Li Tianlong, who knew the player's temperament well, had long known that it was impossible for the players of the Giant Whale Gang to easily hand over the Night Pearl and the murderer. If you don't see the coffin, you don't cry, and when you see the coffin, you don't necessarily cry, this is the consistent style of players. It is impossible for a big guild like the Giant Whale Gang to simply succumb, otherwise how will they gain a foothold in the future. Therefore, Li Tianlong has long been prepared to fight a big battle, anyway, his naval army is strong, and he also needs to make a name for himself in this sea area, kill chickens and make an example of monkeys, so that these guys will not dare to harass the fishermen of Qinhuangdao to fish and collect pearls in the future.

"The Qinhuang is the vanguard, the No. 1 building ship is the left wing, the No. 1 fighting ship is the right wing, the No. 3 and No. 4 fighting ships are behind the guard, and the ship is in the center. Assault of the whole army.

"Wind Ship"

Han Dang gave an order, and the flag bearer next to him immediately sounded the flag, and for a while, the war drums and horns sounded in unison, and all the warships of the Qin Emperor Naval Division quickly charged towards the warships of the Giant Whale Gang in front of them in the sound of war drums. The 100 troop carriers that accompanied the army did not come, but remained on the sea dozens of miles away, but the 5,000 horse bandits and 5,000 heavy archers on board were all distributed to each warship to strengthen the firepower of the warships.

"Crossbowmen, rain of arrows attack, target, enemy ship. "

The Giant Whale Gang's building ship is at the forefront of their fleet, quite close to the Qin Emperor's fleet. The Qin Emperor's fleet launched an assault, and under the acceleration of Han Dang's "Wind Ship", it immediately narrowed the distance between the two sides to the range of heavy archers and crossbowmen.

In an instant, nearly 10,000 iron arrows flew towards the Giant Whale Gang Building. Among them, there are thousands of powerful thin crossbow guns fired by large rhubarb crossbows.

Unexpectedly, this fleet of unknown origin actually attacked suddenly, and the bigwigs of the Giant Whale Gang, who were about to spend saliva to explain "reason" to the other party, suddenly found that the direction of the attack of the other fleet was the "Giant Whale" warship where they were. Seeing that the other party's tall and mighty five-story ship like a god of war, as well as a three-story ship and a three-story fighting ship, all rushed towards him, and all the bigwigs opened their mouths in panic.

"Turn the rudder, turn the rudder, avoid the enemy ship. The

Whale Gang bosses shouted loudly, and immediately dismounted the oarmen and hurriedly rowed, and the helmsman changed the direction of progress. A three-story ship can't resist a five-story ship plus a three-story ship and a three-story fighting ship in any case. You only have such a heavy warship, which took a lot of money and hard work to get it, and it is the treasure of the Giant Whale Gang, but don't be killed by the other party all at once. At this time, you can only set sail quickly to avoid the impact of the other party. Why did you drive the "Giant Whale" so far forward before, and the bigwigs were so annoyed.

The bigwigs planned well, the flagship avoided the onslaught of the other side, and then commanded thousands of small warships of all kinds to launch a siege. But the sailors on the Giant Whale were not comparable to the sailors of the Qin Emperor's fleet. The oarsmen, helmsmen, and sailors of the Qin Emperor's fleet were all sailors of the original Fan Yang sailors, not to mention the highest level, but all of them were at least senior sailors above level 60, and there were even many elite sailors above level 80;

The oarsman barracks are rare, and the Whale Gang is still a mid-level oarsman barracks that they seized from the pirates a month ago, and can only produce intermediate-level oarmen. The normal requirements for a three-story ship like the Giant Whale are 300 high-level oarsmen, 30 giant sailors, and 15 senior helmsmen; all the mid-level sailors used by the Giant Whale Gang are intermediate, although the number of sailors has been increased so that the warship can be driven, but it is too difficult to move quickly and change direction to escape from the impact of the other party.

Nearly 10,000 iron arrows descended on the deck of the Whale like a fast-flying dark cloud in the blink of an eye. At this time, the Giant Whale had just started.

"Ahh A

scream rang out, and eighty percent of the soldiers on the deck of the Whale fell under the rain of arrows, and even the bosses of the Whale Gang hung two. Although there was a shield to protect them, but they were specially ordered by Li Tianlong, these people were all taken care of by the rhubarb crossbow, and the powerful crossbow easily pierced the big shield, and then pierced them fiercely.

The "Rain of Arrows"

Qin Emperor fleet attacked while advancing, shooting a large number of enemies on the oncoming Giant Whale, including several ships next to the Giant Whale.

