One Sword to Immortality

785, the final number of days

Although Jie Yin's Taoist skills were slightly higher than Xu Liao's, he had just recovered his memory not long ago and had not yet practiced his own Taoism. He was still using the magic of the Jade Cauldron sect, so he could not detect Xu Liao's follow-up.

He stepped on the lotus and wandered through the wilderness. He came to a high mountain without hesitation. He looked at the mountain and thought slightly in his heart, because this high mountain was filled with evil spirits and there was an unknown demon god living there.

Although Jie Yin was arrogant, he also knew that he could not kill a demon god with his own magic. He pondered slightly and flew out the Taichu Jade Plate from his palm. He had not yet completed the sacrifice at this time. If he used this treasure to resist the demon god, It is not difficult to escape immediately, but it is beyond the power to trap and kill a demon god.

Jie Ying said to himself: "If you give me a few decades and allow me to sacrifice the Taichu Jade Plate to a hundred levels of formations, I can trap even demons and gods in one fell swoop. It seems that such low-level people can be trapped." It is not difficult to suppress the demon god. But at this time, there is nothing we can do..."

He hesitated for a long time, but could not think of any good way. He walked around the mountain and then left. Although Jingying also coveted this treasure, he knew his own abilities and did not lose his mind for the sake of the treasure. move.

As soon as Jie Yin left, Xu Zuo arrived soon after. He was different from Jie Yin. Jie Yin's way of thinking had its limitations, but Xu Zuo didn't have so many rules. He thought to himself: "I don't know what treasures are here, but Jie Yin actually has it." The second one came here. Although the demon god living here is good, why should I compete with him? "

As soon as he thought about it, nine Taixu golden flowers flew out, circled around, and went straight to the depths not far away.

What kind of aura is the Supreme Treasure of Heaven?

The demon god who was hiding suddenly discovered that there was a powerful treasure floating outside his mountain. He immediately raised his light and reached out to get it. This demon god has a black light all over his body, and looks like a three-headed monster dog. The demonic aura he has cultivated is mixed, and his cultivation level is really not that high. Even his IQ is only average.

The nine Taixu golden flowers were slightly lifted up into the sky, tempting the demon god to chase them in the air for a while, and then went away into the distance.

Xu waited patiently for a while, and when he was sure that the demon god had gone far, he raised his hand and used a Chaos God Thunder to blow up the mountain. Where does Xu have time to search carefully? But he expected that since it was a treasure from ancient times, it would never be damaged by one of his spells, so he used such a violent method.

His Chaos Divine Thunder struck continuously, and the mountain peak was blown to pieces in an instant. Among the rocks, with his divine eyes, he found a spiritual light. Without thinking, he reached out and grabbed it, and sure enough, it was a spiritual light. The Zong treasure was lost.

Xu Ruo had just found the treasure here when he sensed two more powerful demonic powers rising in the distance near his Taixu Golden Flower. Apparently there were other powerful demons coveting his Taixu Golden Flower, and he hesitated. , with a move of his hand, the Taixu Golden Flower escaped into the void and then appeared next to him.

Xu received the Taixu Golden Flower, and without hesitation, he looked into the sky and followed the lead.

Jie Yin found another treasure. The place where the treasure was hidden was occupied by a demon king. This demon king had great cultivation. He had cultivated at least sixty true veins, and his bones were full of magic light. , he didn’t dare to get close, so he could only turn around and leave.

Xu Zuo then came over and took a look, but he didn't dare to use the Taixu Golden Flower to seduce him. This demon king was too strong in cultivation, and he might be able to take the Taixu Golden Flower Lock. This was a treasure that related to his settlement and life. So Xu did not dare to take risks. He secretly memorized this place, and with a leap into the sky, he followed the lead.

Jie Yin searched four or five places in succession, but there was no chance. Xu Liao also discovered that these ancient treasures were quite strange. They were all born together with a chaotic demon who was born with great luck, but these chaotic demons had not yet When you are aware of these treasures, even if you have them with you, you still don’t know them, let alone use them.

These Chaos Demons who were born with the Prehistoric Treasures are all extremely powerful demons. Even if they are not as good as the Hun Demon Ancestor, they are not far behind. Therefore, there is no way to succeed.

Jie Yin stepped on the lotus, and suddenly felt that the demon power in the place he had found was weak, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

This is a deserted beach. I didn't know there was a big river at first, but now there are only piles of strange rocks. A hazy aura is shrouded in the deserted beach. This demon is born to be ferocious. Although it is a demonic aura that is cultivated, it has The ferocious tyrant who destroys everything is definitely not a kind monster.

He thought to himself that he could win this monster. The opponent had not yet broken through the demon god and his cultivation level was comparable to him. He immediately flew out the Taichu Jade Plate and turned it into a large formation, covering it. Then he shouted: "Monster , come to death!"

He had no mercy for this Chaos Demon. He just wanted to kill him and seize the treasures that came with him.

As soon as his formation was deployed, yellow clouds of bones flew out from the ground. In the yellow clouds, there were countless auras of life and death. When they came into contact with the formation laid out by the guide, they immediately eroded in.

The Taichu Jade Plate that was used for sacrifice and refining had not been used for a few days, so it could only use this formation. At this time, it was corroded by the opponent's demonic power, so it could only incite the formation, turning into a clear light and strangulating it.

Xu Lio saw the two fighting from a distance, and couldn't help being surprised, and secretly thought: "But something is wrong. The monster underground is only at the level of the Demon Commander. How can it have such a powerful spell? This method seems like If the infinite plague spreads in three parts like this, I'm afraid how many lives will be devastated. I guess this demon is actually a plague demon! It's just that the world has just opened and the prehistoric era has just been settled, so his demonic methods are not perfect enough. I don't know what the next step will be. Can Yin suppress this monster? If he can't, I will help him."

After promising to wait patiently, Jie Yin fought fiercely with the monsters underground for more than thirty days. His Taichu jade plate was not refined enough, and the formation was actually broken by the yellow cloud of the monster below. He could only shake his hands and stop. I took the Taichu jade plate and floated away.

Xu Le couldn't help but sigh secretly, thinking: "Although he doesn't know what kind of big shot he is reincarnated, his luck is too bad. If he now has the cultivation level of a real person and cooperates with the Taichu Jade Plate, I am afraid that in today's prehistoric times, there will be no demons that belong to him." Opponent. But his cultivation is not at the peak of a Taoist, and many demons are not afraid of him. Even if he knows that there are countless treasures hidden in the world, what is the use? Isn’t it impossible to get them? "

Xu Zuo waited until he was led away, and then he raised his hand, and a sea of ​​blood flew out, submerging the deserted beach below.

Promising is not a sign of seduction. Although he is still a little poor in morals, he has the Great Ahan Reincarnation Blood Sea Formation and nine Taixu Golden Flowers in his hand. He has also received the Ten-phase Gods and Demons Splitting Heaven Technique to deal with all kinds of evils. There are countless tricks to the scene. Although the demon underground is weird, Xu Luo still has the confidence to suppress it.

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