One Sword to Immortality

786, 99 Dispersing Plague Gourd

The Great Ahan Reincarnation Blood Sea Formation pressed down, and a line of yellow smoke suddenly rose up on the deserted beach. However, this yellow smoke resisted for a while, and then became a little weak, and was suddenly suppressed by the blood sea.

The Taichu Jade Plate in Jie Yin's hand is the most precious treasure in the world. It can evolve countless formations. In terms of power, it is naturally far from the Great Ahan Reincarnation Blood Sea Formation. However, he has only refined one formation, and its power is less than ten thousand. One-half of it, so it cannot withstand the erosion of yellow smoke.

It is promised that the Great Ahan Reincarnation Blood Sea Formation itself is not afraid of yellow smoke. In addition, there are countless creatures in this formation, and there are 16 blood gods to help it, so naturally it is not afraid of this monster.

The sea of ​​​​blood suddenly collapsed. Xu Zuo activated the sea of ​​​​blood, expanding and infiltrating in all directions. He immediately noticed something escaping quickly underground. How can he tolerate it? The duck he got will fly away? The endless blood wave rolled down and forced the thing out.

I just promised but didn't expect that what emerged from the ground was not a demon, but a gourd. This gourd was filled with yellow smoke, and there was a faint strange demonic power, which seemed to be alive but not alive, and seemed to be dead but not dead.

If it were anyone else, they might not know what happened, but Xu Luo just prompted the chaotic calculations, and after a slight calculation, he couldn't help but feel a little funny. This treasure is called the Nine-Nine Scattered Plague Gourd. It is so innately spiritual that it has transformed into a monster on its own without waiting for its owner to find it. Relying on the fact that he is a magic weapon, he secretly plotted against the big monster living here and refined it into the gourd.

There was also a demon god who originally lived here, and he had a connection with this treasure, so he resisted desperately, and actually merged his demon power and soul into one with this ninety-nine plague gourd.

Therefore, the magic weapon of this ninety-nine plague gourd is not a magic weapon, because it has not yet been refined to a destined master, and the monster is not a monster, because the original demon god has been completely refined into the gourd and turned into a unique The presence.

Because of this, Taoist Jieyin is not the opponent of this treasure, because he is not facing a monster of the same level, but a monster of the same level that has both the power of a monster and a magic weapon.

If the Nine-Nine Scattering Plague Gourd refines its destined master, he will be able to emerge and become a great demon in the ancient world. If the original demon god can fight back desperately and refine this magic weapon in advance, he can also become a great demon. One of the ancestors was even more generous than Hongyun.

But at this moment of dilemma, Jie Yin and Xu Lu came knocking at the door. It could drive Jie Yin away, but how could it drive Xu away?

Xu Lio was also surprised when he saw this, and secretly shouted: "If we give this thing a few hundred more years, I'm afraid it will be another hybrid demon ancestor. After all, there are only a few red light demons who can obtain the magic weapon of their life, and they will achieve a lot in the future. ." To him, whether the gourd refined the monster or the monster refined the gourd, there was actually no difference. They would all be wiped out anyway.

Xu Luo activated the Great Ahan Reincarnation Blood Sea Formation, wrapped this treasure, used mystical skills, activated a Taixu Golden Flower, and shot it into the air.

The Taixu Golden Flower has been tempered by a heavenly calamity and has become more spiritual. Although it was promised to hold back, there are still countless innate golden energies that are activated and shot into this gourd.

The magic weapon Yuan Ling and the spirit of the great demon were entangled. They were promised to activate the Taixu Golden Flower, and the innate golden energy activated slashed them both.

Only then did he reach out and grab the Nine-nine Plague Gourd, and mobilized his magic power to refine it. Originally, this magic weapon was one of the eighteen treasures of the prehistoric times, ranked seventeenth. Although it was ranked very low, it was powerful. But it is so huge that it can contain all the plague energy in the world, and can cause countless disasters and annihilate all living beings in the world.

According to the destiny of heaven and earth, heaven and earth are separated, the pure and turbid return to their places, and the five elements are transformed!

The Dao of Heaven is the most pure and empty Qi, which can give birth to eighteen treasures of the Dao of Heaven, supporting each other with the Dao of humanity!

The most turbid and solid Qi of the ancient world can transform into eighteen treasures of the ancient world, accompanied by eighteen unparalleled demons, and destroy all humanity.

If humanity wins, heaven and earth will be clear, wisdom will grow, nature will be enlightened and prosperous. If the demon wins, the world will return to chaos, the five elements will be unified, and no more wisdom will be born.

Xu Zuo was blessed with three blessings from Heaven and could evolve into three treasures of Heaven. However, he did not know that this was also after the reincarnation of Heaven. Although he was ignorant and did not remember that Heaven and Earth had been there before, he vaguely believed that he must protect humanity with all his strength. , promised to be the head of the three human beings, and had the merit of opening up reincarnation, so he was rewarded two times and three times.


Xu Liao is a rebel!

Xu shook the Nine-Nine Scattering Plague Gourd in his hand. His eyesight was naturally very good, and he immediately recognized that there were six layers of restrictions in this gourd, and the outermost layer was twenty Qi meridians, just like the strange scriptures of human beings. The eight meridians, like the twelve meridians, can exert the power of the demon warrior level with just a little bit of sacrifice.

There is only one thing, the ancient treasure must be activated by the energy of chaos, the pure and turbid will be separated, the yin and yang will be reconciled, and the five elements will be transformed into one, which cannot be sacrificed and refined.

Thanks to Xu's fighting clone, although he cultivates spiritual energy, one phase changes into the chaotic phase, so he is not restricted.

Xu Luo then used Chaos Phase Transformation to sacrifice the Nine-Nine Plague Gourd. After the first level of forbidden sacrifice was completed, a cloud of yellow smoke flew out with a flick of his hand. Xu Luo was afraid that the plague would spread out and harm people, so he hurriedly put it back into the gourd.

He was curious, so he began to refine the second level of restraint. The second level of restraint has thirty-six gangang veins, which vary according to the heavenly gang. If it can be completed, it will have the power of the demon king level.

After all, Xu is now in the Taoist realm, so it is not difficult to sacrifice and refine these thirty-six Gang meridians. After he has sacrificed and refined these thirty-six Gang meridians, he suddenly felt that the evil spirit bred in this gourd of ninety-nine plagues was The air of plague increased dozens of times, and it gained many more vicious functions.

Xu was shocked, but couldn't hold it in any longer and started to practice the third level of restraint again. The third level of restriction is naturally the 7749 Great Evolution Veins. Xu Xu tried it a little and knew that even with his own cultivation level, it would take some time to completely refine it.

He was thinking about Jie Yin, so he did not continue to sacrifice the Jiujiu Scattering Plague Gourd. Instead, he picked up the escape light and followed Jie Yin.

There are a total of seven or eight ancient treasures that remind him of his memory. He did not know the whereabouts of other ancient treasures back then, and naturally has no way to find them now. He spent countless efforts, but except for the Taichu Jade Plate, he failed this time and finally found the vast ocean.

If he were to travel eastward at this time, it would take him a few hundred years to cross the East China Sea and find those people from the Western hermit sect. However, he had no intention of doing so, and he did not know about those Western hermit monks.

The guide only found the target after going hundreds of thousands of miles into the East China Sea, without any intention of crossing the ocean.

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