For these wronged souls, their lives were originally calm, and they should have been feared by all living beings, and this world was originally a realm of death that was created.

But now with Bai Xiaochun’s arrival, with the first arrival of the Heavenly Grade Soul Refiner, and with an unprecedented explosion of the Soul Gathering Pill on the broken fan, everything has changed

The roaring sound constantly echoed in this world, and Bai Xiaochun’s other pills were greatly consumed, except for the Soul Gathering Pill, which had no use in this Eternal Immortal Realm, so it always had a huge stock.

After all, when he was in the Wilderness, the Soul Gathering Pill was a must-have item for his home and travel, and he had already formed the habit of taking away the wild ghosts he saw when he was out of the house.

This kind of good habit, in the almost soulless world of Eternal Immortal Realm, makes Bai Xiaochun feel itchy and full of regret every time he thinks about it, but today he is excited, excited, and inspired.

There are really too many souls here, so that Bai Xiaochun feels that this level is his own welfare, surpassing all previous levels, and even after passing this level, in Bai Xiaochun’s opinion, no matter what reward he givesAny reward is fine, even if there is no reward.

Because the wronged soul of this level itself is already the best prize for Bai Xiaochun.

“My dear soul, don’t run away. Your grandpa Bai is very kind and will never bully you.” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes lit up, his body kept moving at high speed, and every time the roar of Soul Gathering Pill passed, he would raise his right hand to Once caught, the soul ball that was sucked by the Soul Gathering Pill was taken away and put into the storage bag.

“This is simply picking up souls.” Bai Xiaochun breathed eagerly, only hated his speed was too slow, only hated that he only had two arms, he was afraid that this level would repel him, so he almost used all his energy at the moment, Crazy collection of wronged souls.

“Don’t run away, be good”

“Damn it, don’t run away!” Bai Xiaochun growled with red eyes, grabbing souls at the same time, all the unjust souls in this world are decreasing visible to the naked eye, and the remaining ones scattered instinctively in shock, feeling their pain after becoming unjust souls Fear for the first time.

Just when Bai Xiaochun took away about 20-30% of the innocent souls in this whole world, the spirit of the remnant fan finally awakened. It just woke up, but it didn’t realize that Bai Xiaochun was breaking through the barrier until its consciousness swept all of them. After the level, I suddenly saw an amazing scene that happened in the eighty-fourth level.

All this immediately made Qi Ling dumbfounded, and it took a long time before he took a breath, as if he couldn’t believe his eyes.

“This…” the spirit of the weapon trembled, and it obviously wouldn’t cry, but at this moment it felt an urge to cry.

“God damn Bai Xiaochun!” Qi Ling raised his head to the sky and roared wildly.

“My soul, my soul, this is the soul that Juggernaut spent a lot of time in those years. When the source of life and death was perfected, it was transformed out of thin air, and it was born out of nothing.”

“My God, each of these souls contains the source of life and death, and they are priceless.” Qi Ling wanted to go crazy, and at this moment, it suddenly dispersed its divine sense, and instantly integrated into the level, without any hesitation, it directly used itself He intends to force Bai Xiaochun to successfully pass this level.

The checkpoint world suddenly changed drastically. Amidst the turmoil, a huge suction descended from the sky and directly enveloped Bai Xiaochun. At the same time, the world itself suddenly exuded a stronger sense of repulsion.

Bai Xiaochun immediately became anxious.

“Little Qiling, what are you doing? You cheated. I haven’t passed this level yet. How can you let me pass?”

“You are a weapon spirit, can you have a bit of dignity, how can you give in, come, come, let me out, this time I will use my true ability to break through this level.” Bai Xiaochun’s body is not at all Under the control, in the attraction and repulsion, he was directly swept into the sky. He watched the scattered souls getting farther and farther away from him, and he felt angry.

“Little Qiling, I despise you!” Bai Xiaochun roared, the roar was louder than before, reverberating in the world, and in order not to leave, Bai Xiaochun also activated his residual fan authority, trying to force himself to stay it’s here.

“Shut up, shut up, shut up!” Qi Ling was already so angry that he didn’t know what to say. Seeing Bai Xiaochun confronting him, a certain balance gradually appeared in this confrontation, and in this balance, Bai Xiaochun was still not quite right from time to time. Throwing the elixir, after the roar, souls were still sucked into the soul ball.

