One Sword to Immortality

767. Taixu Golden Flower Ten Thousand Calamities

Huangshan Jun was suddenly surprised and happy, and shouted: "This is a very good suggestion, but I want two treasures, and you can only get one."

The two men smiled and said: "Both are good, I'll let you choose first!"

After the two demons persuaded the big demon, they also knew that they could not defeat the human kingdoms with their own two demons, especially since they had surrendered the three-headed demon god and demon king, and their strength was no longer what it used to be, so he immediately made a suggestion: "We two monsters alone can't defeat the three human beings. We can unite with a few more comrades to win without worry."

Huangshan Jun did not consider whether his spoils would be diluted if there were more comrades. He just thought this was a good statement and applauded him repeatedly.

The two masters had no time to despise this kindred spirit. After all, they were finally coaxed into obeying them. The two monsters immediately left Huangshanjun's mountain farm to find the other monster.

The two brothers also had a quarrel. He didn't look for the Demon Lord at all. After all, those who were promoted to the Demon Lord were deeply possessed by the devil, and their way of thinking was different from that of normal monsters. It was completely unreasonable. He only looked for the first-class demon gods. With his rotten tongue and extraordinary wisdom, he actually managed to win over twelve demon gods in a few months, making him thirteen in total.

The thirteen demon gods were already a very luxurious team in the ancient world. Even if the six realms and heavens did not leave back then, only the great demon gods had such strength, and their subordinates were no more than the nine demon gods.

The rest of the heavens are not as powerful as the demon gods and real people, but they are far inferior and cannot be compared.

The two gods gathered such a huge strength, and immediately led these demon gods and their subordinates, meandering all the way to the human countries, intending to wipe out all the human countries.

If a few months ago, Xu, Yuxu, Qingxu, and the Three Venerables of Humanity would have been unable to resist such a large battle, they could only find ways to flee with as many people as possible.

However, in the past few months, Xu Lian pulled out the seven-headed demon king. Just the opposite of his two brothers, he almost never touched the demon gods, only stared at the demon kings, and did not persuade them. He just relied on the Great Agama to reincarnate. After attacking and suppressing the Blood Sea Formation, he threw himself into the Great Ahan Samsara Blood Sea Formation and transformed into a blood god.

Now there are nine blood gods in the Great Ahan's reincarnation blood sea formation, and there are countless blood demons in reincarnation. Xu had calculated in advance that the Two Lives Guild would lead an army of demons to attack, so the Great Ahan The blood sea formation of reincarnation was deployed outside the Kingdom of Humanity, turning into a torrential sea of ​​blood, hiding the Kingdom of Humanity deep into the sea of ​​blood.

The two gods instigated twelve demon gods to come and attack the kingdom of humanity. However, when they led the demon army outside the kingdom of humanity, what they saw was this endless sea of ​​blood.

The prehistoric demons were rough-tempered and eager to fight fiercely. At this time, there was no need for the two brothers to provoke them. These chaotic demons each used their magical powers and turned into monsters thousands of feet tall. They threw themselves into the sea of ​​​​blood and fought with the nine-headed blood god. Fight fiercely.

The tribes brought by these prehistoric demons also fought endlessly with the reincarnated blood demons who were ups and downs in the blood sea.

Xu Liao and Yuxu, Qingxu, let the chaos monsters fight with the Samsara Blood Demon. The three of them teamed up to trap Huangshan Lord. Xu Liao sacrificed the nine Taixu golden flowers. This heavenly treasure has the greatest power of attack. One piece even surpasses the Xuantian Qingxu Duojian in Qingxu’s hand.

The Xuantian Qingxu Duobao Sword is composed of twenty-four treasures and has endless magical uses. Therefore, it is not as pure as the Taixu Golden Flower. It is a pure killing treasure.

Although the Taixu Golden Flower looks weak, it is full of vigor. As long as it is covered by the Taixu Golden Flower, thousands of golden sword tribulations will fall upon it. Just like the boiling gold essence pool in Donghuangtian that intercepts the tribulations of the heavens, it can evolve the tribulations of the heavens. .

