One Sword to Immortality

759. Chaos in the wild

Xu Luo searched Zhou Tian again, but still found nothing, and couldn't help but sigh.

The six realms and heavens are no longer connected. Even if he calculates with the power of Donghuangtian, he can't deduce the traces of the other five realms. He uses all means to detect their existence. Donghuangtian has become lonely. , it seems that there is endless void, just a world.

Xu Zuo guessed that the other five worlds must be like this, separated by endless voids. They are separated by hundreds of millions of miles or even countless galaxies. It is not impossible.

From now on, the six worlds and heavens can no longer find each other, nor can they communicate with each other. The heaven and earth collapse, and the six worlds and heavens rise into the endless void. The distance between them, which was not very far at first, has become extremely vast. Even to infinity.

The only connection between Donghuangtian and the ancient land is the root of heaven and earth, but following the root of heaven and earth, it is no longer as easy as before to land on the ancient land.

And this is just the beginning. The collapse of the heaven and the earth, the rise and fall of the pure and the turbid, are not accomplished in a day, but are counted over thousands of years. From now on, the connection between the six worlds and the sky, and the connection between the world and the Honghua Great Earth will also be It will become weaker and weaker until it reaches a certain limit.

Xu Luo was secretly glad at this time that he had left three hundred yellow scarf warriors and a fighting clone. Without these back-ups, he would have been unable to influence the ancient land, find out the news about the ancient land, and even want to know about the ancient land. What happened on the earth may take days at this time, months in the future, and years in the future before there is a communication.

This is a huge gap between heaven and earth, and no magic power can pass through it.

In addition to patiently cultivating his own magic power and governing the East Emperor Heaven, Xu Li had no other choice but to be trapped in the East Emperor Heaven for hundreds of years, so he did not worry too much. After confirming the situation, he went into seclusion in the East Emperor Palace. .

The yellow scarf warriors who stayed in the ancient land, as well as the fighting clones who practiced the Ten Phase Gods and Demons Splitting Heaven Art, were in a different situation.

The Ten Phases of Gods and Demons Splitting Heaven are divided into: Swallowing Belly Phase, Chaos Phase, Front Phase, Ten Wings Phase, Linlong Phase, Xuanbai Phase, Naluo Phase, Huntu Phase, Lingtai Phase, and Star Color Phase!

Xu practiced the Nine Mysterious True Laws, and the eighth transformation was the Ten-headed Gods and Demons Transformation, which merged the inheritance of the ten-headed giants. Therefore, there was no need to practice the Ten-phase Gods and Demons Splitting Heaven Jue, which is an immortal method, but only one skill. Dharma seeds themselves are not very advanced yet. Xu Ruo split it up because this method is versatile and can cope with multiple situations.

The ten giants have ten kinds of celestial demon heritage. If the ten giants were born in ancient times, it would be as if each phase transformation was an ancient chaotic god and demon, and they were all species that were not native to the chaos. They were ten giants. Domination, every change of ancient chaotic gods and demons has infinite demonic power and magic.

The re-deduced immortal magic formula naturally abandoned the magic power, and even refined the demonic energy, turning it into the purest spiritual energy. Therefore, this fighting clone was separated by Xu, and landed on the ancient land. It only broke through the Tiangang in ten days. A scholar, he was promoted to a Dayan scholar in a hundred days, and his speed of cultivation was simply unparalleled in history.

Xu Liao was secretly surprised by this fighting clone. It was faster to cultivate spiritual power than to cultivate demonic power. However, the fact that his advancement was so astonishing was not due to his conversion to immortality, but because the ten giants had another peerless talent.

Xu Ruo used chaotic calculations to deduce this method by accident. This is not a practice method. Other living beings cannot learn to walk. It is simple to say that even the body of a ten-headed giant is born with the ability to practice the ten methods at the same time. .

Each head practices alone, and when the practice reaches a certain level, the ten giants can combine their skills to break through the state, and then practice separately again. Repeatedly, the speed of practice is almost the highest in ancient times, and ordinary celestial monsters. ten times the speed.

Of course, this method also has limitations. If they cannot break through to a higher level after being combined, the cultivation level of each head will regress after being separated, and a certain amount of cultivation level will be wasted in vain.

Although Zhou Shengyu also practiced the Ten Phase Gods and Demons Splitting Heaven Technique, his skill was insufficient and he had not yet comprehended this method.

Therefore, the speed of his cultivation is not so astonishing, but Xu is different. After he understands this method, his cultivation level will naturally advance by leaps and bounds.

However, even if he had deduced such a method, after he was promoted to Dayan, his cultivation would not be able to make such a rapid breakthrough again.

The demon warriors only have eight extraordinary meridians and twelve serious meridians. Geniuses can often reach their peak in just a few years.

Although a demon king has thirty-six Tiangang veins, it is not uncommon for him to cultivate them to perfection within twelve years.

For a demon general, the seven or forty-nine Great Meridians will take more than a hundred years, or even hundreds of years, to be fully cultivated.

It is promised that cultivating the Immortal Way will progress faster than practicing the martial arts of the demon clan. Therefore, with the talent of the ten giants, it is not difficult to defeat the Tiangang in ten days, and it is not difficult to defeat the Dayan in a hundred days. However, in the realm of the Dayan, Even if his cultivation was ten times faster than those of the same realm, it would still take several years, or even more than ten years.

I promised to silently observe the changes in the ancient land and practice silently, but I was not very anxious to break through the realm.

Countless countries on the earth suddenly received no response from the six heavens and fell into chaos. Not only were they fiercely attacking each other, but they even had political chaos. They were invaded by chaos demons, slaughtered countless creatures, and stole possessions. Something happened to the king.

Without the support of the six worlds and heavens, the dozens of kingdoms established with the help of the power of the six worlds and heavens suddenly fell into turmoil.

The residents of these countries simply do not believe that the gods of the six realms and heavens have left them. They are still praying hard, begging God to show mercy and protect them again.

It's just that the six realms of heaven have left the ancient land and escaped into the endless void. This cannot be stopped by any force, not even the heavenly demons. Therefore, there is no response to their prayers.

In some countries, after there was no response to their hard prayers, someone stole the throne, claimed that they had received a response, and asked everyone to follow his orders. Some people immediately overthrew the titles of the Six Realms and Heavens, thinking that these The gods who had abandoned them were not worthy of sacrifice.

All in all, the consequences of the Six Realms escaping from the primitive land are beyond all imagination.

For those countries that relied on the geniuses of the six realms, it was an unspeakable disaster. This disaster swept every country in the ancient world, and no one was spared.

Regardless of whether it is Tai Huang Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tian, ​​Tai Qing Tian, ​​Da Yao Tian, ​​Demon Star Tian, ​​or Jade Cauldron Tian, ​​the country that was established by one hand would be abandoned again. No matter how hard these creatures exhausted their brains, they could not figure out what the outcome was. Why.

Only a very small number of intelligent people have vaguely thought about that level. They were created just to abandon...

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