The Dragon Girl Emperor was hesitant and refused to speak, but her demon power was not enough, and another achievement collapsed in an instant. This time she could no longer save the people in the city. She watched helplessly as only a few of the Dragon Girl clan members in the city were saved. After escaping, most of them were swallowed up by the surging sea of ​​blood. After a while, they turned into reincarnated blood demons, roaring hard on the top of the sea of ​​blood, killing their fellow humans.

Xu still looked cold and ruthless, with no room for compromise. Finally, the demon god couldn't hold on anymore and shouted: "I am willing to surrender!"

Xu Zuo stretched out his hand and said, "Come into the formation!"

The Dragon Empress did not dare to neglect. She swung her dragon tail and entered the Great Ahan Reincarnation Blood Sea Formation. She raised her hand and let down countless reincarnations of blood. She restrained the Dragon Empress and then shouted: "All your people must be moved into the human realm. Countries, are you willing?"

The Dragon Lady Emperor is under the sword, why dare not to obey?

He immediately agreed to the matter, and Xu Ruo immediately asked the Dragon Queen to summon the tribesmen, wrapped them in the Great Ahan Reincarnation Blood Sea Formation, and went straight back to Daofeng and Xuanjing Palace.

Xu Ruo immediately distributed the captured monsters to the humane countries, especially the Dragon Girl clan, which made the humane countries happy.

If the Dragon Girl clan intermarry with any demon or human race, their offspring will have the blood of demon dragons, which is the most convenient for cultivation. Moreover, only a few of the descendants of the Dragon Girl clan will be Dragon Girls, and most of them will follow their fathers. All the Dragon Girls clan will be Females, therefore, must marry with foreign races. After the offspring are born, only the dragon girl will be left, and the rest of the offspring will live with their father's clan.

It's just that the Dragon Girl clan is chaste in nature and has an extremely long lifespan, so intermarriage with foreign races is extremely rare.

Although all human countries have to practice spiritual energy, if they are of a certain monster bloodline, practicing the modified immortal skills passed down by this bloodline will also have bonuses. The Dragon Clan is a big clan, so the exercises related to the Dragon Clan in the Three Thousand Volumes Quite a few, although the demon dragon is different from the green dragon, they also have similar bloodlines.

Therefore, the humane countries quickly separated the Dragon Girl clan and incorporated them into other countries to live.

Although Xu Liao captured the Dragon Empress and restrained her, he did not allow her to occupy a chair in the Great Ahan Reincarnation Blood Sea Formation. Although the formation still lacked a chair, Xu Liao did not recruit this person. The meaning of head demon god.

He asked the Dragon Queen to practice cultivation in Dao Dao Peak. Yuxu and Qingxu were a little puzzled, and asked privately: "We are the most lacking of helpers. The Dragon Queen is also the lord of demon gods. Why don't you come and host it with me?" A big formation?"

Xu Liao explained: "The Dragon Empress has a soft character and will succumb to power. If she is in charge of the Great Ahan Reincarnation Blood Sea Formation, if she makes a mistake, I am afraid that our formation will be broken. This formation will be broken in the future. If I want to transform into reincarnation and take over the souls of all living things in the world, I cannot leave them to the hands of this woman."

Both Yuxu and Qingxu thought it was reasonable. In fact, there was another reason that they hadn't said yet. Heaven favored the Great Ahan Reincarnation Blood Sea Formation. In the future, this formation would inevitably return to Heaven, reincarnate and return to Heaven. Naturally, there might be some The gods are presiding over it. Neither I nor Yuxu nor Qingxu can turn into gods. Naturally, the fourth presiding position of the Great Ahan Reincarnation Blood Sea Formation will be reserved for the gods who will preside over reincarnation in the future.

The Dragon Empress does not have such virtues, so of course she will not allow it!

The three venerable human beings successively killed three prehistoric demon gods and the supreme demon king. This incident quickly caused a sensation. After all, the prehistoric demons have reached this level and can know the demonic power of those in the same realm just by sensing from a distance. Demonic energy changes.

King Lingsi and the Nameless Demon Lord fell, and the Dragon Queen was subdued by humanity and moved to the countries of humanity. Naturally, these ancient demons had a way to know about it, so not long after, a chaos demon secretly observed the way of heaven and realized that heaven was selfish and did not care about these things. The demon's seed fluttered away from its home and went to look for other people of its kind.

This chaotic demon possesses both demonic power and demonic energy. However, at the critical moment of his cultivation, he realized that demonic energy would corrode spiritual consciousness and destroy memory, so he chose to advance to the level of demon god. He is also a strange species from ancient times, born with intelligence. He also observes the laws of human countries, and gradually develops wisdom.

You must know that demons in the ancient world are vicious by nature and do not have much wisdom.

But there are also a very small number of naturally intelligent demons who know how to observe the way of humanity, gradually learn wisdom, and are able to reflect on the path and understand the way of heaven.

This chaotic demon has advanced to the level of demon god, and its wisdom has further improved. At this time, it has realized that the way of heaven is selfish and prefers the countries of humanity. It is not angry, so it has the idea of ​​​​unity.

He also learned from the human realms. The human realm is weak, but it thrives more and more in the wilderness. Even if there are demons and monsters, they cannot be wiped out, but become stronger, because the human realm has the power to cooperate with each other.

Naturally, the prehistoric demons had no intention of cooperating, but this chaotic demon was different. He felt that humanity could be learned, so he did this.

He left his residence and went to a nearby place occupied by a demon. This demon was also a demon god, but it liked to live alone, so there were no birds or beasts in the mountains, no descendants, and no tribes.

After this chaotic demon climbed the mountain, the demon god in the mountain immediately noticed it and turned into a yellow cloud, rushing into the sky. A giant spirit appeared in the yellow cloud and shouted: "It turns out to be the two gods! What are you doing in my mountain farm?" I never welcome guests here, so please leave as soon as possible."

The two living beings smiled slightly and said: "Huangshan Lord! You are already in danger, why don't you know it? The three venerable human beings originally only guarded the human kingdoms, and waited for me to not offend the river. But now they have been mixed with demons. The ancestor is about to become a heavenly demon, and he will slaughter the common people and start to subdue all the big demons. I'm afraid the two of us will be next. If we don't agree, we will be made into blood gods!"

Huangshan Jun frowned slightly and said: "What the three human beings said is not bad. If the hybrid demon ancestor becomes a heavenly demon, I am afraid that we will be his food. If they are willing to stop it, let them go! We can be free and easy. good."

The two creatures also had a headache. Although this monster was much wiser than ordinary chaos monsters, it still had unclear thoughts. How could it follow others wherever it wanted? Neither the hybrid demon ancestor nor the three human lords would allow demons like themselves to live freely.

Duke Liangsheng knew that persuasion was unlikely to work, so he lied and said, "I know Mr. Huangshan doesn't like trouble. I have a big event on my trip, and I want Mr. Huangshan to take action. The three humane lords are nothing more than handsome men." Levels, they call themselves Taoists, but after all they are weaker than us in cultivation, but their strength is not inferior to ours, even though they each have a treasure."

Huangshan Jun nodded and said: "I also know that they each have a treasure, which is very powerful. How do you want to treat it?"

The two Shengongs smiled slightly and said: "The two of us joined forces to snatch their treasures. I'm afraid we won't be afraid of the ancestor of the demons anymore."

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