualifications, his cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he is already somewhere in the devil's abyss. , promoted to Demon Commander!

Although Zhou Shengyu is still far behind Chao Xi'er and is only the first Demon Commander, his strength has been greatly increased in the Demon Abyss, and with the Five Elements Mixed Hole Great Capture Technique, he can continuously devour demon spirits and improve With his strength, Chao Xi'er was actually unable to do anything to him. The two fought fiercely dozens of times, and every time Zhou Shengyu got away calmly with the subtle changes of the Jade Cauldron Sect.

Although Chao Xi'er has been a disciple for a long time, he left Donghuangtian when it was first established to pursue Zhou Shengyu, and he has not returned for hundreds of years!

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