The paper ball where Bai Xiaochun was sitting was too big, covering his sight, Zhou Yixing was distracted and galloped here, so he didn’t notice this scene. At this moment, he was excited, looking at Bai Xiaochun from time to time, looking forward to seeing the paper ball on Bai Xiaochun’s side Getting smaller and smaller.

And the fact was exactly as he expected, the paper ball that Bai Xiaochun was in seemed to be unable to make up for it, it was getting smaller and smaller, it had been reduced by half from the previous ten feet.

At the same time, his speed gradually slowed down, as if he had reached the end of his rope, Zhou Yixing could even hear Bai Xiaochun’s desperate roar and struggle inside the paper ball.

“Bai Xiaochun, you have today too.” Zhou Xing was extremely happy, laughing wildly all the way, he felt full of ambition, thinking that all this was designed by himself, he was trembling with excitement.

“I want you to die, don’t you dare to die?” Zhou Xing laughed wildly. Seeing that Bai Xiaochun’s speed was even slower, and the paper ball had become only three feet in size, he was even more convinced that he had also slowed down. He wanted to see it Bai Xiaochun was sucked into a mummy.

Inside the “Zhou Xing” paper ball, Bai Xiaochun seemed to be out of breath, roaring continuously, and his speed was getting slower and slower. In the end, he seemed unable to move forward, and struggled there. The more he was like this, the happier Zhou Xing was, and he also paused Coming down, he stared straight at Bai Xiaochun, full of anticipation.

“Shout, even if you shout out your throat, there is no one here to save you.” Zhou Yixing was proud of himself, he only felt that his whole body seemed to have inexhaustible strength, and seeing that the light curtain outside Bai Xiaochun’s body had already reached the limit. Zhang Zhang, he gradually couldn’t see Bai Xiaochun’s figure, what he could see was just a ball of paper

At this critical moment, Zhou Yixing’s breathing froze tensely, and he even thought of the picture he was going to see next. In that picture, when the paper ball finally burst, those paper figures rushedOn the ground, amidst Bai Xiaochun’s shrill screams, the body and spirit of the sucked person were completely wiped out.

As for myself, after recording all this, if there is a chance, I will take away Bai Xiaochun’s relics. If there is no chance, I can also initiate the last Star Trace Teleportation. With this record, I can exchange for five days of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Beast souls, combined into five elements and heavenly beast souls

But at the moment when Zhou Xing was immersed in the picture in his mind, the paper ball that Bai Xiaochun was on suddenly shattered, and at the moment of shattering, the boss who opened his eyes wide-eyed excitedly looked at it. moment of

Suddenly, at the moment when the paper ball shattered, a large ball of talismans, probably as many as a thousand pieces, was thrown out directly. The thousand talismans landed in front of Zhou Yixing.

Zhou Yixing was stunned for a moment, and when he was about to block subconsciously, with a bang, those talismans exploded on their own, turning into a large amount of light curtains, directly covering Zhou Yixing.

The light curtain of this talisman has no lethality, but protection, and directly protects Zhou Yixing. At the same time, those paper figurines around Bai Xiaochun suddenly raised their heads one by one. With frenzy and madness, he went straight to the talisman light curtain outside Zhou Yixing’s body

All of this is slow to say, but in fact, from the time when the light curtain shattered at Bai Xiaochun’s place, to when the talismans enveloped Zhou Xing, until these paper figurines pounced, it took only two breaths.

Zhou Yixing’s complexion changed drastically, and there was a bang in his mind. All this was far from what he had thought. He screamed and was about to retreat at this moment, but it was too late. Zhou Yixing here, after Bai Xiaochun, has become a paper ball

Inside the “Bai Xiaochun” paper ball, Zhou Yixing’s voice was extremely shrill, he was extremely remorseful, his heart was trembling at this moment, and his whole body was going crazy.

“shameless, shameless”

“Bai Xiaochun, you will die badly”

Almost at the moment when Zhou Xing became a paper ball, Bai Xiaochun paled and quickly backed away. At that moment just now, it was too dangerous. Seeing that Zhou Xing replaced him this week, Bai Xiaochun was glad. Although he was greedy for Zhou Xing’s bow, but Without the slightest hesitation, he quickly retreated.