"Dong Fang, command the battle. I led people to completely wipe out the command personnel on the enemy's ship. Han Dang said. You can't stop eating the fat meat in your mouth, and Han Dang still wants to snatch this building ship and take it for himself. At present, the Qinhuang Navy is not able to build a building ship fighting ship, and this kind of large warship is very needed.

Dong Zhi, the son of Dong Xin, is a 60-level military general, and is very good at commanding naval battles.

At this time, the Qinhuang had already sailed into the front of the Giant Whale Gang Building, and Han immediately toed a little on the ship's strings, holding iron armor and an iron gun, as if a god had descended, jumping directly from the top of the Qinhuang Ship and rushing straight to the Giant Whale Gang Building. He was followed by two hundred of Han Dang's cronies, all of whom jumped off the top of the ship and pounced on the enemy's ship. These people are all elite soldiers who have experienced a hundred battles, and they have been fighting with Han Dang all the year round.

"Go ahead, make a direct ram with the enemy's small ships, and not entangle with the enemy.

"Crossbowmen shoot, heavy archers use rockets, shoot enemy sails. "

Breaking the waves"


The Qin Huang did not pause in the slightest, but slowed down slightly when it sailed near the enemy's building ship, allowing Han Dang to jump into the enemy's building ship with his men and horses. As soon as Han Dang and the others jumped away from the warship, the Qin Huang immediately continued to move forward at full speed.

After all, there are far more enemies than we are, and if we stay in one place, surrounded by enemy fleets, and engage in a series of battles, it will not necessarily be pleased.

"Boom", "boom", "boom"...

The Qinhuang is really invincible; any fishing boats, scouts, boats, red horse boats, and sudden attacks, but whenever they are hit by the Qinhuang, they all immediately capsize and sink into the sea. The stout bow of the five-story ship, even if it is not the kind of sharp bow specially built for "ramming tactics", but the weight of the warship itself, plus the full force of 500 high-level oarsmen, and the strength of 10 huge sails, these light warships can not be stopped.

Ten huge slapsticks, left and right bows, small ships were all shattered when they were hit.

The Qin Emperor fleet used the five-story ship of the Qin Emperor as an arrow, like a sharp knife, and continued to rush and kill in the heart of the giant whale fleet.

The players of the Whale Gang want to jump on the ship with their people, but they are not Han Dang. Han Dang, as a first-class military general of the Heavenly Rank, either jumped from the bottom of a five-story boat, or jumped from a small fishing boat to the top of a five-story building, it was a breeze.

Gang-hopping warfare, as the name suggests, is to jump from one's own warship to someone's warship with people and horses, and start a close-range knife and gun battle. But how to get to someone else's warship, that's the problem. There are only a few heaven-level generals like Han Dang in the whole world, and there are only a limited number of human-level generals and earth-level generals who can fly and leap, and it is difficult to solve the problem if one or two generals jump over (unless the strength of the generals is far superior to that of the other party).

If your ship is taller than the enemy's, it is relatively simple, and it is easy for a trained soldier to jump directly close to the enemy's ship and jump down from a height. It is not too difficult to deal with one's own ships if they are about the same height as other people's ships, which are usually equipped with a springboard several feet long, and when approaching an enemy ship, put down the springboard and people can run directly from the gangplank to the enemy's ship. Or use the hook repulsor (a special large iron hook) to hook the enemy ship firmly with your own warship, and then climb on the enemy ship to fight steadily.

But if your own ship is shorter than the enemy's ship, especially if the height difference is relatively large, and the other giant ship does not want to engage in a gang fight with you at all (people shoot arrows, set fires, and hit the ship are delicious, why fight with you), they are always moving, and under the fierce arrow rain sniper of the opponent's big ship, it will be difficult to climb into the other person's ship.

There is no way to jump the gang for a while, unless you can surround the opponent's large ship and stand still, you can climb up through the zipline. But the other party was very slippery, and the huge five-story ship was like a yacht, leading a large number of warships to advance like loaches in their own ship formation, but there was no way to surround it.

The players of the Whale Gang had to desperately order their subordinates to shoot arrows at the enemy, but this one raised his head and shot up, and the command was chaotic, and the other was condescending, the command was orderly, and the archer level was very high, and the effect of both sides could be imagined.

"My lord, several ships in the rear have been stopped by the enemy. "The players of the Whale Gang are very ferocious, and several ships have been intercepted by them, blocking the way forward.

"Orders all ships to move on, not to stop, not to return to the rescue. Dong Zhi, who was staring ahead and looking for the direction of the gap in the enemy's fleet, said categorically. It's not that he doesn't want to save it, but the enemy's forces are too many, and once he returns to the rescue, it is very likely that he will be successfully surrounded by the enemy, and then start a battle that is extremely unfavorable to our side.

