I will be obedient

Bai Xiaochun screamed, jumped up all of a sudden, his body trembled, turned his head quickly, and scratched wildly with his hands, but there was still nothing.

However, the feeling of carrying a person on his back became more and more intense, even Bai Xiaochun felt the weight of the person behind him, it was getting heavier and heavier, and he couldn’t breathe under the pressure.

“There must be someone” Bai Xiaochun was about to burst into tears, he roared angrily, immediately took out the talisman and stuck it on his body, formed a light curtain and hurried to look, but there was nothing on the light curtain.

It’s just that in his feeling, the person who seems to be lying behind him still exists.

“Why doesn’t it work?” Bai Xiaochun became anxious, gritted his teeth fiercely, and with a bang, he actually used the Human Mountain Art, and after turning into a stone man, he transformed back again, and he found that the person behind him was still there.

And it got heavier, especially what made Bai Xiaochun scream here, because he was also aware of his vitality at this moment, and he was actually being sucked away by the people behind him.

“No, that’s my longevity. I want to live forever. You don’t want to do this. Let’s discuss it. You come down first.” Bai Xiaochun cried out with a sad face.

He even took the Yongye Umbrella and stabbed himself fiercely in the back a few times, but he felt that the people behind him seemed to rely on him, and they would not leave no matter what.

Gradually, Bai Xiaochun felt dizzy in front of his eyes. In desperation, he even tried to use Water Ze Kingdom once, but found that it still couldn’t work.

“What should I do? Am I, Bai Xiaochun, really going to throw my life here?”

“I’m not reconciled, I’m still so young, I haven’t married a wife yet, and I don’t have any descendants yet.” Bai Xiaochun became sad and angry, the more he thought about it, the more wronged he was, and his mind became more dizzy.

Looking from a distance, Bai Xiaochun at this moment has a dazed expression, heavy footsteps, and staggering body. When walking forward, it seems that it is not his own strength, but someone behind him is pushing him forward.

And behind him, one could clearly see a paper figurine there, with eyes open, as if growing on Bai Xiaochun’s body, greedily absorbing Bai Xiaochun’s cultivation and vitality.

This paper man is different from other paper men, it is not white, but red

Especially on its face, there are six eyes. At this moment, these six eyes are blinking, which is very strange.

And at this moment Bai Xiaochun, he couldn’t find it at all. As he walked all the way, some paper figurines appeared around him silently, looking at him greedily, but before he could get close, he noticed the red figure behind Bai Xiaochun. Behind the paper figurines, each of these paper figurines trembled and left quickly.

Gradually, when there was nothing around Bai Xiaochun, Bai Xiaochun’s footsteps became more and more heavy, his eyes became more and more blank, even if he looked carefully, he could see that his body seemed to be aging.

But at this moment, suddenly, a woman’s hand as white as jade appeared out of nowhere, ignoring the existence of the red paper figurine, and patted Bai Xiaochun’s shoulder.

Under this beat, Bai Xiaochun’s body vibrated violently, as if he was pushed hard by someone in a deep sleep, and he woke up suddenly. The moment he woke up, he remembered everything before, screamed and walked out fiercely. After a few steps, he suddenly turned around.

The moment he turned his head, Bai Xiaochun was stunned.

“Gongsun Waner”

In front of Bai Xiaochun, at this moment stood a beautiful woman, wearing a long skirt, with a weird smile on her face, and there was some blood on the corner of her mouth, which seemed to be stuck on while eating, and she forgot to wipe it off, this woman is exactly Gongsun Wan’er.

In her hand, she was holding a red paper figurine. This paper figurine was screaming and struggling constantly, as if trying to break free, but it couldn’t do it at all. In the end, it even showed pleading in its eyes.

“You dare to bully my little brother, how courageous you are.” But Gongsun Wan’er didn’t even look at the red paper figurine, and smiled. Inside the pupil in her eyes, the second pupil, which was a circle smaller, dilated.

Section reading 363

Come out cold.

With a light pinch, the scream of the red paper figurine was suddenly shrill, and was slowly crushed by Gongsun Wan’er bit by bit.

The moment the paper figurine was crushed, strands of white mist released, heading straight for Bai Xiaochun, making his lost vitality recover at this moment.

But Bai Xiaochun’s complexion turned even paler. He subconsciously took a few steps back and looked at Gongsun Wan’er. At this moment, Gongsun Wan’er gave Bai Xiaochun a strong sense of strangeness.

Even when he thought about it carefully, the other party seemed to have made him feel this way a long time ago. When he thought about it carefully, it seemed that after he returned from the Blood Stream Sect, this Gongsun Wan’er seemed to have changed.

