One Sword to Immortality

800. Sea Divine Light (3)

William was born into a wealthy family in Europe and engaged in business in his early years. Later, when he came into contact with the mysterious culture, he began to study hard and even launched a shopping mall. Anyway, his family was already very rich. Even if they did not run a business, they still had enough wealth.

So even though he joined the Hermitage Order, he still pursued the luxury of life. In fact, the hermits did not live in deserted monasteries in the mountains and forests. Because of their own strength in cultivation, almost every hermit had a certain amount of wealth. It's just that they don't want to affect ordinary human society, nor do they want to be noticed by ordinary human society, but it is consistent with the policy of the Ten Thousand Demons Association back then.

But after leaving the earth, William's life changed greatly. The Western Monastic Order was completely unable to compare with the Ten Thousand Demons Association, the Eighteen Immortals Sect, or even the Four Legions in terms of the sophistication of their spells. Therefore, most of his wealth There was no way to bring him over, and he became completely impoverished.

It is also because of this that William devoted all his energy to practice and achieved unparalleled achievements.

He broke through the Holy Spirit and possessed the power to allow people to be reincarnated. Therefore, his family became immortal and followed him for several lives. However, not many of his descendants have the potential to practice, so he still wants to Arrange a comfortable life for future generations.

William made this request, and of course he agreed. He also promised to allow all the monks from the Taiqing Order to come to their own place for vacation. He also said that he would not charge any fees, but he would restrict the crowds who came to vacation. , there are some basic management systems.

The hermit monks, after all, have worse traditions than the Ten Thousand Demons Society. William has only recently become a saint, and his breakthrough to the Holy Spirit is still on his way east. Therefore, he does not understand the complete system. Many religious orders were only integrated under William's hands. .

Therefore, the hermit monks do not have currency yet, unlike the Ten Thousand Demons Society, the Eighteen Immortal Sects have unified the time currency.

There was no way to collect money from the hermit monks even if he agreed, not that he was particularly generous.

William was also very satisfied, and immediately invited Xu to visit the headquarters of the Taiqing Order, and wanted to introduce him to a group of senior leaders of the Order. Xu happily agreed, and set off with William and Jason, and the three of them each used their magical powers. , crossed the strait from the island to the road, and landed on a high mountain by the sea.

The mountain that William chose was named Holy Light Peak by him. If he were a woman, maybe it would be called Mount Everest.

William also has many talents under his command. Among the monks there are many famous architects who came from higher education institutions. Therefore, the Holy Light Peak was cut from head to foot into an extremely sharp multi-layered pyramid.

William lives alone at the top, and now Jason is also qualified to join the top. William also wants to reintroduce Jason to everyone. Jason has just made a breakthrough and has not been introduced to everyone by William.

Xu Liao followed the local customs and changed into a plain white suit with William. This suit originally belonged to William. After all, he was too anxious to buy Xu Liao an outfit. Xu Liao changed his body shape and adapted to this Western suit. Although they look different in size, they look a bit like twins because of their similar clothing.

Although William was aware of this situation, he also deliberately deepened this impression, because this would make it easier for Xu Ling to be accepted by the sect, and also make it easier for all the hermits to feel that Xu Ling was just his "stand-in."

He didn't care if he agreed. He held the wine glass and chatted with Jason for a few words about the cultivation of Holy Light Qi. Not long after, senior hermit monks from the Taiqing Religion came in in twos and threes.

This top-level hall has an extremely broad view, so these people fell from all directions, each with a different expression, and most of them were slightly jealous.

Of course Jason doesn't care about this. He is originally at the level of a demon god. Although he has fallen for many years, as long as he reaches the peak again, he will naturally have a momentum. As for the jealousy that those people feel, for him, it is nothing but a breeze. He has no right to care.

There are also people who are loyal and happy, because with one more Holy Spirit, there will be one more surge. The Taiqing Order was forced to leave the prehistoric era.

They had been forcibly taken to the wilderness before, and no one cared whether they were willing or not, so every hermit monk had anger in his heart.

Jason's achievements gave these hermit monks a sense of pride and elation. It seemed that with just a few more holy gods, they could regain their confidence and self-esteem before the six realms of the heavens.

Of course, more people were also interested in Xu Li. There was even a tall, stunning-looking beauty with flawless facial features and figure. She calmly walked up to the two of them and first congratulated Jason on his breakthrough to the Saint. God, and then said with interest: "Which world does this gentleman come from?"

Xu Lio smiled slightly and said: "I am not a person from the six realms of the heavens, but an indigenous monster from the ancient times. Because there is a war on the continent over there, I went overseas, but I didn't expect that there is actually a civilization fire overseas, and such hospitable."

Jason was also quite satisfied with Xu Zuo's attitude. Although he didn't know that in terms of strength, Xu Zuo could kill all the hermits, including him and William, but Xu Zuo's attitude was gentle and without any hostility. Let him also be willing to join forces and practice. You know, he was originally a big monster, and he was forced to turn to Holy Light Qi, not voluntarily, so he already had the same feelings for monsters, and Xu Liao's personality was quite compatible with him, so Jason had already put Xu Liao into it. Became friends.

Although his relationship with William is extremely close, even more than a relative in the secular sense, their personalities are completely different, so Jason is not particularly willing to chat with William. When the two of them are together, it is mostly official business, less Part of the discussion was about cultivation and the future.

When Jason heard what Xu said, he was very hospitable and couldn't help but smile: "Milia, you don't know that Moses not only was at odds with the six realms of the heavens, but also won a bet on a certain God's palace, and It has been set up on the Island of Good Hope! It has also promised to let all of us go on vacation, completely free of charge."

Milia couldn't help but blink slightly, she smiled and said: "I can go and see our only resort in the New World after I stay for a while?"

Xu couldn't help but smile and said, "Of course, my place is big enough to entertain many friends. One thing is that the service staff are scarce and may not be too attentive."

While the three of them were chatting, William had already begun to transform into Holy Light on the high platform of the hall, turning into a ball of Holy Light, and announced: "Our friend Jason has re-entered the position of Holy God. Please pay tribute to him." Congratulations." The hall suddenly burst into cheery applause, and everyone seemed to be very happy, even though everyone knew that this was impossible.

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