One Sword to Immortality

800. Sea Divine Light (4)

Holy light has always been regarded as a scourge among hermits, because as long as it is completely transformed into holy light, it will turn into pure energy and lose all consciousness.

It wasn't until William cultivated into the Holy God that it was proved that the ultimate form of Holy Light could retain consciousness, as long as he could break through the realm of the Saint and step into the threshold of the Holy God.

When the Holy Light Qi is cultivated to the realm of the Holy God, it can transform into life forms at any time, but only when it is transformed into the Holy Light, it will advance to the realm of the Holy God, return to the state of the physical body, and its strength will fall back to that of a saint.

William's display of Holy Light also wanted to show his power. Although there are many monks with noble character and their teachings tend to be upright, as long as the world is dominated by power, then power is the only standard, and no standard can cover up the past. .

If William had not broken through the Holy Spirit, he would not have been able to unify countless monastic orders. Once he left, the Taiqing Order would definitely collapse in an instant and split into dozens of large forces again.

After William's announcement, Jason also raised his hand slightly towards Xu Wei, indicating that he wanted to leave for a while. He walked to the heights step by step, and walked to William's side on the steps filled with holy light.

With every step Jason took, the Holy Light became more intense, and finally transformed into pure Holy Light from the inside out. However, his state of Holy Light transformation was different from William's. His whole body was transparent, but it extended behind his back. He sprouted six pairs of wings of light. With the birth of each pair of wings, his Holy Light Qi became more powerful. Finally, the Holy Light Qi in his whole body soared to the sky and the earth, and he was unparalleled in his dominance.

The holy light posture shown by Jason forced William to improve his strength. His holy light state was the same as normal, except that his whole body turned into holy light. However, this time he was forced by Jason and had to use all his strength to As he went, the holy light circulated outside his body and turned into countless circles of light. There were countless sleeping babies in the circles.

This is his innate divine power, which can reincarnate humans who have cultivated Holy Light Qi to a certain level.

Xu Zuo's eyes tightened slightly, because he did not expect that William and Jason seemed to be very good friends, but at this moment, they had the intention of fighting.

Jason's display of unparalleled hegemony was by no means a mere display of strength. It was so simple and must have a deep meaning. From today on, the Taiqing Order is no longer monolithic. They are all surrounding William. There will inevitably be people who want to seek refuge with Jason, because if someone has interests, there will be fights, and divisions will inevitably form.

Xu Liao was eager to give it a try and wanted to release his demonic power, but then he smiled slightly and gave up the idea, instead raising a glass to congratulate the two of them.

William's expression was as usual, and he said a few simple words before pushing Jason out. Jason said simply, and he said sonorously and forcefully: "We will get back everything we lost!"

Jason's words aroused countless applause. Apparently, his idea was recognized by many senior leaders of Taiqing Religion.

Jason stopped here and didn't do anything else. The celebration banquet reached its climax with William and Jason introducing Xu Liao to everyone. Everyone wanted to know the origin of Xu Liao, but Xu Liao didn't. He dealt with the past without leaving a trace and declared his concept of peace.

After Jason's breakthrough to the Holy Spirit was announced, William and Jason both put away the Holy Light and moved the venue. The people attending this party were all high-level officials, but the following cocktail party was not just for these high-level officials, but also There were many young people attending, so we moved to a larger banquet hall on the next floor.

Xu Yue left early before the banquet was over. He did not leave alone. Not only did William bring his family, but also Jason brought more than ten family members, and even some high-ranking priests from the Taiqing Order. It also includes several particularly young and talented hermits.

These people followed him back to Haowang Island.

Immediately after Xu, he arranged for his monsters to prepare for another dinner party. This one was of a much higher level.

Almost all of the monsters that have been domesticated have practiced the art of transformation, so the changed lives are all handsome men and beautiful women, and most of them are even young boys.

It's just that these children are at least several hundred years old, and those who are tens of thousands of years old are all grabbing a handful.

Under Xu Luo's price adjustment, these sea monsters were polite and attentive, which made the monks happy, especially the Wanque Lingtai released by Xu Luo. The various facilities were too complete. Although the software service, The food and utensils were still a bit poor, but the hermit monks, who had not enjoyed them for hundreds of years, were already very satisfied.

William even directly asked Xu for a hotel with the best scenery near the sea, ready for the younger generations of the family to enjoy. When Jason saw William talking, he also asked for a hotel, but he chose the hotel with the largest area and surrounding a natural lake on the island. Although the scenery was slightly less beautiful, it was more grand.

Other senior executives also wanted to borrow a hotel from Xu Liao, and Xu Liao agreed one by one with a smile, but cleverly set some thresholds. His Wanque Lingtai only built more than a hundred hotels. They were given away casually and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Of course, it was impossible for everyone to agree.

Fortunately, his hotel will be fully open. Even if it cannot be classified as private, you can still come and enjoy it at any time, so the senior leaders of the Taiqing Order are still very satisfied. At the same time, some people also suggested that they want to provide some other services for the hotel and send a group of professional managers, and Xu agreed.

William spent a day on Haowang Island and left soon after, but most of his family stayed.

However, Jason did not leave, and looked like he planned to stay there for a long time. In fact, he also had a residence in the New World, but the construction was rough and far from comparable to Haowang Island. William had academic affairs to take care of, and he was in the religious order. There is no fixed position in the school yet, and William will not assign the academic affairs to him for a while, so he has no intention of going back.

Every day Jason would come to Xu Liao to drink, taste tea, chat, and talk about things on earth.

Although Xu Liao was also born on Earth, the days he spent on Earth were only a few percent as long as the days he spent in Sihaijiangtu. Although he had read some information about the Ten Thousand Demons Society, he had no knowledge of the earth's cultivation world. I understand, but I can’t compare to a big monster like Jason.

Even Xu Liao was quite curious about what Jason mentioned. As for what Jason smelled about the Ancient Continent, Xu Liao naturally knew everything about it. He had also stayed in the Ancient Continent for a long time, so of course he knew a lot about it.

When Jason heard about the emergence of a prehistoric treasure and the battle between the human kingdoms and the prehistoric demons, he suddenly said to Xu Liao: "In fact, there are secret treasures in the New World. There are beast spirits living in this continent. They are born with spiritual energy and do not cultivate demon power. There are many spiritual beasts." We are born to protect certain treasures. How about you and I joining forces to seize a few, so that we can have more means against the six realms of heaven in the future."

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