A wisp of golden spirit, when extracted, becomes a mouthful of godless weapons. If used to kill living beings, it becomes an endless supply of golden swords!

Although Huangshan Jun is powerful and tyrannical, how can he encounter such an enemy?

This big demon had just turned its demonic body into as huge as a mountain, and was able to withstand thousands of golden sword tribulations. Then a Purple Qiong Jade Void Eight-light Tower fell down, killing a wisp of his demonic aura, and letting this big demon's demonic power Suddenly dropped by one point.

Although Yuxu usually used the Purple Qiong Yuxu Eight Light Tower to fight against the enemy, it was not until today that he had the opportunity to fully display its power. The Purple Qiong Yuxu Eight Light Tower was actually able to destroy Taoxing and reduce his cultivation, which surprised him. surprise.

Yuxu saw that this treasure was useful, and even urged Ziqiong Yuxu's Eight Light Tower to destroy the Huangshan Lord's demonic power one by one. Although this big demon had strong demonic power, he didn't care much if there was a trace missing, but Yunxu's demonic power , but it's still missing by one point. How can it be so short of resisting the catastrophe?

Although the thousands of golden sword tribulations transformed by Taixu Golden Flower are not real heavenly tribulations, and their power is much weaker. After all, his skills are not good, but their essence is the same. At the moment, there are thousands of golden lights covering it, cutting this big head The demon's whole body was filled with yellow smoke.

Huangshan Jun, like Yu Liu, both transform into monsters from mountains, but Yu Liu changes from volcanoes, while he changes from Loess Mountain, so he likes to transform into yellow clouds, yellow mist, and yellow smoke, so even if he is killed, he will not go crazy with demon blood. Spraying will only cause yellow smoke to billow.

If he were outside the Great Ahan's Reincarnation Blood Sea Formation, Huangshan Lord could gather back his dissipated demonic energy, but within this formation, every time he was weakened a little, he would be destroyed by the Great Ahan Reincarnation Blood Sea. Swallowed by a large formation.

The three of them joined forces to fight Huangshanjun for several hours. Qingxu saw a flaw in the big monster. He raised his hand and a clear light flew out and penetrated into the chest of the big monster. He searched for his spiritual consciousness and twisted it hard. Huangshanjun The demon body is slightly stagnant.

Monsters are different from human beings, especially when rocks and rocks become monsters. Although they also have a head, most of their spiritual consciousness is not in it. For example, when plants and trees turn into monsters, their spiritual consciousness is spread all over the body like veins, so they are not easy to be killed. Mountains and rocks turn into monsters with spiritual consciousness. If you condense it a little, it will probably be in the center of the body, because the center of the demon body has the strongest protective power.

Therefore, Huangshan Jun's spiritual consciousness was also in his chest. Xu Luo had long figured it out, and secretly gave Qingxu guidance, so that this humane venerable could perform the martial arts with one sword.

Seeing that Qingxu had suppressed Huangshan Jun's spiritual consciousness, Xu Liao and Yuxu hurriedly activated the Great Ahan Reincarnation Blood Sea Formation and engulfed the big demon in the formation. You must know that such a big demon's spiritual consciousness Strong and powerful, even if it is scattered, it can be recovered later, but it is slightly weakened, so it is about to take this opportunity to refine it.

Xu Liao, Yuxu, and Qingxu teamed up to strangle Lord Huangshan. There was no one in charge of the Great Ahan Samsara Blood Sea Formation. It had been beaten to pieces long ago, and the sea of ​​​​blood also turned into dozens of places. It was almost impossible to protect humanity. countries.

This time, the demon gods who were instigated by the Two Lives to attack the human kingdoms only felt that victory was in sight. They were very interested and had high fighting spirit. No one paid attention to the battle between Huangshan Lord and Xu, Yuxu and Qingxu. Even if someone occasionally He paid attention and ignored it. He only wanted to defeat the enemy in front of him and had no intention of fighting together. (Tianjin Novel Network)

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