Han Dang is a first-class military general of the Heavenly Rank, and his martial arts are extremely superb. Not only is the magic of the iron spear dance in one hand, but the archery technique in the other hand is even more magical, and the internal qi of the fire attribute is extremely lethal. Among the many generals under Li Tianlong, only Cheng Pu can compete with him at the moment. However, Cheng Pu has the "Iron Spine Snake Spear", a divine blade, and has a great advantage in weapons, if the two are compared to Wulai, Cheng Pu's chances of winning will be a little greater.

Although Xiangyun City still has a Heavenly Rank Third Rank Yu Poison Taoist (Yu Poison was originally a Heavenly Rank First Grade, and he has been promoted to the Heavenly Rank Third Grade after two years of concentrating on practicing Taoism in Xiangyun City), but Yu Poison's Dao Method, "Poisonous Smoke Curse", "Fire Curse", "Poisonous Fire Curse", and his newly practiced "Poisonous Fire Hell" are all large-scale spells of the group attack type. In terms of solo combat, in addition to the fact that Yu Poison can take a shot with a "barbarian ghost guard", other solo attack methods are not enough in front of the heaven-level masters. If Yu Poison and Han Dang go head-to-head, most of the victories will be Han Dang.

But if Han Dang and Yu Poison are each given 10,000 soldiers to jump, then most of the victories will be Yu Poison. Now, the size of Yu Poison's "Poisonous Fire Daoist" army has reached 2,100 people, and each "Poisonous Fire Daoist" in addition to practicing "Poison Mantra" and "Fire Curse", all of them have practiced Yu Poison's unique self-defense technique "Barbarian Ghost Guard". The 2,100 "Poisonous Fire Daoists" combined can summon nearly 10,000 Hell Barbarian Ghosts in a very short period of time, and no matter how powerful Han Dang is, he can't resist it. In particular, Yu Poison's own "Barbarian Ghost Guard" has been promoted to the master level, not only the number of summoned Hell Barbarian Ghosts has become 8, but the strength level of the Barbarian Ghost Guard has also increased by one level, and each Barbarian Ghost Guard has the strength of a human-level general, which is very powerful.

Han Dang's various war skills are also very powerful and complete. Archer troop skills, cavalry skills, and the rarest naval skills. It can be said that it is a long-range attack and close combat, on land and water, and he is proficient in everything. In particular, the "rain of arrows" and "salvos" of archers, and the "rush" and "flying shots" of archers and rangers are very rare. If it weren't for the lack of naval generals under his command, Li Tianlong really wanted to put Han Dang on land and train himself a strong light cavalry that was not inferior to Gongsun Zhan's "White Horse Yicong". However, looking to the future, the development of the water army is crucial, which is not only related to the domestic hegemony, but more importantly related to the future war with players from other countries.

Superior in force, special troops, Han Dang does not lose to others. This is quite important. No matter how powerful the individual force is, but this is a game that emphasizes the strength of the army, and the generals who can transfer to train special branches of the military are the most popular. Han Dang can not only train the "Water Ghost Army", but also train the "Dare to Die Army". Historically, there were several armies in Soochow that were very powerful in combat, such as the Relief Battalion, the Dare to Die Battalion, the Troubleless Battalion, the Ma Xian Battalion, the Yulin Army, and the Tiger Shooter... Among them, the "Death Army" commanded by Han Dang is one of the best.

Although many generals have the habit of selecting some elite soldiers to form a death force to open up the war situation when the war is unfavorable, Han Dang's "death army" is not the same.

Dare to Die - a strong charge troop; the military general with this skill gives the army soldiers the "dare to die" skill, and the soldier can activate the skill independently in wartime, increasing the soldier's combat effectiveness by 50%~250%; the duration is 1 hour ~ 4 hours; the specific improvement effect depends on the general's ability and the army's morale, training, murderous spirit and other comprehensive strength; the skill cooldown time is 12 hours.

According to Han Dang, the standard for selecting soldiers for the "Death Army" is not high, and the infantry above level 60, cavalry (archers are not good), basically one of the two soldiers will be qualified; as long as you have enough high-level troops, plus enough training time, Han Dang can train and transfer it to become a "Dare to Die Army", and you can form a considerable scale of "Death Army". The improvement of the combat effectiveness of the "daring army" lies in the mastery of the "daring" skills of the soldiers in the army, which mainly depends on the training in peacetime and the accumulation of war.

