The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"Go! Groot!"


At this time, a green teleportation array appeared on the ground, and a small tree man more than one meter tall appeared.

Although the name is similar to the final BOSS that Lin Feng had brushed in the dungeon before, this tree spirit is far less brutal and bloodthirsty than the bloody Groot, but it has no combat power and is simply a deminer.

"Crack! Crack!"

Groot also slowly walked onto the wooden bridge and walked towards the other side step by step.

The elves were also nervously waiting for Groot to step on the mine.

Ten minutes later, Groot walked across the wooden bridge safely without encountering any danger, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Even so, we still have to be careful that there are cunning creatures in the swamp who know that we are testing."

Yi Qing still reminded.

"Xiaofeng, please help clear the way in front, Xiaoxue, you stay behind."


Yifeng and Yixue both responded.

In fact, at the beginning, they would not be so vigilant. Basically, they just built a wooden bridge and all the elves crossed the bridge together.

However, after experiencing the war with the pig-headed people and under the guidance of Lin Feng, they have improved their safety awareness.

Yifeng was also concentrating and always remained vigilant when stepping onto the wooden bridge.

She drew the bow with her right hand, and was alert and ready to fight at any time.

Yifeng walked a short 100 meters with fear, but in the end she got through it safely.


And the elves behind him also breathed a sigh of relief.

After Yifeng gave a safe gesture, the elves behind him also boarded the wooden bridge one after another.

Just as Yi Xue, who was at the end of the team, was about to get on the bridge, the swamp next to her suddenly reacted violently, with bubbles bubbling up!

"No! Something's happening! Hurry and cross the bridge!"

Yi Xue yelled.

And all the elves on the bridge immediately used acceleration magic and ran to the other side of the bridge at full speed!


At this moment, the swamp exploded, destroying the middle of the wooden bridge!

And Yi Miao and Yi Qing in the middle unfortunately stood at the broken part of the bridge!

"Swish, swish, swish!"

As soon as she saw her companions about to fall into the swamp, Yi Xue immediately used wood-attributed magic to summon several thick vines extending from the shore and grabbing the figures of the elves in mid-air.

And the elves who had crossed the other side before also used various magics to help the sisters who were still on the bridge.

The scene became very chaotic for a while!


And at this moment, another explosion sounded.

After this loud noise, the ground shook violently!

And the next moment, the muddy swamp gushed out! Transformed into a mud giant more than ten meters high!


The swamp giant roared, instantly shaking the wooden bridge away, and several elves on the bridge unfortunately fell into the swamp!

"Yilu! Yilei! Yiyan!"

Princess Yiqing shouted nervously.

The three elves who fell into the swamp were spirit messengers, earth elemental mages, and fire elemental mages.

And their magic power was weaker than that of other elves.

"Damn! This swamp giant is so cunning!"

Yi Feng gritted her teeth.

She had a premonition that there was danger in the swamp, but she didn't expect that she would be attacked when everyone was halfway through.

"Don't move around in the swamp! Otherwise, you will sink deeper! Other sisters! Attack the giant!"

Yi Feng shouted, and then quickly drew her bow and arrow and released her skills.

"Wind Arrow!"

"Swish! Swish! Swish!————"

As the bow and arrow shot out, the tail of the arrow also joined Yi Feng's wind magic.

For a moment, the power of the arrow increased greatly and hit the swamp giant instantly.


However, the seemingly sharp attack did not hurt the swamp giant, but instead aroused the opponent's hatred.


The swamp giant was angry, waving his muddy hands and angrily smashing towards Yi Feng on the shore!

"Water Dragon Bomb!"


At this time, Yi Miao rescued from a distance and released water magic!

A blue water dragon hit the swamp giant hard!

But the giant still had no signs of injury, which made him even more angry.

The swamp giant raised his giant foot with a radius of more than one meter and stepped hard on Yi Feng and the others.


The elves on the shore hurriedly ran away.


Instantly, black

The mud flew, and a yellow wave instantly spread around.

Although no elves were directly stepped on by the kick just now, they were touched by the yellow shock wave!

"Oh no! It's [Immobilization]!"

The elves on the shore were unable to move for a while, and then they found that the swamp giant had launched a control skill against them.

"Asshole! Here!"

"Thunder Axe!"

"Golden Shining Five Slashes!"


At this moment, the elves on the other side also used long-range skills in time to interrupt the swamp giant's spell, and released and recovered the controlled elves.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!————"

For a while, skill beams of various colors bombarded the swamp giant, and the elves that were controlled before also escaped by luck.

"You three, find a chance to swim ashore first, we are responsible for attracting the giant's hatred!"

Princess Yi Qing shouted to the three girls who fell into the swamp.

Now it is only to relieve the crisis of the elf girls on the other side. The most dangerous ones are still the elves in the swamp.

If they don't go ashore, they will always be in danger.

And Yilei in the swamp is a mage of earth element. She has adapted to the environment of the swamp in the past time. To put it bluntly, the swamp is a kind of earth. So how can she, as a mage of earth element, be easily restricted?

So she also cast a spell and began to move the soil around her, and found that it really worked!

"Hold my hand!"

Yilei shouted to the two companions who were trapped in the swamp at the same time.

Yi Yan and Yi Lu were next to her, so they could easily reach her hand.

"Earth move!"


At this time, a yellow halo enveloped the three people.

The next second, the black swamp they were in began to swim, sending them back to the shore of Yiqing like a stream!

"Great! The crisis is over!"

On the other side, the elf girls on the shore also said excitedly.


The swamp giant roared again, as if he was dissatisfied with the prey that escaped, and immediately released his skills again.


The next second after the three returned to the shore, a huge explosion occurred in the swamp again.

Countless disgusting black soil splashed onto the shore and quickly condensed into small swamp monsters!

The enemy's summoning skills appeared!

At this time, with the appearance of the swamp monsters, the elf girls were also divided into two battlefields. The situation on the side facing the swamp giant became more dangerous.

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