Welfare. . .

The moment Bai Xiaochun asked this sentence, his face was always cold, even if he spurted blood before, he was still cold and cold, and his body trembled undetectably.

With a slight tremor, he lowered his head, covering up the complexity and bitterness in his eyes. Although the look disappeared in an instant, his voice was still a lot lower.

“She’s still alive.”

“Where?” Bai Xiaochun turned his back to Taoist Tongtian, his body trembling slightly, and after taking a deep breath, he asked the second sentence.

“I didn’t find it.” Taoist Tongtian was silent for a long time, before speaking softly.

He didn’t know what mood and thoughts he was in when these words fell into Bai Xiaochun’s ears. After a while, Bai Xiaochun left without asking the third sentence.

After returning to the embassy, ​​Bai Xiaochun locked himself in a secret room, and when he sat cross-legged, his body trembled more and more, his eyes showed sadness, and what appeared in front of his eyes was that he was absorbed and upgraded by Taoist Tongtian back then. At the same time, Du Lingfei was begging and crying in despair.

“It’s good to be alive,” Bai Xiaochun murmured, even though he didn’t know why, even Taoist Tong Tian, ​​who was a god of heaven, couldn’t find Du Lingfei, but as long as Bai Xiaochun knew that she was still alive, he knew that one day, sooner or later, he would kill her. found.

Just like Bai Hao, as long as there is still a chance, Bai Xiaochun must grasp everything, so that there is no regret in everything. This is his beautiful idea and the belief in his heart.

“Sure…” Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, feeling depressed at the moment, he could only close his eyes, and use the cultivation he didn’t like to calm himself down.

Time passed by in the blink of an eye, and another month passed quickly. During this month, Bai Xiaochun’s cultivation did not stop. He seemed to have gotten used to this boring practice. Only in this cultivation could he stop thinking about the past and not stop thinking about the past. To touch the bitterness deep inside.

It wasn’t until another month passed, after Bai Xiaochun’s deduction and experimentation, that he confirmed that Qi Ling was in a deep sleep again, and then went back to the broken fan floating in the starry sky.

The surrounding area of ​​the remnant fan was pitch black. Standing there, looking at the surrounding starry sky, Bai Xiaochun didn’t know how far it was from the Eternal Immortal Realm, nor what region it belonged to. He only knew that when he stood here, whether it was Mind or consciousness, it seems that they are different from those in Eternal Immortal Realm.

“The starry sky is so big.” Bai Xiaochun whispered softly. He was very glad that he had this broken fan. It not only accelerated his cultivation, but also completely opened a door for him.

Let him walk out of the Eternal Immortal Realm, he doesn’t know if there are people in the Eternal Immortal Realm who walked out like him before him, but Bai Xiaochun believes that even if there are, there must be very few, I am afraid that even if it is evil Neither the emperor nor the holy emperor can go out so far like himself.

“Perhaps, I’m the only one who has been here in the Eternal Immortal Realm.” Bai Xiaochun exhaled, slowly looked back, and looked at the fan bone.

“After the seventy-eighth level, it seems to be getting more and more difficult.” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes flashed, and he went straight to the fan bone, and soon reached the seventy-ninth level, and continued to break through the level

The difficulty of the seventy-nine levels, after Bai Xiaochun tried it, his heart was even more shocked. It was much more difficult than he expected. These seventy-nine levels took almost half a month for Bai Xiaochun, so it was difficult break through.

If it weren’t for the fact that his physical recovery was too strong, and because he had absorbed the essence of Juggernaut’s flesh and blood, he might not be able to break through at all, and then the eighty levels

Time flies, in a blink of an eye, in the past when Qi Ling was asleep, Bai Xiaochun could pass ten levels in a row, but now at the same time, he only broke through eighty-three levels

When he walked out of the eighty-three level, Bai Xiaochun was exhausted. Lying there, his whole body was covered with wounds. Both his physical body and his cultivation were almost exhausted.

“It’s too difficult.” Bai Xiaochun’s rest lasted for three days. After three days, when he recovered, he hesitated for a while after inferring the time when Qi Ling would wake up.