However, it was said that the fleet, under the command of Dong Zhi, rushed left and right in the fleet of the Giant Whale Gang, setting off bursts of bloody rain and stormy waves. And Han Dang, who jumped on the giant whale gang building boat, and his two hundred elite personal soldiers, also quickly wiped out all the enemies on the building boat like the autumn wind sweeping away the leaves, except for those oarmen. The combat strength of the Giant Whale was originally in the rain of arrows, and most of them were lost, and the remaining hundred or so remnants were completely unstoppable in the face of a heaven-level military general like Han Dang, and a tiger and wolf soldier with a level of 200 and more than 80.

Under the threat of the soldiers, the surviving oarsmen rowed the long oars with trepidation, and slowly rowed the boat. Although many giant whale gang players led their troops to climb upstairs and ships, in the face of Han Dang and his own soldiers, they all turned into ghosts under the iron spear.

Seeing that the flagship of the master has been occupied by the enemy, the players of the Giant Whale Gang are even more furious, and their heads are full of smoke. This battle was really a wreck. Although their own forces are several times that of the opponent, they are helpless in the face of the enemy's huge warships.

"All my brothers who know how to dive went into the water and chiseled all the enemy ships for me. The whale gang player shouted. The sound of "plop" and "plop" kept coming, and the giant whale players who knew diving skills jumped into the bottom of the sea one after another, swimming towards the fighting ship of the Qin Emperor Sailor.

The generals of the Qin Emperor's naval army, who closely observed the enemy's movements, also discovered the enemy's movements.

"Zhang Shun, all the White Strip Army and the Water Ghost Army are all in the water. Kill underwater enemies and then attack the enemy fleet. Li Tianlong shouted loudly.

"Yes, my lord. Under

the command of Dong Xin, the "White Stripe Army" and the "Water Ghost Army" were trained. Now, the Qin Emperor Water Division already has 2,000 "White Strip Army" and 5,000 "Water Ghost Army". On this expedition, all the "White Stripe Army" and "Water Ghost Army" were all listed.

The "White Stripe Army" and "Water Ghost Army" are all special types of troops in the water army, and generals with relevant skills are required to be able to train and change jobs. Especially the "White Stripe Army", the water ghost of the water ghosts, the underwater combat effectiveness is very amazing, each white stripe army soldier has the top diving skills "white stripe", and the worst strength can also be hidden underwater for half an hour; compared to the ordinary diving skills practiced by ordinary players themselves, it is several times smarter.

Zhang Shun, who received the order, immediately jumped into the sea with 2,000 "White Strip Army" and 5,000 "Water Ghost Army", guarding the underwater surroundings of the Qin Emperor's fleet, and fighting with the attacking giant whale gang diving players.

Although the number of players in the Giant Whale Gang who can dive is relatively large, this underwater battle is not only about diving skills. Wielding a sword underwater is very different from that on land, and you have to practice specialized underwater combat skills. Underwater combat skills are much more difficult than various combat skills on land, and it takes a long time to conduct specialized training before you can master underwater combat skills.

In general, only NPC soldiers will be able to endure such long and boring underwater combat training. Players, very few people will put a lot of effort into learning to improve their underwater combat skills. Players who are committed to the development of the navy have spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources on the construction of warships, and everyone can only hope that when they will be lucky enough to subdue a naval army NPC general (I haven't heard of any players mastering special troop training skills). The Whale Gang players are no exception. Moreover, there are no generals in the Whale Gang who can train the skills of the "Water Ghost Army".

The result of the battle was obvious, the Giant Whale Gang players who lacked underwater combat skills were directly weakened to less than 10% of their combat power under the sea, and as soon as they approached the Qin Emperor fleet, they were killed by the "Water Ghost Army" and "White Strip Army" led by Zhang Lang. The sea was flushed with a burst of blood red, and from time to time the corpses of players or NPCs surfaced.

The "Qinhuang" still leads the Qinhuang fleet to constantly cut through thorns and thorns, brave the wind and waves, and advance bravely. The huge slap rod and powerful crossbow constantly launched fierce attacks on the enemy warships that were close to them, and they were really invincible and invincible. The combat effectiveness of the five-story ship, under the command of Dong Zhi, was brought into full play.