As long as Han Dang's "Death Army" trains more, goes through a few more battles, and improves the "Dare to Die" skills, the "Death Army" will be able to exert its combat effectiveness at a super stable and high level.

Of course, according to Han Dang, it is also very difficult for soldiers to upgrade the "dare to die" skill to the highest level and exert the highest combat effectiveness. Not only do you have to go through a long period of training, but you also have to go through a lot of baptism of battles to become the most elite daredevil. The "Death Army" often fights at the forefront of the battle and in the most dangerous places, and the battle losses of the "Death Army" are also the highest among many arms. It is very difficult to form a strong "death army" of considerable scale.

After learning about the power of Han Dang's "Death Army", Li Tianlong was even more hesitant about whether to leave Han Dang in Qinhuangdao. Although talking about the future, the cultivation of the navy army needs Han Dang's talent very much. However, in the future domestic hegemony, the main force is still the land army, if Han Dang stays in Xiangyun City and all the high-level troops are transferred and trained to become a "daring army", then the strength of his army can increase several times invisibly.

Li Tianlong said what he meant, but he was still rejected by Han Dang. The transfer training of the "Death Army" requires a considerable period of combat training, and letting the ambitious Han Dang go to a full-time transfer "coach" in one place is obviously not in line with Han Dang's plan. Especially after listening to Li Tianlong's account of the spectacular prospects of naval warfare in the future, Han Dang had already made up his mind to dry up on the water and did not plan to return to land.

was resolutely resisted by Han Dang, and Li Tianlong had no choice, who told him to depict the scene of the future sea battle so beautifully. Li Tianlong had no choice but to maintain the original plan and let Han Dang stay in Qinhuangdao and preside over the construction of the navy. Because Zhang Shun thought that his talent was insufficient, he took the initiative to abdicate to make way for Xian, and was willing to retreat as his deputy, so Han Dang became the owner of Qinhuangdao and the commander of the Qinhuang Naval Army, and Dong Xin and Gan Ning Zhou Tai and Zhang Shun were deputies.

As for the training of the "Death Army", they could only transport a group of high-level troops from Xiangyun City to Qinhuangdao to train Han Dang. lost a good opportunity to increase his strength in vain, and Li Tianlong died of sadness. It's a pity that you can't have both. If Han Dang is on land, then it will be difficult for his water army to achieve great success, after all, Dong Xin's strength is still much worse than Han Dang. If we don't take advantage of the current time when the strength of the players' water army is not large, we will develop early and increase our advantages, and in the later stage, we will not be able to win those alliances by ourselves.

After solving the matter of Handang, Li Tianlong hurriedly handed over a set of construction drawings for the town, Zhongzhen, and Dazhen to Handang, upgrade, Qinhuang Town, and Qinhuangzhong Town. The population is ready-made, the original nearly 10,000 fishermen surnamed Lin have already joined Dong Xin's command, plus the farmers transported from Xiangyun City, as well as the sea refugees who are usually collected, the population of 20,000 in Zhongzhen is more than enough, and the corresponding number of shops, resources, and funds are enough on Qinhuangdao.

Qin Imperial City – Zhongzhen, subordinate to Xiangyun City, Minxin 81, Mayor Han Dang, Deputy Mayor Dong Xin, Deputy Mayor Zhang Shun, Gan Ning, Zhou Tai, etc., Population: 31,000, Troops: Warships, 1 Five-Story Ship, 2 Three-Story Ships, 2 Three-Story Fighting Ships, 2 2-Story Fighting Ships, 30 Ships, 100 Raiders, 200 Red Horse Boats, 100 Scouts, 500 Fishing Ships and Cargo Ships of Various Types, 6,500 Intermediate and Senior Oarsmen (Helmsmen, Giant Sailors), 5,000 Heavy Archers, 10,000 Longbowmen, 5,000 Crossbowmen, 10,000 Horse Bandits, 10,000 Pikemen, 10,000 Sword and Shield Soldiers, 10,000 Sword and Shield Soldiers, and 5,000 Water Ghost SoldiersVulture Knight 20 Advanced Shipyard: Can build (two-story ship), (three-story fighting ship), (two-story fighting ship), (two-story fighting ship), shipwreck, predator, red horse boat, scout, cargo ship, large fishing boat, small fishing boat...

The number of red horse boats and scout ships has increased dramatically, but it is not surprising that the shipbuilders of Qinhuangdao were able to build them themselves. However, the number of ships has also increased significantly, which makes Li Tianlong feel strange; in particular, the shipyard in Qinhuangdao has actually been upgraded to an advanced shipyard, Li Tianlong couldn't hold back the surprise in his heart, and asked Dong Xin to learn the reason.