“Maybe not in timeIt is enough to pass the eighty-fourth level, and the little device spirit should wake up in two or three days, but you can feel the changes in this level, and then go back and think about the way to break through the level. “With a decision, Bai Xiaochun immediately gritted his teeth and went straight to the eighty-four level.

It’s just that even Bai Xiaochun didn’t expect that as soon as he entered the eighty-fourth level, he was stunned, his eyes widened suddenly, as if he couldn’t believe what he saw.

“This this”

“It can’t be true, oh my god”

Section reading 746

Bai Xiaochun was already dumbfounded, and stared blankly at the world of the eighty-four levels. This is a dark world, the ground is desolate, the sky is dark, although there are vegetation on the ground, but most of them are withered grass, a strong dead air, in this place The film world is permeated continuously.

And in the nothingness around him, Bai Xiaochun saw a large number of souls

These souls are floating around there unconsciously. It seems that if no one disturbs them, they will wander here forever, but once someone disturbs them, they will become awakened fierce souls, devouring all life. The degree of cruelty, from the number of local souls, can make too many people’s scalps tingle.

It is true that the soul is a rare and ethereal existence for monks in the eternal fairyland.

Bai Xiaochun has discovered this since he came to the Eternal Immortal Realm, and it is precisely because of this that his multi-colored fire has never been replenished, and he has no way to revive Bai Hao through refining fire.

But now, after seeing these souls, Bai Xiaochun’s breathing suddenly began to rush, and he himself felt as if his eyes were dazzled, as if a poor person suddenly saw a golden mountain, and the feeling of trance was particularly strong.

At the same time, the moment Bai Xiaochun appeared, the souls in the surrounding area seemed to be stimulated, one after another woke up from the unconscious state, and suddenly looked at Bai Xiaochun.

The number of souls in the surrounding area is almost innumerable. At this moment, they all looked at Bai Xiaochun, and immediately let out a silent roar. The fluctuations formed in the surrounding area immediately reversed the situation of the eighty-four levels, as if the universe was reversed, and the whole world seemed to be All of a sudden became irritable.

Countless souls showed their stern faces one after another, rushing towards Bai Xiaochun’s place frantically

“Oh my god, is this true?” Bai Xiaochun rubbed his eyes, and before those souls approached, he appeared in front of him in a flash, raised his right hand and grabbed a ray of unjust souls, and squeezed them into his hands. After that, a cloud of color and fire appeared in his hands instantly.

Seeing Yishihuo, Bai Xiaochun was suddenly excited, and his aura fluctuated unprecedentedly.

“This isn’t illusory, I love this place.” Bai Xiaochun looked up to the sky and laughed, excited to the extreme, he felt that this broken fan was so good, it was so difficult before, but now it actually gave him a benefit

At this time, even if the spirit of Qi awakens, Bai Xiaochun doesn’t care anymore, his mind is full of souls now, it is true that during this period of time in the Eternal Immortal Realm, Bai Xiaochun’s multi-colored fire has almost been consumed due to the extreme lack of souls .

So much so that now his spirit refining can’t be as extravagant as before, but needs to be weighed and selectively refined.

“mine, mine”

“Don’t run away, haha, good soul, your grandpa Bai is here”

“Developed, developed this time!” The whole world echoed Bai Xiaochun’s incomparably excited voice, and those originally ferocious souls, even though they had only instinct and no sanity, quickly became dumbfounded

It is true that although they have never encountered anyone who can break into this place, in their instinct, it seems that living people should be afraid of them, but right now, Bai Xiaochun often waved his hand, and a handful of Soul Gathering Pills flew out, booming Under the bang, these souls were sucked away piece by piece.

That’s all, he even made fire temporarily, and even approached actively, as if everything was upside down, so that the ghosts around him gradually felt the fear for the first time, screaming and dodging to the surroundings, trying to stay away from Bai Xiaochun claws.

“Little boy, don’t run away!” Bai Xiaochun yelled strangely, his eyes lit up, and he rushed forward excitedly.

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