All of this immediately drove Xiaoqiling crazy to the extreme. It simply did not hesitate to pay the price, even if it was the price of going back to sleep just after waking up, it also used all its power to control, and sent Bai Xiaochun directly out of the room in an instant. this world.

Until Bai Xiaochun’s figure disappeared, Qi Ling was suddenly listless, and even his spiritual sense was weakened, but the despair in his heart was far deeper than this exhaustion.

He wanted to swear that he would kill Bai Xiaochun next time, but he had uttered such an oath many times, and every time he had nothing to do with Bai Xiaochun, so much so that now, it felt that this seemed to be An impossible thing to accomplish.

“Could he be my nemesis?” Xiaoqi Ling mourned, feeling unspeakably sad, coupled with excessive consumption, and gradually fell into a deep sleep at this moment.

Outside the checkpoint, on the broken fan, Bai Xiaochun’s figure emerged. He was angry in his heart, and his expression became even more angry. He tried to enter again, but found that it was the same as the world of the Heidan family back then. After breaking in, although he was unwilling, he could only let out a long sigh.

“This tool spirit is really too stingy, isn’t it just some souls, this remnant fan will be mine from now on, even it will be mine, I don’t feel bad for taking my own things, why does it feel bad?” Bai Xiaochun With a snort, he lowered his head and touched the storage bag. After feeling that the soul brought out by him inside was still intact, his heart became excited again.

“It’s been a long time since I have so many souls.” Bai Xiaochun felt a little itchy, so he simply took out the soul on the square of the broken fan, and started to make fire. As the flames tumbling, balls of multi-colored fire were refined by Bai Xiaochun, although there were no more than fifteen The colored ones, but under fifteen colors, have been refined by Bai Xiaochun a lot.

After all, as the fifteen colors go up, on the one hand, the difficulty increases, and on the other hand, the number of souls consumed is also increasing. Although Bai Xiaochun has gained a lot this time, Bai Xiaochun has estimated that he still cannot support himself to refine two More than twelve colors of fire.

“It’s still a little bit worse before we can refine twenty-twoLust. “Bai Xiaochun looked at Bai Hao’s imprint on the back of his hand, took a deep breath, and made up his mind that after he became the owner of this broken fan, he must go to this level and take away all the souls inside.

Half a month later, when Bai Xiaochun had almost refined all the harvest of the soul this time, the number of multi-colored fires in his storage bag had been replenished a lot. At this moment, he was satisfied. Looking at the fan bone, Bai Xiaochun thought for a while and felt that You should go back first, rest, and then continue.

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaochun’s body gradually blurred and finally disappeared. When he appeared, he had already returned to the secret room of the embassy in Xiehuang City.

“Returning with a full load” Bai Xiaochun walked out of the secret room in high spirits, summoned the two demigods under his command, and after listening to what happened during his retreat, he waved them away, sat cross-legged in meditation, and recovered his cultivation.

In the blink of an eye, another seven days passed, and when Bai Xiaochun had reached the peak of both his cultivation and his energy, he was about to continue to break through the broken fan, but at this moment, an imperial decree came out from the evil palace, They came straight to the embassy, ​​the imperial decree approached, and they dispersed without waiting for anyone to pick it up, turning into a majestic voice, echoing the entire embassy.

“Called Bai Xiaochun, the ambassador of the Holy Dynasty, to enter the palace to have an audience immediately”

Bai Xiaochun raised his head sharply, and appeared in midair of the embassy in a flash, the voice of the previous imperial decree echoed in his ears. At this moment, the other monks in the embassy were also surprised, and they all stepped out to look at Bai Xiaochun.

Bai Xiaochun was also a little hesitant, wondering if it was because of the previous battle with Taoist Tongtian, the evil emperor wanted to beat him up

“You can’t be so stingy.” Bai Xiaochun thought about it carefully, and felt that this matter is unlikely. After all, his identity is the ambassador of the Holy Dynasty. Unless he really committed something serious, otherwise, the relationship with Taoist Tongtian is only a short time. War is simply not enough to be convicted.

If he is not a Celestial Venerable, it is another matter, but as a Celestial Venerable, Bai Xiaochun still has some confidence in this.

“It’s okay not to go, whatever, let’s go and see what’s going on.” Bai Xiaochun felt a little uneasy, after pondering, he took a deep breath and headed straight to the palace above the dragon’s head.

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