Originally, among the shipbuilders who followed Dong Xin to Qinhuangdao from Fanyang Water Village, there were more than a dozen senior shipbuilders. It's just that because there are no blueprints for building high-level warships, these high-level shipbuilders can only build light warships such as the Red Horse Boat. However, just about half a year ago, Dong Xin led the fleet to train at sea and encountered a group of island robbers and fishermen.

The Qin Emperor's sailors, full of justice, easily cleaned up the pirates and obtained the island's lair from the mouths of the captives. Emperor Qin's sailors smashed Huanglong and took care of the pirates' nest. While cleaning up the loot, Dong Xin unexpectedly found the shipwreck, and ventured into the construction drawings of these two medium-sized warships. Overjoyed, Dong Xin immediately asked the shipbuilders in Qinhuangdao to build these two medium-sized warships according to the drawings. After the successful construction of the Shipwreck, the shipyard in Qinhuangdao was also upgraded from an intermediate shipyard to a high-level shipyard.

Coupled with the high-level shipyards built at the beginning, there are now two major shipyards in Qinhuangdao, and some follow-up ones are still growing. However, there are no large bed crossbows, and if they did, the lethality might be increased again.

Although there are no construction drawings of the bed crossbow, the big yellow crossbow in Xiangyun City can completely replace the small and medium-sized bed crossbow, and with a slight modification and a pedestal, it can be easily installed on the warship, which is very suitable for use on the warship.

Now, Qinhuangdao and Shuizhai Shipyard are able to build the Raider, as long as there are enough manpower, material resources, and financial resources, with the growth of time, the Raider will roll in. It seems that he has to let the second king of Xiangyun City, Yu Poison Sushuang and others arrange more manpower and material resources to invest in the shipyard; imagine that in the near future, he will lead thousands of warships, no, tens of thousands of warships across the ocean, fighting everywhere, and fighting with players from other countries on the endless ocean, how happy it is.

It's just that there are too few high-level shipbuilders, and the upgrade of the shipbuilders themselves is still a little slower. But this is the north, not as good as the south of the Yangtze River, and there are too few shipbuilders that can be found by the people, let alone senior shipbuilders. I'll have to figure out a way.

The troops on Qinhuangdao are still very insufficient, plus 5,000 water ghost soldiers, plus 6,500 oarsmen with low combat effectiveness, all the combat soldiers are only about 70,000 people. For Qinhuangdao, which covers an area of more than 150 square kilometers, it is not enough. Although there are no players or NPC armies nearby that can threaten the Qinhuang Water Army, the game is changing with each passing day, one day at a time, and it is not sure that the system will refresh several powerful islands one day, so you still have to be careful in everything, and send more troops to defend. Besides, you can't waste Han Dang's talent as a "daredevil".

Just when Li Tianlong, Han Dang, and Dong Xin were discussing how many troops to send to Qinhuangdao as the most appropriate, as well as the composition of the troops, a herald ran into the meeting hall panting.

"Report to the city lord, the fishermen's fleet has been attacked, our fishermen's fleet has been attacked. "A fleet of Qinhuangdao fishermen who went out to sea to fish inadvertently caught a huge night pearl from the bottom of the sea, and the elated fishermen celebrated it in a big way, but they didn't want to be noticed by the Inhuman players next to them. The Inhuman players, who were interested in making money, immediately launched a sneak attack on the fishermen, and as a result, a large number of fishermen were killed and the Night Pearl was taken away. Only one of the fast fishermen who saw the opportunity on the periphery saw that the situation was not good, and fled early and reported their own sailors.

"That makes sense, these guys are so hateful. Li

Tianlong, Han Dang, Dong Xin, Zhang Shun Ganning and others were all furious. On the surface of the Bohai Sea, there is no water force that surpasses us, and there are actually Inhuman players who grab our fleet. You have to teach them a good lesson.

According to reports from fishermen who escaped, the Inhuman player who snatched the Night Pearl and killed the fisherman was an Inhuman player from Dangji Island. Located about 1,500 nautical miles from Qinhuangdao, Tonji Island is the place where the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea are connected, the Bohai Strait. At the current speed of warships, even if they sailed day and night, it would take two days to reach them.