After a while, most of the Whale Gang players who went into the water were wiped out. The combat effectiveness of the two sides is not at the same level at all, one is a well-trained and well-equipped NPC special unit that is "born" specifically for underwater combat, and the other is a "little child" who can only dive and catch pearls and does not know underwater combat at all. Most of the Whale Gang players have had many experiences in going to the sea to collect pearls, but most of them are fighting underwater for the first time. The "White Stripe Army" and "Water Ghost Army" are equipped with short knives, fish daggers, water splitters, double-strand forks, etc., which are specially used for underwater combat, while most of the players of the Giant Whale Gang still carry swords, which is extremely unprofessional.

Seeing the people in front of them enter the water, it only took a moment to emerge to the surface of the sea, and it became the experience of the enemy. The enemy's underwater combat class is so powerful, and the Giant Whale Gang players behind know that the operation of "scuttling the boat" has failed, and it is better to shoot arrows on the ship to make the players go to the sea to fight, just to die in vain.

The whales helped the players stop "jumping into the sea", and the players who had already gone to the sea quickly swam back to their own boats. However, in the time of two teas, tens of thousands of giant whale gang divers have been wiped out and turned into food for fish in the sea.

Leaving a part of the "White Stripe Army" and "Water Ghost Army" at the bottom of the sea to continue to protect the warship, Zhang Lang led a large number of soldiers to follow behind the fleeing enemy and dived towards the Giant Whale Gang warship.

The current warships are all made of wood, and the bottom of the ship is only one or two inches of plank, and the defense ability is really poor, and a sharp chisel can make a big hole in the bottom of the ship with a dozen strokes. A single knife infused with internal qi to a general like Zhang Lang can cause irreparable damage to the bottom of a light warship.

"The cabin is flooded, Captain. "

Brother, the ship is sinking".


A large number of warships of the Giant Whale Gang were scuttled through the bottom of the ship from the bottom of the sea by the "White Stripe Army" and "Water Ghost Army" of the Qin Emperor Naval Division, and the underwater battle could not fight anyone, so the players of the Giant Whale Gang only stopped the ships and nailed the thick wooden planks to the holes, in order to block the continuous flow of sea water into the cabin. In this way, Dong Zhi on the "Qinhuang" was even more handy in commanding, slapping sticks, crossbow guns, and rockets to destroy one giant whale gang warship after another.

The Whale Gang players really want to cry without tears, whether it is on the sea or under the water, their own side is a one-sided situation, and there is no possibility of reversing the situation at all. Where the hell did this killing god come from, isn't it just a night pearl?

Although the ships of the Whale Gang are constantly returning from elsewhere to join the battlefield. However, the difference in combat effectiveness has made the Giant Whale Gang useless. Unless they are conjuring up a few building ships or a few heaven-level generals, it is impossible to achieve victory.

"Withdraw and go, withdraw to the ship port. "

At the moment, there is no hope of victory, and if we stay, we can only lose more ships and troops. Unable to resist the killing of the Qin Emperor's naval army, several ships of the Giant Whale Gang took the lead in turning around and fleeing towards their own ship harbor on Dangji Island. When you get to the shore, there are a large number of arrow towers, crossbowmen, and a certain number of bed crossbows to defend, then it is safe.

After pursuing for a while, destroying hundreds of giant whale gang warships, and chasing them all the way to the enemy's arrow tower range limit at the dock of Dangji Island, Li Tianlong stopped the offensive and returned to the sea with the fleet to clean up the battlefield. A large number of corpses, ship wrecks floating at sea, there must be a lot of valuable things to search. Those players who are watching the excitement have already gone to grab the fruits of our victory, so we have to drive them away quickly. We worked so hard to get them, but we can't cheapen them.

According to the statistics of the battle results, one of the enemy's three-story ships was captured, with more than 400,000 yuan of coins (most of them were exploded by a few bigwigs on the giant whale gang ship, and these guys were too careless and did not put the money on the island before the battle); they destroyed thousands of enemy ships and killed hundreds of thousands of enemies. The side lost 61 Red Horse boats, 24 ships, 5 ships, and more than 5,000 soldiers.

"Here, cheers to our big win today. "


"Let's continue tomorrow, we have to let these guys return our Night Pearl and compensate us for our losses.

"My lord, what kind of losses do you compensate?"

"We have killed so many soldiers, destroyed so many warships, and consumed so many arrows, this is all money, how can we do it if we don't pay compensation."

"So, is this okay

?" "Hehe, if it weren't for the fact that they robbed us of the pearl of the night and killed our fishermen, and we came back here, would our soldiers have died?"

The next day, Han Dang commanded the Qin Emperor's fleet to block the exit of the ship port on Dangji Island, and tens of thousands of soldiers shouted in unison: "Return me the night pearl, return my night pearl." "The momentum is earth-shattering, and it has the posture of an interstellar miner collecting debts.

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