One Sword to Immortality

750. Queen of Heaven

King Ying encountered several small things on the road, which did not make him impatient, but rather interesting.

When I saw Tianhou Mountain, a defensive shield like glass shrouded the outside of the mountain, sealing off the entire area for thousands of miles. King Ying raised his demon-killing shotgun and fired dozens of times, blasting a hole in the defensive cover. Then he drove the demon beast motorcycle and passed through it quickly.

Behind him, the defensive shield that was shot through gradually closed. King Ying didn't care. He was also a demon god. A defensive shield of this level could only block small monsters and ordinary monsters below the demon king, but it could not resist the demon general at all. The big monster above. Tin Hau does not rely on this defensive shield to protect Tin Hau Mountain, it just isolates it from trouble.

King Ying drove the monster motorcycle and patrolled outside Tin Hou Mountain. He saw a monastery on a relatively flat hillside. He couldn't help but smile and parked the monster motorcycle at the door of the monastery.

Just when King Ying got off the monster motorcycle, he heard a voice coming from a long distance: "You are not like the demon god of the Great Demon Heaven, why are you here in my harem?"

King Ying also knew that he could not hide from the Queen of Heaven's induction. After all, they were all demon gods of the same level. Maybe the Queen of Heaven had been practicing for a long time and was more tyrannical than him, but she also had her limits. At least King Ying is not afraid of this queen. He possesses the magical power of the dragon clan and has also practiced the Supreme Dragon Art and the Nine-Yuan Sutra. He is not without confidence in challenging the demon god who is several realms stronger than him.

King Ying laughed loudly and said, "I am from Donghuang Heaven, and I am here to deliver a letter for the Queen to read."

The Queen of Heaven slowly walked out of the monastery, her eyes full of strange light, as if she had the power to turn all living beings upside down. This is a very powerful spell, but King Ying didn't care, as if nothing happened. He was slightly surprised, and secretly thought: "I heard that this queen was born in the Longhua Society, why is she possessed of demon power? Isn't she? A certain concubine of the Emperor of Heaven in the Thirty-three Years?"

Before meeting the Queen of Heaven, King Ying had always thought that the rumors were somewhat accurate, and that the Queen of Heaven might be the concubine of a certain big shot in the Thirty-three Heavens. But after meeting him, the Queen of Heaven's surging demonic power made him suspicious. Ying Wang made some calculations, but could not get the result.

The magic spells cast by the Queen of Heaven actually had no effect on the King of Ying. The Great Demon God was also slightly surprised. In fact, she just wanted to test King Ying's strength. After all, she trapped the Queen of Heaven in the winter and was even more homely than King Ying. She was almost I have never heard of King Ying’s origins.

Especially the way young handsome men from King Ying's group dress up. Even if they have heard of King Ying, it would be difficult to connect this handsome young man with a big shot like King Ying, unless they have met him before and can rely on his demonic power. Frequency identification.

The Queen of Heaven couldn't figure out the origin of King Ying, so she couldn't help but said: "Donghuang Tian is so majestic, but a mere messenger has a demon-god-level cultivation. I wonder where he comes from? Can you explain to me?"

King Ying did not expect that he could not recognize his origin. It would be fine if he was an ordinary monster. However, the fellow demon god did not recognize him as King Ying. He couldn't help but feel unhappy and said casually: "I am It is an unknown person from Donghuang Heaven. He is not listed on the list of demons and gods. Even if he said it, the Queen of Heaven would not know about it. This letter is extremely important, and I hope the Queen of Heaven will reply as soon as possible."

The Queen of Heaven nodded slightly, turned around and returned to the monastery. She did not invite King Ying to come in. King Ying did not care and threw down a dragon ball, turning it into a sky boat.

This is a giant whale that he raised, and the big guys in Donghuangtian prefer this kind of temporary residence. Especially these giant whales, not only have extraordinary cultivation, but they are also quite intelligent and considerate. They are much more obedient than any intelligent AI, just like British butlers who have been trained for many years.

Even King Ying was not exempt from vulgarity and made some modifications to this kind of temporary residence. This huge boat is magnificent and has two ship buildings at the front and rear. Each building has seven floors. Under the ship building, The entire giant boat is also divided into five layers. Not only does the giant whale have its own will, providing various services, but also countless slaves.

Although the six worlds and heavens attach great importance to the power of monsters,

But there is no ban on keeping slaves. Monsters only have the concept of respecting the strong, and there is no idea that all living beings are equal in the industry. If all living beings were equal, those ordinary monsters would have died long ago. Without the protection of the big monster, ordinary monsters There is no other way to resist extinction except by desperately reproducing offspring.

It is of course not surprising that even Xu Ruo has a yellow scarf warrior and King Ying has servants to serve him.

King Ying was in the sky boat and had nothing to do, so he prepared a banquet, drank by himself, and watched the scenery of Tin Hou Mountain.

After all, he is an old-school monster. He is not like the modern monster who plays online games in his spare time. With that kind of leisure habit, he prefers to drink alone, think about something slowly, and realize that everything is everywhere in the world. rules.

King Ying stayed in Tianhou Mountain for more than ten days. Tianhou never came out once, and he was not anxious.

On this day, King Ying was playing with a new weapon, but it was a demon-killing shotgun that he had tired of playing with. This thing was quite powerful, but it was mass-produced after all. No matter how well made it was, it was not suitable for someone as big as King Ying. The aesthetic of monsters. So he placed an order for a brand new weapon.

This weapon was produced by Xu Zuo’s Donghuang Palace and was made by the Yellow Turban Warriors. It’s called the Silver Knight!

It is a large-caliber revolver, but in fact, its six magazines do not contain live ammunition, but six booster valves, which can increase the power of the demon-killing bullets by six times. The magazines are also newly designed. It is enough to hold two hundred and forty demon-killing bombs, which is several times more powerful than the ordinary version.

Of course, what King Ying cares about is not the power of this custom-made demon-killing revolver, but its design. It is silver-white with mysterious dark red rune decorations. The shape also refers to the original classic guns on the earth. It is beautiful. Meilun, there are demon power ripples on the gun handle, which is the rune formation. No one can use it except King Ying.

King Ying casually played with the demon-killing revolver. Although this thing was placed outside, even a demon general-level demon would pay a lot of money to buy it, but to him, it was still just a toy.

King Ying played with it for a while, then put it into the holster under his ribs. He had changed into a Western cowboy outfit today and looked handsome and handsome.

When Wang Ying was thinking about whether to find a place where no one was around to test the gun, Tianhou Mountain was the Queen's hiding place after all, and it was not easy to disturb the owner, when he suddenly sensed a familiar demonic power suddenly erupting.

"Someone is using a demon-killing shotgun? This... is wrong. These three demonic forces seem to be the little guys I met a few days ago! How did they come here? This time, they seem to have encountered a real Trouble." (Tianjin Novel Network)

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