The swamp giant was in trouble, and the water was blown away.

This means that the elf girls who were fighting the swamp giant directly lost the cover and assistance of the other side.

"Everyone stay away from the swamp giant first! Don't fight it!"

Yi Feng immediately took control of the battlefield and ordered the girls around to stay away from the shore temporarily.

"Got it!"


At this critical juncture, the girls were also very obedient and immediately used wind magic to escape from the shore.

Although the swamp giant could not go ashore, the swamp monsters that were blown out were different. They would continue to track.

Therefore, the swamp monsters on both sides tracked the elves away from the shore like crazy.

On the other side, Princess Yi Qing took over the battlefield, and she also gave the same order as Yi Feng to leave the shore temporarily.

Now the three girls who fell into the swamp are out of danger, so everyone has temporarily gotten rid of the predicament. As long as they don't cross the bridge, there will be no danger.

As for how to cross the bridge, let's wait for Lin Feng to come.


The elves on both sides quickly focused their fire to kill the swamp monsters.

The swamp giant couldn't feel the breath of nearby enemies, and its hatred value dropped a lot. In the end, because no one attacked it, it turned into black soil again and flowed into the swamp.


The elves on both sides breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed from exhaustion.

This time it was really dangerous, and an elf almost died.

But how to get through?

This swamp giant is so cunning that it only launched an attack when it was halfway through.

The elves on both sides of the shore also communicated with magic.

At this time, Yi Lei thought of something.

She said to everyone.

"I just tried it. Feeling the direction of the earth element can limit the ability of the swamp giant to a certain extent."

"Then can you swim over with everyone like you did just now?"

Yi Qing asked.

"Sorry, Princess, I'm afraid I can't."

Yilei shook her head embarrassedly.

"My magic power is limited. It's already the limit to transport three people in the middle of the swamp. Not to mention carrying people, even if I cast earth element magic alone, I can't succeed."

"What limit do you mean?"

"At least you can interrupt the swamp skill once to launch a large-scale control skill."

"Is this your control skill?"

"To a certain extent, it can be considered, but it can only be used once. The opponent will get rid of it quickly, and it should last less than a second."

"Great, now we also have control skills!"


The elves discussed it in a flurry, but in the end they couldn't come up with a safer plan, so they could only wait for Lin Feng to come.

There was no way. No matter how competitive they were, they had to consider everyone's safety. They couldn't just go ahead and sacrifice someone in the end.

Just admit it, anyway, there was Lin Feng as a big thigh.

Almost an hour later

Yi Xue's slender ears moved slightly, and then she looked into the distance excitedly and shouted excitedly.

"The master is here!"


"Great! If Lord Ye Feng comes, he will definitely defeat the swamp giant!"

"At the critical moment, we still have to rely on Lord Ye Feng!"


The news of Yi Xue quickly spread to the elves on both sides of the strait, and everyone regained their confidence.

In their eyes, Lin Feng is their god. As long as he appears, there is no opponent he can't solve!

A few days of getting along made them worship Lin Feng mindlessly!

If it weren't for the previous registration restrictions, all the elves would sign a master-servant contract with Lin Feng!


A purple light flashed, and Lin Feng finally rushed to the bushes where Yi Qing and the others were.

"Huh! Great, you are all right... No! Why are there so many people missing?"

Lin Feng was relieved when he saw Yi Qing and the others, but later found that there were more than a dozen people missing, his face changed, and he asked hurriedly.

"Brother Ye Feng, this is what happened."

Seeing Lin Feng coming, the elves breathed a sigh of relief, finding their backbone, and Yi Qing told Lin Feng the battle situation and the information about the swamp giants.

"I see, you did a great job this time!"

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the girls did not sacrifice, and praised them generously.

If he was there at the time, when he encountered an emergency, he would handle it in a similar way to them, first rescue the few people who fell into the swamp, and then quickly leave to regroup.

"By the way, Yi Qing

Where's Yilei? I want to confirm her ability. "

Lin Feng thought of the girl who could walk in the swamp just now and asked.

"I'm here, Lord Yefeng."

Yilei raised her hand embarrassedly.

At this time, her clothes were covered with black mud. Although she had just washed them, there was still a lot of disgusting black mud attached.

She thought it was very rude to greet Lin Feng with her attitude at this time.

"You have done a great job this time!"

Lin Feng did not dislike Yilei's dirtiness, but touched Yilei's head in a friendly manner.

"Lord Yefeng..."

Yilei's face became redder.

She felt very happy and excited that she could feel Lin Feng's breath up close. Ah! Please let this moment last a little longer.

"Xiaolei, can you find where the core of the swamp giant is? "

Lin Feng asked.

In his opinion, the Swamp Giant is essentially an elemental monster like the Three-branched Water Snake.

Then ordinary means of attack may not work on it.

So just find its core.

"I... don't know."

Yile hesitated.

In fact, it was too chaotic at the time. It was good enough for me to escape. How could I have the energy to observe the Swamp Giant?

"It doesn't matter, just leave it to me later."

Lin Feng looked at Yilei's appearance and knew that there was no solution for the time being, so he had to do it himself.

He turned to Yixue and said.

"Start building the bridge. This time I will be responsible for sending you all safely across."

"Yes! Master! "

Yixue replied.

Then she used wood magic again to build a wooden bridge to the other side.

And at this time, there was still no movement in the swamp.

Lin Feng saw this and commanded calmly.

"Yixue, you are responsible for tying the control vines to me and other girls; everyone else, line up one by one, I will send you over. "

Then what swamp giant, aren't you going to wait until the main force is halfway through before launching an attack?

Then I will go over one by one and see if you attack or not?

As long as the elves are safely sent to the other side, then I will have plenty of time to consume with the swamp monsters.

Yixue also did so, tying the vines around everyone's waists as a safety rope, so that they can be pulled back in case the bridge collapses halfway.

"Very good, let's go first!"

Lin Feng saw that he was ready, and stepped forward to hug Princess Yi Qing.

"Ah! Brother Ye Feng... what are you doing..."

Princess Yi Qing blushed and didn't dare to look at Lin Feng.

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