One Sword to Immortality

760. Achievements in prehistoric times

Xu Liao's combat clone who stayed in the prehistoric world only began to think about how to deal with everything after breaking through Dayan.

Although he has three hundred yellow scarf warriors under his command, they are all clones and their strength is seriously insufficient. Even if he wants to save the people of the ancient world, he is still unable to do so. Especially he deeply feels that the six worlds have abandoned these people of the ancient world. There must be some calculation.

You know, the golden human race refined by the Taihuang Heaven, but they all stayed in the East Emperor Heaven, and none of them went to the Great Desolate World. The golden demon race created by the Great Demon Sky, but not to mention the golden demon race, even the silver demon race, and even ordinary monsters , they all live in the Great Demon Heaven. Even if they travel, they live in other realms and never go back to the primitive land.

This is especially true for Taiqing Heaven. Jade Cauldron Heaven is almost stuck in its own way. Demon Star Heaven has no control over the people of the lower world at all. Only Donghuang Heaven has promised to send magic lamps to educate them, but it also recruits chaotic demons and teaches them to refine. To transform demonic energy, cultivate demonic energy, open up spiritual consciousness, and impart knowledge, few people from the East Emperor Heaven go to the wild land. Occasionally, there are such monsters, that is, in the game world, there are almost no settled people.

In fact, those who were taught by the Six Worlds and Heavens in the ancient land were Chaos Demons, and those who established the kingdom were mainly Chaos Demons and wild monsters, and there were no people from the Six Worlds and Heavens.

So... abandoning the creatures of these countries had a plan almost from the beginning.

Xu Lio only realized this now, not because he had not calculated enough, but because he knew too little about the ancient times, so he could not detect these calculations.

These human kingdoms must have some use.

It's just... it's not the use it originally imagined.

After promising to break through the Great Evolution, he transformed the avatars of his Yellow Turban Warriors into 300 magic weapons and collected them into his body. The world on earth was so tragic, and he couldn't just sit back and watch. Unlike those ten thousand-year-old monsters, he still couldn't do it. Treat these domesticated chaos monsters and wild monsters as things that can be discarded at any time.

Xu Liao also knew that his ability was not enough, so he did not make a big splash and included all the countries in the scope of salvation. Instead, he started with a small country dedicated to the Eastern Emperor.

This small country is called Xuandeng Ancient Country, and it is one of the countries where magic lamps were domesticated.

The magic lamp has passed down three thousand scrolls. Everyone in the country has practiced cultivation. However, although this demon god is from the demon clan, the three thousand scrolls passed down are not limited to bloodline, and are closer to the immortal skills.

After Xu Luo brought countless demon clan skills into the East Palace, he did one thing, which was to convert these demon clan skills into immortal skills to facilitate the cultivation of the humans in Donghuang Heaven. The same is true for Three Thousand Volumes.

Therefore, after he entered the Xuandeng Ancient Kingdom, he began to preach again, saying that he had to cultivate spiritual energy in order to be protected by the heavens and avoid this catastrophe.

At this time, the ancient Xuandeng Kingdom was on the verge of collapse. Xu Lecai stepped forward and killed several chaotic demons, so he quickly gathered a group of believers. Xu Ruo asked a yellow scarf warrior who was proficient in the transformation of the Green Lotus Thunder Flag to build a thunder pool to wash away the demonic energy of these believers, and then re-cultivate three thousand volumes of Taoism.

Among these believers, there are also people with outstanding qualifications. After re-cultivating the immortal skills, their progress has been far faster than ordinary, and they have been appointed as role models by Xu. It is rumored that only such steadfast people among the believers will be protected. Those with average qualifications were of course criticized as not being firm enough.

Although this method is slightly cunning, at this time, all the countries are in chaos and there is no better way.

Xu Liao's greatest effort to promote the "Yin Yang Liujia Form Refining Method" in the ancient Xuandeng Kingdom is that as long as you practice this method, you can transform into a human form. This method has never been created in the ancient times, so even though there are ancient monsters, Changing the form is only for the convenience of practice, not just to transform into a human form.

He did not have any deep thoughts when he agreed to this move. He just felt that in this chaotic world of monsters, after all, it was not as good as the world of humanity. He himself is an awakened human being, so he hopes that the world is full of human beings. Even if they are messy in nature, at least they look pleasing to the eye.

With Xu, he took along three hundred yellow scarf warriors to preach in their avatars.

After a few months, the Xuandeng Ancient Kingdom gradually regained its stability, and once again activated the formations left behind by Xu Zuo. The whole country worked together to keep the chaotic monsters and wild monsters away from the country.

Xu Luo surrendered to the Xuandeng Ancient Kingdom, selected five hundred disciples with outstanding qualifications, and then went to another country. With his previous experience, he could tame this country more efficiently, and with his own prestige, he made the two countries more efficient. The two countries watched and helped each other. The two countries were originally isolated, but when they joined forces, the situation was indeed better, and an alliance was quickly concluded.

Xu Ruo conquered the second kingdom and selected 700 disciples with outstanding qualifications.

Xu Ruo went back and forth, and after seven or eight years of hard work, he had conquered twelve kingdoms, unified all the kingdoms under Donghuang Tianyuan, and taught seven to eight thousand disciples. He was already the largest force in the ancient world.

After promising to practice enlightenment and knowing that he was about to make a breakthrough again, he turned to the path of immortality and used the Ten Phases of Gods and Demons to Split the Sky and other extremely fast cultivation techniques. In the early stages of practice, he was many times faster than ordinary monsters. .

Xu Liao also knows that although he can conquer these countries with his current cultivation, he is not strong enough after all. When encountering powerful chaos monsters, he still has to rely on the formations he set up in the past, so he can only preach in the original forces of Donghuangtian. , without the formation set up by me back then, there is no way to resist the tyrannical chaos monsters and wild monsters.

So when he realized that he was about to achieve a breakthrough in cultivation, he found a place to practice quietly and temporarily stopped preaching.

He had been promised this retreat for more than a year. On this day, he was conveying his inspiration. Suddenly, a subtle feeling came into his heart. He immediately broke out of the retreat, chanted a long time, and shouted: "Chaos is born without counting the years, and there are more than a million disciples." Free! Now he has passed down three thousand ways, and he is known as the number one immortal in the world!"

Xu Liaqing shouted, and his whole body was shaken by an idea. He broke through the Taoist realm and opened 14 Tao meridians in one go. Although his cultivation was not as good as his own, he was already a great man in the wild.

Xu Luo had just become a Taoist when he vaguely heard the sound of a clear fairy sound between heaven and earth. Suddenly, an inexplicable thing descended from heaven, fell into his body, and formed nine golden flowers. This thing looked familiar, and suddenly I remembered that when Taiye Dragon King became enlightened, he took two lumps from the way of heaven, one for himself, and one for making swords. I couldn't help but hesitate in my heart, and wanted to know what happened. What is it?

He has not yet learned much about the Ten Phase Gods and Demons Splitting Heaven Technique, and his Chaos Calculation skills are not deep, so he cannot figure out the origin of such mysterious things. After all, this thing comes from the way of heaven, and it is not ordinary. , I heard a long song in the ancient world: "I have transformed into a true immortal in the ninth stage of Taoism, and a purple golden lotus is born at my feet. There is something outside my body called a treasure, and the wonderful method is infinite and captures the innate!"

Xu frowned slightly, and saw a five-color light rising into the sky thousands of miles away. A young man whose consciousness had broken through the realm of a Taoist, but the method he practiced was not what Xu saw and heard. But there is a kind of unique beauty, one out of ten is self-created. (Tianjin Novel Network)

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