One Sword to Immortality

733. Fighting Phantom Beast

Since the plans of the golden races, golden demon races, and divine humans of Taihuangtian, Great Demonic Sky, and Taiqingtian were launched, the role of combat beasts has become weaker and weaker, and has gradually become a tool for communication. After all, combat beasts can The combat power provided is not high, and only low-level monsters can use it.

But Xu Luo keenly discovered that it was not that there was no need for fighting beasts. After all, only monsters and humans with stronger strength could accept the modulation and be modulated into high-level spiritual species.

It's just that there are more powerful monsters and they don't pay attention to the needs of low-level monsters. The original market for combat beasts is actually not very broad. Many low-level monsters cannot be purchased at all and are quite expensive. As monsters can be modulated into high-level spiritual species, no one is willing to develop even such expensive fighting beasts, and even the production of old models has been reduced year after year.

Many entrepreneurial monster companies have even developed combat beasts that have no combat power at all in order to lower prices. However, these combat beasts have lost their original combat function, so they are now called phantom beasts!

There are many technological innovations in the six worlds, but with Xu's perspective, he found that these innovations lacked revolutionary creation, because the low-level monsters and high-level monsters were further separated in their living habits.

So he created a new set of formations that can be implanted into the bodies of any humans and monsters through simple means. These monsters and humans, with the formations implanted in their bodies, can connect to the six major Various monster-specific networks that have spread throughout the world.

But these are just technical changes. The real change is...this formation can directly download the demon martial arts and immortal skills in the Donghuang Palace in Donghuangtian.

The downloaded demon martial arts and immortal skills can be used immediately like the preset combat system of the battle beast, minus the training process.

Moreover, this formation also has an identity recognition system, which can replace the demon membership card and directly replace the physical demon membership card with a virtual demon membership card.

This set of formations can not only be implanted in the body, but can also be displayed in the form of illusions. In addition to the images that need to be downloaded later, there are six images signed in the formation, all of which look like fist-sized monsters, some as big as a palm. There are rainbow ponies, mini elephants the size of melons, leopards the size of cats, inch-long white snakes, and even thumb-sized white jade apes, and the largest colorful bird that only covers half of an arm!

Therefore, this formation was named: Fighting Fantasy Beast!

However, everyone who chose to implant this formation did not know that it was originally a set of formations. They all thought that it was a set of demon reproductive cells or something else.

This array is more effective than the Great Array. All monsters and humans who choose to implant combat fantasy beasts,

It will become a mobile small base station, constantly sending its own aura and demonic spiritual power into the deepest part of the Eastern Palace.

Every monster implanted with a battle fantasy beast is constantly refining the entire Eastern Palace, and is also constantly providing wisdom to improve this system, and every time the battle fantasy beast is fed back Weaknesses and flaws will be deduced in the East Palace, and replacement formation components will be formed for everyone to upgrade.

As soon as the battle phantom beast formation came out, the East Palace received the favor of Heaven, and Heaven poured down countless fortunes, which made Xu Liao's cultivation level suddenly improve, and he condensed seven Dao meridians in one breath.

After years of cultivation, and with the favor of Heaven this time, he took a breath and condensed the Dao meridians to sixty-six, not far from the peak of Demon Commander.

Although Xu Lie knows that even if he reaches the peak of Demon Commander, he will have to save for who knows how many years before he has a chance to break through Demon God. Even if he can break through Demon God, it will still take hundreds of thousands of years to reach the peak of Demon God before he has a chance to aspire to the throne of Heaven. It's a monster, but it's a good thing after all.

As soon as the battle phantom beasts from the East Palace came out, they became popular in the East Emperor Heaven within just a few dozen days. At least 90% of monsters and humans chose to implant the battle phantom beasts. Within a few months, it became popular in the six worlds. Less than... the monsters and humans who have not been implanted with combat fantasy beasts in the six worlds are already very rare and extremely rare.

There is no need to create any spiritual seeds. No matter what kind of creature is within the six worlds, as long as the battle fantasy beast is implanted, it will have some of the attributes of Donghuangtian, which is equivalent to the rules and systems of Donghuangtian that you agree with. , thus increasing Donghuangtian’s recognition of Heavenly Dao.

After Xu launched the combat fantasy beast, he stopped paying attention to it, because this formation can be continuously improved and modified by itself, and the evolution is almost endless.

Even if Xu Lio wanted to intervene, it was no longer necessary, so he paid more attention to Zhou Shengyu's changes.

In terms of cultivation, Chao Xi'er is far ahead of Zhou Shengyu. The reason why he can't defeat Zhou Shengyu is, firstly, because the Five Elements Hung Dong Great Grasping Technique is too powerful, which can suppress demon spirits and improve his own cultivation. Secondly, it is also because of Demon Abyss. The land of Demonic Abyss was transformed from the fragments of Demonic Prison back then. The heaven and earth are divided into chaos, the light air rises, and the turbid air sinks. The devil's prison itself is the most turbid air, so it gradually sinks into the depths of the earth and turns into countless devil abyss, which is unfathomable and communicates with the deepest part of the earth. .

Chao Xi'er's five-direction god-consecrating method cannot be used to 40% to 50% in the Demon Abyss, and he is deeply restrained.

After Xu Liao learned about this, he decided to find another person to recover Zhou Shengyu, so he immediately issued an order and called Taisheng over.

Taisheng's current cultivation level is also quite extraordinary, especially after the golden demon seed of Da Yaotian appeared. He went to accept the modulation without telling Xu, and actually succeeded in one go, transforming the bloodline of the green dragon into the golden demon seed.

After achieving the golden demon species, Taisheng found that his cultivation had advanced several times faster than before. Now he had condensed to the tenth path and entered the realm of the demon commander.

After being summoned by Xu, Taisheng rushed to the East Palace immediately. He knew that Xu wouldn't care whether he accepted Da Yaotian's modulation, but he was still quite uneasy in his heart.

Seeing him like this, Xu Lao couldn't help but smile slightly and said: "There are no restrictions on my disciples. Back then, you were just an ordinary demon snake. I also accepted you as my disciple. Now your cultivation level is higher than back then, and your bloodline is stronger. Can I still reduce my responsibility? You have a senior brother named Zhou Shengyu who has become a demon and escaped into a certain demon abyss. I took pictures of Chao'er to capture him, but I never succeeded, so I let you Go help Junior Sister Chao Xi'er, you have to go back as soon as possible."

Taisheng agreed, and after leaving Donghuangtian, he turned into a black rainbow and accelerated all the way. After Xu Luo accepted him as his disciple, he rarely sent out tasks, especially after leaving the Four Seas Territory. Although the ancient times had undergone great changes, with major changes happening almost every hundred years, there was no crisis for disciples like Tai Sheng. As long as he is under the protection of Donghuangtian, he will be fine.

Therefore, now that there is a mission, Taisheng must have the feeling of fulfilling the master's orders, and he does not want to make any mistakes.

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