Han Dang immediately went to arrange the fleet to go on the expedition, Dong Xin originally wanted to go, but Qinhuangdao had to leave a guard, so he stayed. This is also consistent with the previous discussion between Li Tianlong and the others, Han Dang is mainly responsible for the construction of the Qinhuangdao army, and Dong Xin is mainly responsible for the construction of Qinhuangdao and assists Han Dang.

Han Dang's action was very fast, but in just a few hours, the fleet, food, fresh water, arrows, and soldiers had already been arranged. In order to ensure absolute combat effectiveness, even the "Yishui" building ship was also on the list, and now it has been renamed the "Qinhuang." Although the "easy water" building ship, this kind of super large building ship warship is not suitable for the sea surface of the wind and waves, but the Bohai Sea belongs to the inland sea, the sea wind and waves are stable, after the shipwrights after a wave resistance, the "Qinhuang" building ship can also smoothly sail on the Bohai Sea.

Expedition ships: 1 five-story ship, 1 three-story ship, 1 3-story fighting ship, 2 second-story fighting ships, 10 ships, 50 raiders, 100 red horse boats, 100 troop carriers of various types, and troops: In addition to the self-allocated troops of each warship, 5,000 horse bandits, 5,000 heavy archers, and 10,000 sword and shield soldiers (ready for land battle).

More than two hundred warships, a mighty line, raised huge white sails, and sailed towards the east of Dangji Island. Hundreds of large and small bamboo canvas sails swelled with the wind, bringing great power to the warship. Li Tianlong led the three Great Vulture Knights to Dangji Island first to conduct reconnaissance before the battle. Soldiers and horses were dispatched, and reconnaissance and cavalry went first.

Li Tianlong and the Great Vulture Knight flew all the way, resting on a lonely island in the sea for one night on the way, and the next day, they flew over Dangji Island. I don't know, seeing thousands of ships coming and going on the sea, Li Tianlong was startled. After taking a closer look, he found that most of the ships were below the level of red horse boats, and most of the ships were converted from large fishing boats and cargo ships.

Let the Great Vulture Knights stay in the air, and Li Tianlong found a hidden woods and landed on Dangji Island. Talk to players and NPCs on the island and find out a lot of information.

There are many large and small islands in the Bohai Strait, among which Beihuangcheng Island, Daqin Island, Dangji Island, Gaoshan Island, Daheishan Island, Beichangshan Island and Nanchangshan Island are the most famous, each covering an area of more than 100 square kilometers, and the largest one is about 200 square kilometers. It is where the Bohai Sea meets the Yellow Sea, and it is very close to North Korea, South Korea, Japan and other countries. It was an absolute strategic location for the future naval battle in the north.

In order to seize the forward strongholds of naval warfare with foreign forces in the future, many player forces in Qingzhou and Liaodong County in Youzhou came to various parts of the Bohai Strait early, built cities, built docks, and built shipyards. After two years of development, this area has developed very lively. The islands, which were originally deserted, are bustling every day. Driving a warship to train the navy to fight, fishing, coral picking, pearl picking, and many casual players go out to sea to fish...

However, due to strength, except for a few powerful or lucky player forces with a very small number of Ships, the rest are low-level warships, or various fishing boats, cargo ships, ferries, etc.

Although Li Tianlong and the others also began to sweep Liaodong Bay and Bohai Bay, but this place has just begun, and they haven't had time to do it yet, so they happened to do it together. Otherwise, it would not be good for those players to jam Li Tianlong's neck at that time.

The player force that now occupies Dangji Island is a guild called the "Whale Gang", don't look at the name is cheesy, but the strength is not low. It is said that there are as many as 100,000 players in the Giant Whale Gang, and there are no less than 10,000 ships of various types (Li Tianlong secretly thought, it can't even include small fishing boats); and I heard that the Giant Whale Gang also has the only three-story ship warship among the many water forces in the Bohai Strait, and the combat effectiveness of the fleet is definitely the top three in the entire Bohai Strait. On Dangji Island, the Giant Whale Gang has already built a tall city with heavy garrisons.

The night pearl picked by the fishermen of Qinhuangdao was indeed snatched by the players of the Giant Whale Gang, and this matter was spread one after another, and the players on the island knew it. Players are very envious of that "lucky" guy, and now, there are many people who drive small fishing boats and jump into the sea to touch shells. A night pearl is worth at least tens of thousands, which is millions of real currency. If you come across a high-quality one, it is not uncommon to sell it for hundreds of thousands. According to the fishermen who fled back to Qinhuangdao, the night pearl they caught was a top-grade night pearl the size of a cat's eye, and it was no wonder that those players were willing to snatch it.