Especially at this moment, the blood on the corner of her mouth didn’t seem to be spit out, but more like it was stained with food. This scene made Bai Xiaochun short of breath, and the creepy feeling was even more than before.

And the yin and cold in the surrounding area, at this moment, is also extremely strong. In Bai Xiaochun’s feelings, no matter whether it is the red hat, the bloody steamed bun, or the old lair of the paper man, there is a huge gap compared with the current yin and cold.

What surprised Bai Xiaochun the most was that the three words “little brother” made him feel inexplicably familiar.

“That Wan’er, why are you here?” Bai Xiaochun said in a trembling voice, stepped back again, his eyes couldn’t help falling on the blood at the corner of Gongsun Wan’er’s mouth again.

Gongsun Wan’er noticed something, raised her hand and gently wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, put it in her mouth and licked it, and smiled at Bai Xiaochun, this smile made Bai Xiaochun tremble with fear, he didn’t know if it was an illusion, It seems that there is a second mouth in Gongsun Wan’er’s mouth

At the same time, he also noticed the second layer of pupils in Gongsun Wan’er’s pupils.

Bai Xiaochun’s body was trembling all the time, wanting to be knocked out of his wits. The feeling of fear made him feel as if he was in the midst of raging waves, and he was sweating profusely from fright, it was all cold sweat.

“Wan’er, I have something else to do, I’ll go first.” Bai Xiaochun said tremblingly, and was about to back away suddenly.

“Little brother, play with me.” Gongsun Wan’er covered her mouth with a smile, and her voice changed a little, becoming a child’s voice. When it echoed in this maze passage, Bai Xiaochun’s whole body froze, and he opened his mouth wide. At a glance, he was familiar with the three words “little brother” before, and now when he heard the child’s voice again, there was a thunder in his mind.

Amidst the screams, Bai Xiaochun retreated sharply, with disbelief in his eyes, pointing at Gongsun Wan’er, he exclaimed.

“Who are you?”

“Little brother, why did you forget me?” Gongsun Wan’er said softly, her voice was gentle, but it fell into Bai Xiaochun’s ears like a series of thunderbolts, directly blasting away his memories, as if returning to the past. Sword World, in his mind, instantly appeared in the Fallen Sword World, among the crowds of souls, a little girl holding a blood-colored bear that seemed to have been skinned off

“How is this possible?” Bai Xiaochun’s mouth was dry, and he felt that his whole body was about to go crazy, and he couldn’t calm down even taking a breath.

Seeing Bai Xiaochun like this, Gongsun Wan’er laughed. She raised her right hand and waved lightly. Immediately, a cloud of blood mist appeared around her. The mist quickly condensed and finally turned into a tall figure.

This figure was a strong man, but it was terrifying. He had no skin all over his body, what was exposed was blood-colored red flesh, and even the blue veins on it could be clearly seen.

Bai Xiaochun looked at this strong man, looked at his face, and a name suddenly appeared in his mind.

“Thunder Mountain”

This person was the arrogance of the Xuanxi Sect back then. At this moment in Lei Shan, the power of cultivation exuding from his whole body was comparable to that of a Nascent Soul, but his eyes were empty, and he had lost the slightest sense of consciousness, just like a puppet. , standing there silently.

“Little brother, wait for me here. I’m not full yet. I want to take the little bear to eat again. I’ll come to play with you later. Be here obediently. If you don’t obey me, I won’t be happy.” Gongsun Wan The child sounded like he was very happy, turned around and walked away, turned around like a thunder mountain, took big strides, followed with an expressionless face, the footsteps landed, and there was a booming sound.

Seeing this strange scene, Bai Xiaochun’s face was ashen-colored, and he felt cold to the bone. He thought that if he died, he couldn’t wait here. Looking at the backs of Gongsun Wan’er and Lei Shan, and recalling everything in these years, he already understood Now, I know that the terrifying little girl in the Meteor Sword Abyss came out with the help of Gongsun Waner’s body.

Whether it was the haunting of Nihezong or the death incident on the boat, it was obviously the little girl who did it.

Bai Xiaochun’s heart trembled when he thought that this little girl became like this after taking his own elixir.

“Don’t worry about that, I will be obedient, and I won’t go anywhere. There is a man named Zhou Yixing, who is white and tender, and looks delicious. You can go and play with him.” Bai Xiaochun shouted, and waited for a while. Yes, after confirming that the little girl was gone, Bai Xiaochun turned his head, and fled quickly with a whoosh.

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