One Sword to Immortality

751. Giant God Soldier, Golden Sable

After all, King Ying's identity was not extraordinary. He occasionally wore a white dragon fish suit and would not deliberately maintain his image for a few little monsters, so he had no intention of taking action personally. He casually shook the monster summoning bell beside him. Immediately a young monster stepped onto the deck.

King Ying gave the order and said, "Go get those little monsters!"

This young monster bowed down, jumped out of the sky boat, and immediately turned into a giant divine weapon!

This is because after the Great Demon Sky promulgated the Alloy Monster Seed, Xu selected a group of very poorly qualified tribesmen and went to the Great Demon Sky to receive the preparation. After these monsters returned, they were distributed to various places by Xu. The demon god and the demon commander serve as the stewards. These monsters originally had little qualifications and a bright future. Now being selected as a monster commander or even the personal butler of the monster god is already an excellent job. Therefore, the second batch of monsters selected are better than the first batch of monsters. One batch was almost ten times larger.

The butler under King Ying turned out to be a monster insect turned into a spirit. He was the descendant of the Locust King and his future was limited. Then he obeyed the call and went to concoct the alloy demon species. Now it has been concocted more than ten times, and it has been successful three times, and it has been transformed into a quaternary alloy! It can transform four kinds of metal creations, one of which is the Giant God Soldier, an ancient metal monster with a steam power style of more than 30 meters. Of course... it is driven by monster power, not the old steam engine.

The two groups of monsters who were fighting fiercely suddenly felt the sky darken. When they looked up, they saw a huge monster falling from the sky. They gave up the fight in shock and quickly withdrew from the circle, taking a defensive posture.

The opponents of the three young monsters are also a group of young monsters. They are all a team of hunters searching for special monsters in the Tianhou Palace. They were fighting over a golden mink just now. It is also common for these hunting teams to fight over prey, and they often kill people.

The monster girl suddenly saw such a huge creature and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Who are you?"

As a native monster of Daiyoutian, she certainly knew that the opponent was not a monster, but a monster made from alloy monsters. The potential of this kind of monster cannot be said to be great. Even the highest sixteen-yuan alloy transformation can only reach the peak of the monster general. Only a few monsters can break through the monster general level and step into the monster commander level, but they are at the beginning level and there is no room for improvement.

The monsters who have prepared the alloy monster species are calling for the opening of higher-level alloy transformations every day, but the Ten Thousand Monsters Association has never given any feedback. In addition, the monsters who are willing to brew the alloy monster species are originally less qualified, so there is no response. How much social reaction it caused.

The alloy monster species is inherently worse than the silver monster species, let alone the gold monster species. Therefore, most monsters who are willing to brew this kind of monster species actually understand in their hearts that even if higher-level alloys are opened, Change, in fact, no one can successfully modulate it.

After all, most monsters first try to concoct the gold demon species. After failure, they then accept the concocting of the silver demon species. After failing again, they choose the remaining demon species.

However, although the potential of the alloy monster is limited, it is the monster with the highest combat effectiveness. Especially the monsters that are proficient in several alloy transformations. Almost all of them can transform into giant robots. The steel monster body is almost not afraid of ordinary physical attacks, and even Immune to some spells, it is also extremely powerful and powerful, and some of its steel demonic bodies also have their own weapon systems.

For example, King Ying's butler, a transformed giant weapon, has a Gatling cannon in his left and right hands. With a flick, countless ammunition will fly wildly.

He is a genuine demon general. Even this kind of Gatling machine gun that can fire thousands of demon-killing bullets per minute can sustain a battle for more than one or two hours...

Of course, ammunition is expensive, and he would not waste it casually, so he just swept away a dozen rounds of demon-killing bullets, and shouted angrily: "My master wants to see you, you can choose to go, or I will kill you on the spot." .One minute countdown, start!”

As the great demon god’s butler, he has received strict professional training.

Therefore, after shocking the whole crowd, he issued the most direct order and prepared to kill the resisters at any time.

The two groups of little monsters together do not have a monster king...

Although King Ying gave two demon-killing shotguns to the three-man team, they took a look and saw that this big alloy demon with a machine gun in each hand cleverly hid the weapons to avoid incurring hostility from the other party. And immediately raised his hand to express his willingness to obey the arrangement.

This is what smart monsters do.

Another group of hunters made the same choice almost at the same time. They had no choice but to die. No monster in their right mind would choose to die.

When King Ying looked at his steward, who was pushing two groups of hunters up to Tianzhou, he couldn't help but smile and said: "My steward scared you, I will give you a few small gifts as an apology later. I want to know, you guys What's the matter with coming to Tin Hau Mountain?"

The two groups of monster hunters had different reactions. The trio immediately screamed. The leader of the monster girl immediately showed joy and shouted: "We accidentally entered Tianhou Mountain in order to hunt down a golden mink. Nearby, but still outside the cordon of Tin Hau Mountain, there are no violations. Thank you last time for the demon-killing shotgun you gave me. Are you a subordinate of Tin Hau Mountain?"

Another group of hunters were shocked when they saw that the other party actually recognized King Ying, and hurriedly defended: "We actually discovered the golden marten first, but we are willing to give it up." They were very obedient and immediately took one The cage was handed over, and a little monster beast inside was looking at these people blankly. It had been frightened to the point of going insane.

King Ying couldn't help but burst into laughter and said, "I just came to visit the Queen of Heaven and deliver a letter. I am not one of the Queen's subordinates."

King Ying is also a very proud person. As the lord of the demon god, of course he would not want to be regarded as another demon god's subordinate.

He ignored the two groups of hunters and casually grabbed the golden mink. He couldn't help but smile slightly. Speaking of this kind of monster, it was nothing special. It was a monster that failed to concoct a golden monster species but still survived. Many monster hunters capture such monsters with the remaining bloodline of the golden monster species in order to transplant them to some extremely weak monsters. Although these monsters cannot change their bloodlines, they can enhance their physical fitness.

King Ying didn't pay much attention to this popular gadget among low-level monsters. He took a few glances at it and threw it to its original owner, saying, "Do one thing for me and I'll let you go."

The two groups of hunters looked at each other, wondering what this big monster wanted to do. (Tianjin Novel Network)

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