“Compared with that bow, my little life is more important. Zhou Xing is indeed my lucky star this week.” Bai Xiaochun looked back at the rapidly shrinking paper ball, fearing that those paper figures would come after him again, he turned around and ran away in an instant. .

After Bai Xiaochun left, inside the paper ball where Zhou Yixing was, he looked aggrieved and even more frantic, looking at the smaller and smaller light curtains around him, tears really flowed down his face.

He felt that Bai Xiaochun was his nemesis, the real nemesis didn’t have time to think about it at this moment, he whimpered, tears streaming down his face, raised his right hand and slapped the center of his eyebrows hard.

With a bang, starlight radiated around him, and the teleportation started. The moment the starlight dissipated, his figure also disappeared. Not long after he teleported away, the light curtain was completely swallowed by those paper figures and collapsed After getting down, those paper figurines flew into the air, dangling around here one by one, and after they couldn’t find anyone, they slowly drifted away in groups towards the distance.

In the maze, in another passageway, starlight appeared. When Zhou Xing’s figure was walking out, he spewed out a big mouthful of blood again. He didn’t stop, and he spit out several mouthfuls in a row. He leaned on the wall beside him, his face was pale, and he laughed miserably. .

On the center of his brows, bursts of dim starlight emanated at this moment, and after gradually extinguishing, together with the star marks, they became fly ash

“The star marks are gone!” Zhou Yixing was indignant, recalling the scenes with Bai Xiaochun, the feeling of nemesis resurfaced again, which made him cry even more.

“I won’t kill him anymore, I just ask that I never see him again in this life.” Zhou Yixing gritted his teeth and let out a mournful growl, his whole body seemed to have aged a lot all of a sudden.

Physical blows and spiritual traumas made Zhou Yixing even start to doubt his life

Some people are sad and some are happy. Compared with the sad and angry Zhou Yixing at this moment, Bai Xiaochun is happy. The feeling of surviving after a catastrophe makes him feel that he has finally saved his life.

Thinking of Zhou Xing’s bad behavior before, Bai Xiaochun was not angry anymore, he really felt that Zhou Xing really had nothing to say to him this week.

In order to save himself, he sacrificed his life for righteousness.

“That’s all, brother Zhou, we are destined, you probably won’t die, I hope we can meet again next time.” Bai Xiaochun was full of anticipation for the next meeting, and galloped forward happily.

But as he was walking, Bai Xiaochun felt that something was wrong, he suddenly turned his head and looked behind him, but there was nothing behind him, he quickly raised his hands behind his back and scratched wildly, but he still didn’t catch anything.

But he didn’t know if it was an illusion, or he felt something was wrong, especially when he was walking all the way, he met a monk from the Great Wall. This monk had a tense face, as if he had survived a catastrophe. He was running cautiously and fast, and met Bai Xiaochun.

The two just glanced at each other, and Bai Xiaochun saw fear in this person’s eyes.

And soon, the monk immediately lowered his head and gave him a way out of the way. Bai Xiaochun was suspicious and wanted to ask, but he immediately dismissed the idea because he saw a paper man behind the monk.

After seeing the paper figurine, Bai Xiaochun hurried away, but just as he flew past the cultivator, Bai Xiaochun slammedTurning around, this time, he saw the Great Wall cultivator, who was nodding in horror at himself.

Sensing Bai Xiaochun’s gaze, the cultivator screamed, turned his head and ran away.

Bai Xiaochun was stunned, and soon cold sweat appeared on his forehead. He remembered that when he saw someone carrying a paper figurine on his back, the paper figurine booed him, and he also nodded

Thinking of this, the way the monk nodded and his eyes came to his mind. This scene is terribly frightening to think about.

“Is there a paper man behind me?” Bai Xiaochun’s mind buzzed, his face turned pale instantly, he turned back again and again, his neck hurt, and he couldn’t see anything, and the spiritual sense here was suppressed, he couldn’t Scatter to notice, grab with hands, but can’t catch

Finally, he simply took out the bronze mirror to look at it, but no matter how he looked at it, there was nothing behind him.

Suspicious, Bai Xiaochun could only move forward with suspicion, but gradually, his complexion became more ugly, and he felt as if there was someone behind him

This feeling immediately made Bai Xiaochun frightened and frightened.

“There is someone behind me”

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