One Sword to Immortality

760. The Tao of Prehistoric Times (2)

Xu Liao thought to himself: "This is another person who attained enlightenment in ancient times..."

As soon as he thought this, it was like a thunderbolt striking into the sea of ​​consciousness. Suddenly Xu Zuo's heart became clear and he understood the cause and effect. He opened his eyes and looked, and sure enough he saw another inexplicable object descending from heaven and fell into the young man. The sea of ​​consciousness.

This object fell into the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and the young man's body bloomed with purple light, and finally a purple twenty-four-story building. The young man got this Purple Qiong Yuxu Baguang Tower! Immediately, the whole body was illuminated by spiritual light, and there was a posture of opening up the world and creating the way of heaven. It seemed that in an instant, he had understood the infinite truth and elucidated the supreme road.

Xu Ruo pondered undecidedly, and another voice spread across the vast wilderness, shouting: "It's not me who refuses to respect the heavens, but it's the heavens that don't show mercy! Now I can obtain the Tao Fruit and protect the human world for tens of thousands of years!"

With a clear understanding in his heart, Xu sighed, knowing that what he expected was right.

The return of monsters hundreds of thousands of years later was an act to disrupt the way of heaven, so it was not tolerated by the way of heaven. However, there was no choice but to separate in the chaos, and the six heavens were lifted up by the light spirit and ascended into the endless void. , when he was unable to interfere with the prehistoric times, he actually sent down the saints of heaven to try to fight against the heavens.

It's just that this Heavenly Dao is not a wise creature after all, but an inexplicable mass, intelligent and unconscious. That's why he couldn't tell that he was not a native of the ancient world, but he actually chose himself to be a Heavenly Dao saint.

As expected, the Heavenly Dao dropped another inexplicable object, which fell into the body of the young man who entered the Taoist realm. It condensed into a ball of clear light. Without turning, it broke through the heavenly spirit and manifested into twenty-four spiritual treasures. These twenty-four items The spiritual treasures merge into one, turning into a Xuantian Qingxu multi-treasure sword!

This young man plays the sword and sings, his voice fills the sky, and he has a majestic atmosphere. He has obviously learned his own way.

Xu Luo had an idea and knew that this thing descended from heaven could not only be turned into a treasure, but could also elucidate a Taoist method. He carefully experienced the nine golden flowers, and his mind was moved, and he tried to deduce the Nine Mysterious True Methods. , but it was as heavy as a mountain, and it was impossible to deduce it. Trying to deduce the other Tao methods, it was completely impossible. Finally, I tried three thousand volumes, and suddenly I was so powerful that I deduced the three thousand volumes from beginning to end in just an instant.

The Taoist teachings that Xu Liao has learned in his mind can be said to be vast, so the newly born three thousand volumes are countless times more enlightened than the original magic lamp. It is the humane version of the demon spirit.

This method is the only way to practice spiritual energy. In order to allow monsters to practice spiritual energy, there are twelve entry levels, which can wash away the evil spirit and evolve spiritual energy, as well as twelve methods of transformation, including the "Yin Yang Liujia Form Refining Method" , which can make monsters transform into human forms, and there are also twelve techniques of transforming demons, which can transform all the demonic energy and prevent it from being corroded by the evil spirit...

As soon as this method was completed, the Heavenly Dao suddenly shook again, and an inexplicable object landed again. This time, it did not evolve into a treasure, but used all its magic power to send it into the Eastern Emperor Heaven along the root of heaven and earth. place.

Xu Liao's three thousand volumes of new Taoist teachings immediately attracted the attention of the two newly born Taoists. The two of them each shined brightly and fell gracefully in front of Xu Liao without hesitation.

The young man bowed and said, "Yuxu has met Brother Dao."

The young man also bowed deeply and said, "Qingxu has met Brother Dao!"

Xu Zuo scratched his head slightly, and in the end he could only make up a Taoist number and replied: "Taixu has seen two Taoist disciples!"

The spirit of the prehistoric era is simple and simple. Yuxu and Qingxu didn't know how unreliable the title of Dao brother was. They immediately accepted it with a smile and asked: "Three brothers and I suddenly realized the way of heaven. After reading the details, it is inevitable." I wonder what my brother’s plan is to protect the primitive creatures?”

Xu Weiwei pushed the chaos calculation, calculated for a while, and said: "The three of us can establish a Taoist sect, inherit the way of heaven, and educate all people. Now that the six realms and heavens have disappeared, all countries need our protection."

Yuxu and Qingxu also nodded in agreement. They promised to explore the truth of the two people, and then proposed that the three of them study Taoism together. The two of them did not refuse. The three of them immediately found a towering place in the sky. mountain peak,

After sitting and talking about Taoism for a hundred days, they were not stingy about the three thousand volumes they were promised. Yuxu and Qingxu were not self-conscious, and they also revealed all the unique Taoism they had understood.

Xu was also very surprised. What these two people understood was not a specific magic spell, but an explanation of the mysteries of the way of heaven. Anyone who has obtained this method can understand many wonderful ideas on their own, and even create original techniques.

He is now more certain that this is the three spokesmen chosen by Heaven. They want to fight against the six heavens, but it seems that they have chosen him for some reason.

In fact, the three thousand volumes he newly deduced also contain infinite wonderful truths, but they are more practical and easier to learn than the Taoist methods of Yuxu and Qingxu. Even people with weak qualifications can learn some spells. Unlike Yuxu and Qingxu, the Taoism created by them cannot be understood by those who are not born with great wisdom, nor can they cultivate anything unless they have great predestined dharma.

Xu clasped his fingers and quietly calculated, and couldn't help but secretly think: "These two have been favored by heaven. If they practice wholeheartedly, they will definitely be ten times faster than ordinary monks. Although it is said that there are no demons less than ten thousand years old, human cultivation is inherently faster than demon cultivation." Faster, if we add the qualifications of these two people, I'm afraid they will be promoted to real people when the Six Realms Return."

Xu Liao deliberately wanted to plot against the two of them, but felt that the two of them had done nothing wrong, so he couldn't do it.

What's more, he also knows that all three of them have been favored by heaven, just like Taiye Dragon King, whether they are the Purple Qiong Jade Xu Eight Light Tower, Xuantian Qingxu Duo Baojian, or the Taixu Golden Flower promised to him, they are all heaven. As long as one can understand the supreme treasure, even if he fights against the heavenly demon, there is still hope.

However, if the three of them have not been promoted to real people, even if they have the treasure of heaven in their hands, they will not be able to resist the demon-god-level demon.

The three of them sat and talked about Taoism for a hundred days, and they became brothers. They promised to teach the Taoism separately and recruit disciples. Naturally, Yuxu and Qingxu would not doubt it, especially since the two of them were favored by Heaven and had enlightenment. The supreme way of heaven, but he didn't know much about various magics and his ability in fighting was weak. He obtained three thousand volumes of Taoism here in Xu Liao, practiced it and became proficient in it, and he immediately made rapid progress.

The promised three thousand volumes of Taoism are all-encompassing and have various teachings. They are the best Taoist books for Yuxu and Qingxu.

After the three of them dispersed, it took only a few years to pacify the dozens of countries one by one, and connected them into one with the help of the large formation left by Xu Lu. Although they were in chaos, these countries were favored by the three of them. Hu, unexpectedly resurrected and flourished. (Tianjin Novel Network)

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