However, people die for money, birds die for food, and those who rob our fishermen of the night pearl and kill our fishermen must not be let go lightly. Otherwise, how can we explain to our subordinates.

Although there are many ships of the Giant Whale Gang, there are only about a hundred warships of the Assault class, less than ten, and there is not a single fighting ship, and a large number of warships are converted from various types of fishing boats, and their combat effectiveness is very limited. The only one with strong combat power is a three-story ship.

The fleet brought by Han Dang, although it is outrageous, the number of red horse boats is much less than that of the enemy, but there are heavy warships such as five-story ships, three-story ships, three-story fighting ships, and two-story fighting ships. If the Giant Whale Gang knows each other, he will obediently hand over the Night Pearl at that time, and apologize to our fishermen and pay compensation, otherwise, some of him will feel better. Even if he can't kill the island, but his fleet, then I'm sorry.

After waiting for a day, the sailors led by Han Dang finally arrived in the waters near Dangji Island. After resting, the sailors beat the drums of war, upgraded the giant sails, and drove towards the pier of Tonji Island. The huge battleship attracted the constant sideways attention of players on the nearby sea.

"Brother, it seems that he is looking for trouble with the Giant Whale Gang, let's go over and have a look.

"Okay. Go, go. You might even be able to pick up a piece or two. Soon

, the group of battleships was followed by thousands of ships of all types. The players of the Giant Whale Gang, who saw that the signs were wrong, had already rowed their boats and quickly retreated to Dangji Island to repay the gangsters.

After a while, on Dangji Island, the bigwigs of the Giant Whale Gang knew that there was a huge fleet of building ships and fighting ships beating war drums towards Dangji Island, which was not good.

"Quickly, let the brethren assemble urgently, start the Great Whale, and all the fleets go out to sea to meet the enemy. The

bell rang out on Dangji Island, and the Whale Gang players moved very quickly. An hour later, a fleet of 1,000 ships gathered from all over the sea and formed a huge formation in front of the Qin Emperor's sailors. Led by the three-story ship of the Giant Whale Gang.

Li Tianlong was not verbose, and directly ordered the soldiers on the warship to shout loudly: "Hand over the murderer, hand over the night pearl... Hand over the murderer, hand over the pearl of the night... The

shouts immediately let the players of the Giant Whale Gang and the players watching the excitement know the intention of the Qin Emperor Water Master.

"Didn't I hear that the Night Pearl belonged to the NPC fishermen who robbed them, why did such a super fierce fleet come out to trouble them now?"

"What's so strange about this, the fishermen are so powerful. In these years, it depends on the owner to beat the dog. What's more, he robbed other people's night pearls and killed other fishermen, so it's no wonder that the boss of the people is not angry. But it's strange, where is there such a big fleet around here?"

"It seems that in addition to the Liaodong Navy in the Bohai Sea, there is only the Fan Yang Navy Division that defected before, but the leader of that fleet is not the wanted criminal named Dong Xin, why is the flag hanging on this fleet in Korean characters, this surname is Han, I really don't know." "

Haha, they don't know that those Liaodong sailors are Li Tianlong's subordinates.

While the players were speculating, the bosses of the Whale Gang also knew the intention of attacking the fleet. Grandma's, how did you kill a few NPC fishermen and cause such a big disaster. Several bigwigs looked at each other, crying and laughing. It was one of the bigwigs' henchmen who captured the pearl of the night. Although a night pearl, these bigwigs don't look at it, but if they hand it over like this, it is not an insult to the prestige of the Giant Whale Gang, in that way, how can the Giant Whale Gang have a foothold in the Bohai Strait.

"Why do these people say that the Night Pearl is theirs, I will go up and talk to them first. The boss who maintained his subordinates said.

"Also, we have thousands of warships, and many brothers are coming, so we can't lose face at home. A big guy said.

Several people discussed and decided to die and not admit it. Anyway, when their men killed, there were no players from other gangs present to take pictures, and there was no conclusive evidence that they killed someone, so they couldn't help it.

“。。。 The pearl of the night was bought by our brother from a fisherman, and he never killed anyone... Hearing

the shouts of the Giant Whale Gang players made Han Dang and Li Tianlong very angry.

"My lord, what should we do? Let's let the fishermen confront them personally.

"It's useless, these guys are very hard-mouthed, and they will never admit it. Go to war directly, teach them a good lesson. Li Tianlong said.

"Lord, leave it to me.

"The drums of war are beating, all of them are there, ready to charge. Han Dang yelled.

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